Chapter 71: Shirley the Nurse on hurting with homelessness and healing with heart

Published: Jan. 28, 2021, 7:16 p.m.


3 Books is a completely insane and totally epic 15-year-long quest to uncover the 1000 most formative books in the world. Each chapter is hosted live and in-person at the guest\'s preferred location by Neil Pasricha, New York Times bestselling author of The Book of Awesome, The Happiness Equation, Two-Minute Mornings, etc. Each chapter of 3 Books uncovers and discusses the three most formative books from one of the world\'s most inspiring people. Sample guests include: Judy Blume, David Sedaris, Chris Anderson of TED, the founder of the world\'s largest feminist magazine, the world\'s greatest Uber driver, Pete Holmes, Angie Thomas, and Malcolm Gladwell. Each of the 333 chapters is dropped on the exact minute of every single new moon and full moon until September 1, 2031. 3 Books is an Apple "Best Of" award-winning show and 100% ad-free, commercial-free, sponsor-free, and interruption-free. For more info check out:\\xa0

Chapter Description:

So I pull into the gas station to fill up my van and a car starts honking and keeps honking and keeps honking and keeps honking and keeps honking and I open my door and I look behind me and a woman opens her door and suddenly screams \\u201cMOVE YOUR CAR!!!\\u201d

And then I go \\u201cBut I\\u2019m getting gas?\\u201d and then she goes \\u201cBUT YOU PARKED IN FRONT OF ME!!!\\u201d and then I go \\u201cBecause I\\u2019m getting gas?\\u201d and then she goes \\u201cBUT YOU COULD HAVE PARKED THERE!\\u201d and then I go \\u201cBut my tank is on this side?\\u201d and then she goes \\u201cBUT YOU SAW ME RIGHT HERE!!!\\u201d and then I go \\u201cDOES YOUR CAR GO BACKWARDS???\\u201d and then right as things are sizzling up and it feels like I\\u2019m about to get smacked in the forehead with a squeegee another woman walks between us and says \\u201cYOU DON\\u2019T GOTTA LISTEN TO HER!!!\\u201d

It was enough to cut the tension and help me give my head a shake. The situation simmered down and melted away as she reversed out and I was left standing there, filling up my tank, thinking about how we are all too wound up right now. Tension is high. Pandemic is wearing. We don\\u2019t need to yell at each other at gas stations! We need to give each other space to feel what we\\u2019re feeling and try to help each other along the way.

Right? I think? Something like that?

I was feeling bad about not being more compassionate when my public defender walked by me again. I said thank you and we exchanged big exaggerated eye-smiles and I got a sudden feeling that there was a little connection right here, right now. So I told her I talk to people about formative books and asked if she wanted to chat. Her reply? \\u201cHELL YEAH!\\u201d So we drove our cars across the street, I hit record on my phone, and we ended up laughing, crying, and connecting over the highs and lows of life, in just a few minutes, as two complete strangers.

How did it happen? I don\\u2019t know. I can\\u2019t explain it! But I think this guerrilla chapter of 3 Books will stick with you for a long time.

Get ready to discuss how it feels to lose everything, how it feels to suddenly be homeless with only your children and a stack of books at your side, and how it feels to be Black and raise Black children in the world today.

Get ready to meet a woman you will not soon forget.

Get ready to meet the incredible Shirley the Nurse aka Shirley Davis.

It is time for another guerrilla chapter of 3 Books.

Let\\u2019s go!


What You\'ll Learn:

  • What does a day in the life of a critical care worker in remote regions look like?

  • How do we encourage young people to ask questions?

  • How did a single mother turn her kids lives around with books?

  • How does it feel to raise Black children in the world today?

  • How can language help defuse stressful situations?

  • What is the value of unconditional love?

You can find show notes and more information by clicking here:\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0

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