Chapter 123: Suzy Batiz on suffering, surviving, and selling shit

Published: May 5, 2023, 5:34 p.m.


\\u201cDo you realize what you\\u2019ve done? You\\u2019ve taken the smell out of shit!\\u201d

Suzy Batiz says this is what her husband Hector said \\u2014 shocked! amazed! \\u2014 when he realized the strange essential oil spray she\\u2019d been obsessively working on late into the night for nine straight months really and actually \\u2026 worked.

Today Suzy is founder of billion-dollar-valued Poo-Pourri and supernatural. But the endless topline superlatives surrounding her \\u2014 EY Entrepreneur of the Year, ranked #240 on Forbes \\u201cRichest Self-Made\\u201d Woman list just above Serena Williams \\u2014 actually mask the more startling, complex, inspiring story underneath. Sure, there\\u2019s no denying the wealth \\u2014 after all, we did this interview in the 15,000 square foot church she lives in \\u2014 but Suzy isn\\u2019t motivated by money. Never has been! She\\u2019s motivated by freedom, by energy, by making, by love \\u2014 and by leading and sharing a life of inspiration.

I flew down to Dallas, Texas and sat with my friend Suzy Batiz to understand how exactly she navigated a lifetime of poverty, abuse, depression, divorces, bankruptcies, and suicide attempts in order to \\u2014 bit by bit, step by step \\u2014 manifest a life full of exploration, transformation, and abundance. Led by her curiosity, gumption, and an \\u201cI gotta get out\\u201d energy she reveals hard-fought lessons in personal growth, unicorn-building entrepreneurial advice, and deeply resonant nuggets of life-changing wisdom \\u2014 much of which she\\u2019s never shared before. I think you will take away a tremendous amount from this conversation. And, for those feeling stuck, trapped, or helpless \\u2014 there are many jungle vines hanging here to help you get out. Freedom is possible. Suzy will share a few ways to find it.

We discuss: the art of cold-calling, agency in abuse, finding angels, the problem with antidepressants, deuterium depleted water, the trinity of transformation, 4 questions to break free of destructive thinking, ayahuasca voices, what entrepreneurs need to remember, Suzy Batiz\'s 3 most formative books, and much, much, much more\\u2026\\xa0


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3 Books is a completely insane and totally epic 15-year-long quest to uncover and discuss the 1000 most formative books in the world. Each chapter discusses the 3 most formative books of one of the world\'s most inspiring people. Sample guests include: Bren\\xe9 Brown, David Sedaris, Malcolm Gladwell, Angie Thomas, Cheryl Strayed, Rich Roll, Soyoung the Variety Store Owner, Derek the Hype Man, Kevin the Bookseller, Vishwas the Uber Driver, Roxane Gay, David Mitchell, Vivek Murthy, Mark Manson, Seth Godin, Judy Blume and Quentin Tarantino. 3 Books is published on the lunar calendar with each of the 333 chapters dropped on the exact minute of every single new moon and every single full moon all the way up to 5:21 am on September 1, 2031. 3 Books is an Apple "Best Of" award-winning show and is 100% non-profit with no ads, no sponsors, no commercials, and no interruptions. 3 Books has 3 clubs including the End of the Podcast Club, the Cover to Cover Club, and the Secret Club, which operates entirely through the mail and is only accessible by calling\\xa01-833-READ-A-LOT. Each chapter is hosted by Neil Pasricha, New York Times bestselling author of The Book of Awesome, The Happiness Equation, Two-Minute Mornings, etc. For more info check out:\\xa0
