What If I Get the Contract?

Published: March 29, 2022, 9 a.m.

b'This week, in episode 102, Liz Picarazzi tells Jay Goltz that she\\u2019s pursuing multiple sales opportunities\\u2014and ponders what would happen if those opportunities actually came to fruition. Would her company, Citibin, be able to handle the additional volume? \\u201cIn my fantasy world, where I am a lot,\\u201d Liz says, \\u201cI look at where this could go. And just like you, Jay, I go to, \\u2018How in the world would I produce all of these?\\u2019\\u201d Liz and Jay also talk about the pros and cons of pricing transparency: Do you volunteer your premium price up front? On your website even? Or do you wait until you\\u2019ve made your sales pitch and gotten your customer excited? Plus: we indulge a little further discussion on the merits of the 21 Hats brand.'