Most Bizarre UFO And Alien Encounters | Ep5

Published: Jan. 31, 2022, 12:18 p.m.

b'Controversial UFO And Alien Encounters! This week I am talking to Marcus Lowth about his book \'From Deep Within The Archives Of UFO Insight: History\\u2019s Most Bizarre, Outlandish, And Controversial UFO And Alien Encounters!\'.

During their years of extensive research into UFO and extraterrestrial encounters, UFO Insight has compiled a huge archive of bizarre, intriguing, and sometimes chilling encounters from across the vast reaches of the Internet or hidden away in documents, newspaper clippings, or hard-to-find books.

This book brings together some of the strangest and most mysterious of such encounters, all in one place, to be used as a reference for researchers and enthusiasts of all things strange alike. The fact is the study of UFOs, what they might be, and who is behind them, is a true rabbit warren that takes you to places even the most open-minded person would struggle to imagine. And once we start to examine these seemingly bizarre and random incidents, we start to see intriguing connections that cannot be explained as coincidence.

Why, for example, do so many witnesses to these bizarre crafts speak of the same details, such as \\u201cno-source lighting\\u201d \\u2013 an apparent way of illuminating an entire room with a definite source such as a light bulb or a flame? And why do those who claim to have communicated with these strange entities often speak of the same dire warnings of the fate of humanity if it doesn\\u2019t change its collective ways? And what should we make of the conspiracies that intertwine throughout such accounts \\u2013 those of cover-ups, altering of evidence, and suppression of truth?

In From Deep Within The UFO Insight Archives, we explore these questions and speculate what they might mean for our collective reality. Indeed, understanding the UFO and alien question will most likely lead us to an overall greater understanding of our reality and what it means to be human in that reality.

Within these pages, we will look at some of the most intriguing and bizarre UFO and Alien encounters on record \\u2013 such incidents as the Leads Mask Case that would result in the discovery of two young men at the same location as multiple witnesses saw a UFO in Brazil. Or the many claims of underground, and underwater, alien bases \\u2013 just what is going on in these secretive and seemingly ancient facilities?

And what about the many claims of alien abduction that hint at not only repeat abductions for the abductee but abductions that span entire generations. Or perhaps we will find answers in the claims of human-alien hybridization \\u2013 a bizarre claim no doubt, but one that is made by several respected, and serious-minded UFO researchers. In short, this book pulls all of those bizarre encounters and controversial theories together in order that we can not only understand the UFO and alien question but the age-old question of why we are here in the first place.


Marcus Lowth is a writer and researcher who has extensively researched multiple areas of the paranormal, strange locations, unsolved mysteries, UFOs and aliens, legends and folklore, conspiracy claims, and much more for over 20 years.

Since 2015, he has used this research to write extensively about these subjects professionally in the form of hundreds of articles across multiple platforms, most predominantly, UFO Insight, Listverse, and Me Time For The Mind, as well as contributing regularly to UFO Truth Magazine.

He has also released two books released on Kindle and Paperback \\u2013 From Deep Within The Archives Of UFO Insight: Histories Most Bizarre, Outlandish, And Controversial UFO And Alien Encounters. View his Amazon Author page here.

Marcus has appeared on several podcasts \\u2013 including Troubled Minds, Unexplained Radio, Passion for the Paranormal, and Behind The Paranormal with Paul & Ben Eno \\u2013 discussing such subjects as UFO sightings, ancient civilizations, and mysteries, and even the topic of organ donors taking on the traits of their donors at length.

He continues to research all aspects of the strange and bizarre, leading to such questions as to why UFO sightings often occur in the same regions and at the same time as Bigfoot encounters? Why are many aspects of apparent alien abductions very similar to those you might find in claims of hauntings and ghostly activity? Why do seemingly unconnected fields of interest cross over into others the deeper that research goes? Might it be that there is a connection to these strange, mysterious, and largely unsolved incidents and encounters? And where do claims of government conspiracies and cover-ups fit into all of this?

Marcus regularly writes new articles as a result of his continued research, as well as compiling books for future release. He also acts as editor-in-chief for UFO Insight.

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