Chapter 48: Michael Bungay Stanier on massive moons and the magic of metaphor

Published: Feb. 23, 2020, 3:32 p.m.


3 Books is a completely insane and totally epic 15-year-long quest to uncover the 1000 most formative books in the world. Each chapter is hosted live and in-person at the guest\'s preferred location by Neil Pasricha, New York Times bestselling author of The Book of Awesome and The Happiness Equation. Each chapter of 3 Books uncovers and discusses the three most formative books from one of the world\'s most inspiring people. Sample guests include: Judy Blume, David Sedaris, Chris Anderson of TED, and the world\'s greatest Uber driver. Each of the 333 chapters is dropped on the exact minute of every new moon and full moon until September 1, 2031. 3 Books is an Apple "Best Of" award-winning show as well as the world\'s only podcast by and for book lovers, writers, makers, sellers... and librarians. For more info check out:\\

Michael Bungay Stanier is a Rhodes Scholar and author of The Coaching Habit, which is\\xa0the #1 selling coaching book with over 700,000 copies sold over 2,000 Amazon reviews. In 2019, he was named the #1 thought leader in coaching, and was shortlisted for the coaching prize by Thinkers50, the \\u201cOscars of management.\\u201d His work has been featured in HBR, Fast Company, and Forbes, and his company, Box of Crayons, has helped trained over 100,000 people in becoming more coach-like. His new book The Advice Trap comes out February, 2020.\\xa0He lives with his wife in Toronto, Canada.

Chapter Description:

I am so excited to sit down with the one and only Michael Bungay Stanier on a pair of folding lawn chairs on his front porch in the Roncesvalles neighborhood of Toronto.

Michael\\u2019s mind is like a box that you open and a whole bunch of springs suddenly fly out in all directions.

Here\\u2019s his Amazon biography to give you a taste of this guy: \\u201cMichael was banned from his high school graduation for the \\u2018balloon incident\\u2019, he was sued by one of his law school lecturers for defamation, he gave himself a concussion digging a hole one day as a laborer, he was fired on his first shift as a garage attendant and he\\u2019s held a number of jobs where he had little to no impact.\\u201d

Should we stop there?

No, I\\u2019ll keep going. Michael is an Australian who goes to Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar. He meets a beautiful Canadian woman who he falls in love with and follows back to Canada. He founds company called Box of Crayons which teaches 10-minute coaching strategies so busy managers can build stronger teams. He wins numerous awards for Coach of the Year and writes a book called The Coaching Habit which turns into a huge phenomenon with (in only 3+ years) sold over 700,000 copies and scored over 2000 Amazon reviews. (Sidenote: The book was published by Jesse Finklestein of Page Two Publishing, our guest in Chapter 23)

Never one to rest on his laurels, as this chapter drops Michael is just about to release the follow up to The Coaching Habit which is called The Advice Trap: Be Humble, Stay Curious & Change the Way You Lead Forever.

I love Michael Bungay Stanier. He\\u2019s one of the most fascinating minds in my life, and I feel so grateful and honored to call him a friend. I hope you fall in love with him too.

In this chapter, we talk about making complex things simple, finding And of course, his three most formative books.

Let\'s go!


  • What surprising thing actually gave us civilisation on the planet?\\xa0\\xa0

  • In a world of endless everything, how do we develop the critical skills to be filterers and translators?

  • From that, how do we go about making complex things simple? (Michael is a virtuoso at this.)

  • How do we actually think about maximizing our tiny, short lives?

  • When should you zig when others zag?

  • When should you think about provoking curiosity rather than create certainty?

  • And, of course, what are the incredible Michael Bungay Stanier\\u2019s 3 most formative books?

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