She Was a Hiring Goddess

Published: Nov. 24, 2020, 10 a.m.

b"This episode is dedicated to Ivy Garfield. Back in 1996, Jay Goltz had no real hiring process and the results to prove it. \\u201cMy hiring success rate,\\u201d Jay tells us, \\u201cwas probably, I don't know, 30 or 40 percent, which isn't much better than whoever walks in you hire.\\u201d And then he asked Ivy Garfield to take over his hiring. As Jay explains, Ivy brought an instinct, an understanding of how to assess people. \\u201cShe profoundly changed my business,\\u201d he tells us. \\u201cShe was here six years. Most of my key people she hired. They\\u2019re with me 25 years later.\\u201d Jay talks about the secret to Ivy\\u2019s success and why entrepreneurs like him tend to be terrible at hiring. Plus: Dana White talks about being disappointed by a mentor. And Jay and Loren offer an apology."