Chapter 47: Derek The Hype Man on gingers jumping for joy and justice

Published: Feb. 9, 2020, 7:33 a.m.


3 Books is a completely insane and totally epic 15-year-long quest to uncover the 1000 most formative books in the world. Each chapter is hosted live and in-person at the guest\'s preferred location by Neil Pasricha, New York Times bestselling author of The Book of Awesome and The Happiness Equation. Each chapter of 3 Books uncovers and discusses the three most formative books from one of the world\'s most inspiring people. Sample guests include: Judy Blume, David Sedaris, Chris Anderson of TED, and the world\'s greatest Uber driver. Each of the 333 chapters is dropped on the exact minute of every new moon and full moon until September 1, 2031. 3 Books is an Apple "Best Of" award-winning show as well as the world\'s only podcast by and for book lovers, writers, makers, sellers... and librarians. For more info check out:\\

Derek Forgie was born in North Bay, Ontario. At the age of 17 he became the host and producer of his own television show, called Planet Skwirl on MTV, before becoming an activist and founding an organization called HSSE,\\xa0Heterosexuals for Same-Sex Equality, with the slogan \\u2018straight not narrow.\\u2019 He was also recognized as a leading voice by the World Wildlife Foundation.\\xa0Derek is a standup comic who has toured and presented to over 2000 audiences and has even been featured on NBC\\u2019s Last Comic Standing. He is a huge, passionate believer in so many cause and travels around on his own, going from school to school, to present environmental presentations called Eco-Allies, as well as anti-bullying presentations. He is also the founder of International\\xa0Kiss a Ginger Day! Currently, you can find him entertaining and hyping up the in-studio audiences of CTV\\u2019s The Social, and when he\\u2019s not hyping up the crowd, you can catch him on the 10 Minute Talk Show, hosted by Derek. He lives in Toronto with his wife and daughter.

Chapter Description:

In chapter 47, I sit down with Derek The Hype Man, also known as Derek Forgie.

Who is Derek Forgie?

Well, as background, there\\u2019s a huge daytime talk show in Canada called The Social. (Some people say it\\u2019s similar to The View\\u2014 a series of interesting women, talking about interesting issues of the day, in a really interesting way.) I\\u2019ve been lucky enough to have been a guest on The Social a number of times and have always noticed that it has an incredible chemistry and audience connection. And every single time I go on that TV show, I notice that there is this guy hanging around, an energy-packed red-headed guy, dressed really snazzily dressed in a vest and brightly colored shoes, and he is just working the audience like nobody\\u2019s business. Yes, he is \\u2026 the hype man!

This man is Derek Forgie.

He stands on a little box, he cheers, he yells, he laughs, he gets everyone clapping. When you\\u2019re on The Social or when you watch The Social, you notice the audience basically, in Derek\\u2019s words, brings out their inner Jerry Springer. They cheer or they boo or they laugh or they clap after every point made on the show. As a guest it fills you with energy and what I feel is happening is Derek\\u2019s energy, the energy that erupts from this one guy, helps fill an audience, fill a set, fill the hosts, fill the guests, fill the TV show, and, of course, fill the millions of viewers watching on TV. Derek\\u2019s energy beams out of him like the sun! Every time I talk to him I get such a warm glow inside me.

In addition to being a hype man Derek became the host and producer of his own television show, called Planet Skwirl on MTV, when he was 17 years old. He became an activist (you\\u2019ll hear why) and founded HSSE (Heterosexuals for Same-Sex Equality), with the slogan \\u2018straight not narrow\\u2019, and was also recognized as a leading voice by the World Wildlife Foundation. Derek is also a standup comic who\\u2019s toured and presented to over 2000 audiences and has been featured onNBC\\u2019s Last Comic Standing. And he currently hosts a great show called the 10 Minute Talk Show. Derek is a passionate believer in many causes and gives environmental and anti-bullying presentations in schools as well as \\u2014 get this \\u2014 even founding of International Kiss a Ginger Day!

I was thrilled when Derek Forgie accepted my invitation to sit down in the green room of The Social, live in the CTV studios, and share his 3 most formative books with us.

Let\'s go!


  • How does hate inflame and fuel purpose?
  • How do we get comfortable embracing the unknown?
  • How do we the energy to challenge social beliefs?
  • How do we develop the strength of mind to change the negative stories in our heads?
  • How do you think about changing the world \\u2026 one day at a time?

Leave us a voicemail. Your message may be included in a future episode: 1-833-READ-A-LOT.

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