061: Experiments in Earth-Conscious Living with Rob Greenfield

Published: Feb. 14, 2019, 4:30 a.m.


Rob Greenfield\\xa0is a world-renowned adventurer and activist\\xa0and\\xa0is embarking on his next big project,\\xa0Food Freedom.\\xa0Through Rob\'s extreme projects from\\xa0cycling across the USA on a bamboo bicycle for sustainability\\xa0(three times), to\\xa0dumpster diving in thousands of grocery store dumpsters\\xa0to raise awareness about food waste and hunger, to\\xa0wearing 30 days worth of trash\\xa0to create a visual of how much trash just one American creates, he has inspired countless people to positively change.\\xa0Rob has been featured on thousands of media outlets around the world, hosted shows on Discovery Channel and\\xa0has given two TEDx talks. You can\\xa0see his media page here.

In this episode we cover:

  • Rob\'s journey from nature-loving kid, to materialistic teen, to environmental changemaker
  • Some of Rob\'s favorite adventures and experiments
  • How his choice to give up his computer caused him to question his impact in the world
  • Rob\'s best advice for those just getting started in eco-conscious living

Rob Greenfield Online:

Suggestions & Green Resource from Rob:

  • Take 12 hours off from devices each day if you can and go tech-free for 1 full day each week.
  • Learn about Winona LaDuke and other inspiring people at RobGreenfield.tv/people
  • Learn about educational and moving films at RobGreenfield.tv/films
  • Check out the project, film and\\xa0books from the Story of Stuff

