Ive Had a Love-Hate Relationship With PR

Published: April 27, 2021, 9 a.m.

b"This week\\u2019s conversation with Paul Downs, Jay Goltz, and William Vanderbloemen was supposed to be about how the pandemic has affected sales strategies\\u2014and for a while it was. But it seemed Paul, Jay, and William really wanted to talk public relations. They talked about how to get PR and how to assess the results. They compared the merits of public relations to those of advertising. And they discussed whether you need to hire a firm or whether you can do it yourself. One concern all three shared is the cost of hiring a public relations person. As Jay pointed out, \\u201cYou hire an accountant, you're going to get some accounting. You hire a lawyer, they\\u2019ll do some legal work. PR's one of the few things you can pay money for and get absolutely nothing.\\u201d"