Using Minecraft and AI to teach about bushfires

Published: Jan. 22, 2020, 1 a.m.

In this special Hour of Code episode Dan and Ray walk through a Minecraft resource to help you (and your students) understand some important AI principles and how they can be applied when fighting bushfires.  We will look at the use of teamwork, automation and image recognition as well as highlight some computer science principles used.
The Hour of Code discussed here has a full set of curriculum resources, and all download links, at

There is a video to accompany this podcast for anyone wishing to see the Minecraft activity live. This is available on YouTube at AI in Education Podcast - Hour of Code Special in Minecraft Education

In addition to coding and AI topics, the topics covered in the Educator Guide include:

  • How do people/firefighters predict the fires in the forest
  • What are the outcomes of fires
  • What is reforestation

This activity can be completed with Minecraft Education Edition, even if you don't have a subscription