1057. Jay Johnson Is No Dummy, Nor Is His Wooden American

Published: March 6, 2020, 6:21 a.m.

SOAPs Ventriloquist Jay Johnson is on Animal RadioHe's No Dummy
Ventriloquist Jay Johnson (SOAP) brings his witty banter to the show this week to talk about his connection with his dog and his involvement with Actors and Others for Animals.
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Living Rent Free
Emma Higgins hasn't paid rent in three years. To boot, she's been traveling throughout Europe. How does she pull this off? She's a live-in pet sitter. She takes care of animals and house sits for extended periods all over the world. She has tips to help you give up your 9 to 5 and start traveling rent-free.
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Touchscreen Tablets For Dogs
Researchers at the FIDO project at Georgia Tech are working on a touch screen tablet that is made just for dogs! The tablet literally enables a dog to make calls and send texts. However, the technology is not to entertain your furry best friend while you are at the office, it's designed for service dogs to give them new ways of communicating vital information when their handler is in danger.
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World's Ugliest Dog Not a Chinese Crested
A 125-pound Neapolitan Mastiff named Martha has been crowned the "World's Ugliest Dog" at a Fair in California. Sort of silly because Martha is the cutest big girl with her big old floppy head and skin. Her sleepy eyes also helped her stand out from the pack of 13 other interesting looking dogs at the 29th annual World's Ugliest Dog competition in Petaluma. For representing the perfect "cute-ugly mix" 3-year-old Martha was awarded $1,500 prize, a trip to New York and a trophy.
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