Confederate Monuments and The Lost Cause

Published: April 6, 2020, 7:05 a.m.

b"Since the tragedies of the Unite the Right Rally in Charlottesville and the Charleston Church shooting that killed nine black members, the display of monuments and flags representing the fallen Confederacy have been hotly debated. Are they racist symbols of hate or are they symbols of an unshakable Southern pride? Arguing that the American Civil War was fought over states' rights instead of the preservation of slavery, this alternative narrative called The Lost Cause is still taught in the majority of high school classes today. On this episode, we will explore the true reasons for the Civil War in the words of confederate leaders as well as the words of Union president Abraham Lincoln, words which demonstrate that this heroes-versus-villains story isn\\u2019t as simple as it seems. We will also trace these monuments and symbols back to the movements for Civil Rights, when most of them were actually constructed, during the second rise of the KKK in the 1920s and the battles over segregation in the 1950s and 60s. We\\u2019ll ask the question, does the veneration of the Confederacy really represent Southern pride, or does it degrade it? And more importantly, is the story we tell worth the cost?\\n\\nAmerican Hysteria is written, produced, and hosted by Chelsey Weber-Smith\\nProduced and edited by Clear Commo Studios\\nCo-written by Riley Smith\\nCo-produced by Miranda Zickler\\n\\nBecome a Patron for extra episodes, interviews, and videos monthly!\\nFollow American Hysteria on social media:\\nTwitter: @AmerHysteria\\nInstagram: @AmericanHysteriaPodcast\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit"