Chapter 122: Tank Sinatra on masterpiece microdosing and meme mastery in our manufactured madness

Published: April 6, 2023, 4:34 a.m.


Diluting central news sources. Constantly narrowing echo chambers. An ever-fracturing sense of community. It\\u2019s easy to feel disconnected from each other right now \\u2014 and from what\\u2019s collectively real and true in the world. We need people and places that help unify us and bring us together.\\xa0

\\u201cFear displaces faith and vice versa,\\u201d says Tank Sinatra on Chapter 122 of 3 Books. \\u201cAnd laughter displaces everything. It\\u2019s impossible to be sad when you\\u2019re laughing.\\u201d It\'s no wonder more than 10 million people follow Tank \\u2014 the world\\u2019s #1 meme creator.

At @tank.sinatra he shares with 3 million people a photo of Heath Ledger as The Joker, with stringy wet hair, in the nurse\\u2019s outfit, in the middle of a road, with smoke and fire in the background together with the caption \\u201cThe CEO of Silicon Valley Bank after selling $4 million worth of his stock the day before collapse.\\u201d

At @tanksgoodnews he posts a photo of a woman holding a hot water bottle over her stomach with the Spanish flag and the tag \\u201cSpain just granted workers paid leave for period pain.\\u201d\\xa0

At @influencersinthewild he shows a tattooed woman posing in a bikini in front of the waves ... along with a follow-up image of the wave crashing over her and her hair and face all suddenly messed up with a caption that simply says \\u201cOcean.\\u201d

\\u201cThere\\u2019s something about laughing that\\u2019s heavenly,\\u201d he says. And the massively growing tribe and community forming around Tank\'s work agrees. Tank offers a clear reflection of our day and age. He speaks truth from a deep, resonant place which creates connection in divided times.\\xa0

In addition to posting daily on his megafeeds, he\'s also the host of the brand new \'true-crime comedy\' podcast Psychopedia and creator of the hilarious Influencers In The Wild board game.\\xa0

Tank and I have been connected for 12 years (12 years!) from back in the ancient internet world when we became blogger friends. It was a real honor to reconnect with him for 3 Books and discuss microdosing reading, what \\u2018sales\\u2019 really is, religion versus spirituality, generational trauma, the pleasures and perils of social media, and, of course, his most formative books...

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3 Books is a completely insane and totally epic 15-year-long quest to uncover and discuss the 1000 most formative books in the world. Each chapter discusses the 3 most formative books of one of the world\'s most inspiring people. Sample guests include: Bren\\xe9 Brown, David Sedaris, Malcolm Gladwell, Angie Thomas, Cheryl Strayed, Rich Roll, Soyoung the Variety Store Owner, Derek the Hype Man, Kevin the Bookseller, Vishwas the Uber Driver, Roxane Gay, David Mitchell, Vivek Murthy, Mark Manson, Seth Godin, Judy Blume and Quentin Tarantino. 3 Books is published on the lunar calendar with each of the 333 chapters dropped on the exact minute of every single new moon and every single full moon all the way up to 5:21 am on September 1, 2031. 3 Books is an Apple "Best Of" award-winning show and is 100% non-profit with no ads, no sponsors, no commercials, and no interruptions. 3 Books has 3 clubs including the End of the Podcast Club, the Cover to Cover Club, and the Secret Club, which operates entirely through the mail and is only accessible by calling\\xa01-833-READ-A-LOT. Each chapter is hosted by Neil Pasricha, New York Times bestselling author of The Book of Awesome, The Happiness Equation, Two-Minute Mornings, etc. For more info check out:\\xa0
