Im Not Going to Shut the Doors

Published: July 21, 2020, 9 a.m.

b'This week, we introduced a new member of the podcast team, Paul Downs, whose company, Paul Downs Cabinetmakers, makes custom conference tables. Paul wrote about how close his company came to failing in both The New York Times\\u2019 You\\u2019re the Boss blog and in his own book, "Boss Life: Surviving My Own Small Business." That was during the Great Recession. Unfortunately, Paul is once again finding it challenging to sell high-end conference tables during a crisis. \\u201cMy game plan is to stick it out,\\u201d he told us in this episode. \\u201cI\\u2019m not going to shut the doors. And two years from now, I may be a smaller company, but I\'m going to be around, and then we\'re going to ride this back up.\\u201d'