Episode 1379: Bible Prophecy Update, Youll Never Steal My Pre-Tribulation Rapture Hope - Sunday, July 21st, 2024

Published: July 21, 2024, 8:59 p.m.


Pastor JD explains why the closer we get to the pre-tribulation rapture, the more the attacks will come to steal our hope in the sound doctrine of pre-tribulation rapture. This update will only be shown in its uncensored entirety at https://www.jdfarag.org/.

"LIVE STREAMING ALERT: Pastor JD\'s COMPLETE Bible Prophecy Update Videos will only be available at https://www.jdfarag.org/. We will continue live-streaming the first part of the Prophecy Update on YouTube then the live-stream will end, and Pastor JD will continue the live-stream with the conclusion of the update at https://www.jdfarag.org/. The best and easiest way to watch the complete updates will be to watch them in their entirety from the start of the live stream at https://www.jdfarag.org/. Please set your reminders, bookmark our website page, or fan us on Facebook when we are about to go live."\\xa0

Prophecy Update Links\\xa0
All referenced links are at http://jdfarag.org

Social Media
Prophecy Website: http://jdfarag.org
Mobile/TV Apps: https://subsplash.com/calvarychapelkaneohe/app
Church Website: http://www.calvarychapelkaneohe.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JDFarag/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JDFarag/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/JDFarag/
