Have We Been Too Generous With Employees?

Published: Jan. 30, 2024, 10 a.m.

b'This week, in episode 181, Mel Gravely, Jaci Russo, and William Vanderbloemen talk about the possibility that, after several years of the Great Resignation and the labor shortage, some owners may have given away the store. We all know the risks of not offering employees enough. What are the risks of offering too much? How do you even know when you\\u2019ve crossed the line? The owners also discuss why this might be a good time to consider acquiring other businesses. \\u201cI think this is a time to double-down,\\u201d says Mel. And Jaci explains how she and her team are reviewing everything the company does to see if AI can be employed to improve each and every process. Oh, and one last thing: How exactly, in this day and age, are business owners supposed to keep track of all of the subscriptions\\u2014and all of the subscription log-ins\\u2014that they and their employees have acquired through the years? How much money are they spending on stuff they no longer use? \\u201cThanks a lot,\\u201d responds Mel. \\u201cI\\u2019m starting to sweat.\\u201d'