AT#289 - Travel to Nigeria

Published: July 16, 2011, 6:40 p.m.

b'The Amateur Traveler talks to David from London about his home country of Nigeria. David recommends, against the advice of others, that people who visit Nigeria visit the largest city which is Lagos. Lagos is the second most populous city in Africa after Cairo.\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0 David says \\u201cit\\u2019s chaotic, it\\u2019s crazy, it\\u2019s exuberant, it\\u2019s everything turned up to eleven, it\\u2019s the maddest place I\\u2019ve been. That is why you should go there. You\\u2019re not going to get a relaxing holiday going to Lagos. But if you want to see human life at the extreme, and I don\\u2019t mean extreme in a bad way, but just millions of people in a small place, everyone full of life, everyone exuberant, everyone seemingly happy, Lagos is the place to go\\u201d.\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'