The Copper Princess

The Copper Princess: A Story of Lake Superior Mines is an adventure set in the beautiful Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The delightful story features a brave and wholesome hero struggling for his rightful copper mining inheritance against smugglers and bandits. He also encounters a beautiful and mysterious maiden who is caught in her father's secret crimes. [Summary by Brenda Price] Note: This book contains racial comments that may be offensive to modern listeners.

30 episodes

Vingt mille lieues sous les mers

Dans ce roman, le scientifique français Pierre Aronnax, son fidèle domestique Conseil et le harponneur canadien Ned Land sont capturés par le capitaine Nemo qui navigue dans les océans du globe à bord du sous-marin Nautilus. L'aventure donne l'occasion de descriptions épiques (dont un enterrement sous-marin, un combat contre des calamars géants, etc.) Œuvre d'anticipation, Vingt mille lieues sous les mers comporte plusieurs épisodes qui témoignent de l'imagination de son auteur : le Nautilus passe sous le canal de Suez avant sa percée officielle, et sous l'Antarctique, dont on ignorait à l'époque qu'il s'agissait d'un continent et non de glace flottante, comme l'Arctique. On notera avec curiosité que L'Île mystérieuse (autre roman de Jules Verne) constitue une suite à la fois à Vingt mille lieues sous les mers et aux Enfants du capitaine Grant. (de Wikipedia) une version anglaise est disponible une version allemande est disponible une version néerlandaiseest disponible

47 episodes

The Sea Wolf

The Sea-Wolf is a novel written in 1904 by American author Jack London. An immediate bestseller, the first printing of forty thousand copies was sold out before publication. Of it, Ambrose Bierce wrote "The great thing—and it is among the greatest of things—is that tremendous creation, Wolf Larsen... the hewing out and setting up of such a figure is enough for a man to do in one lifetime." (Summary by Wikipedia)

39 episodes

Last Enemy

An undercover Paratimer has disappeared on assignment while in an alternate time line, and it’s up to Verkan Vall of the Paratime Police to save her. To do so, he must infiltrate a universe in which assassination is an honorable profession, and reincarnation a scientific fact. Will Verkan Vall survive in a world of killers and the undead? (Summary by mark Nelson)

5 episodes

The Coral Island

Ralph Rover is a traveler at heart, and has always dreamed of shipping out to the South Seas islands. He finally convinces his aging parents to let him go and find his way in the world. But the islands that Ralph finds are not as idyllic as in his dreams. Shipwrecked on a large, uninhabited island, Ralph and his fellow survivors, Jim and Peterkin, discover a world of hostile natives and villainous pirates. Danger, high adventure, and wonders of the sea greet them at every turn. When all seems lost, they find help from an unexpected source. (Summary by Tom Weiss)

35 episodes

Naar het Middelpunt der Aarde

Professor Lidenbrock ontcijfert een runentekst: ”Daal af in den krater van den Sneffels Yocul (Snæfellsjökull), dien de schaduw van den Scartaris treft vóór den eersten Juli, vermetele reiziger! en gij zult het middelpunt der aarde bereiken. Ik heb het gedaan. Arne Saknussemm.” De professor, zijn neefje Axel en de ingehuurde gids Hans gaan op pad.This is the Dutch translation of the book: Journey to the Centre of the Earth by Jules Verne.

45 episodes

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (version 4)

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Tom Sawyer's Comrade), often shortened to Huck Finn, is a novel written by Mark Twain and published in 1884. It is commonly regarded as one of the Great American Novels, and is one of the first major American novels written in the vernacular, characterized by local color regionalism. It is told in the first person by Huckleberry "Huck" Finn, best friend of Tom Sawyer and narrator of two other Twain novels.The book is noted for its colorful description of people and places along the Mississippi River. By satirizing a Southern antebellum society that was already anachronistic at the time, the book is an often scathing look at entrenched attitudes, particularly racism. The drifting journey of Huck and his friend Jim, a runaway slave, down the Mississippi River on their raft may be one of the most enduring images of escape and freedom in all of American literature.The book has been popular with young readers since its publication and is taken as a sequel to The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. It has also been the continued object of study by serious literary critics. The book was criticized upon release because of its coarse language, and became even more controversial in the 20th century because of its perceived use of racial stereotypes and because of its frequent use of the racial slur, "nigger." (Summary by Wikipedia)

43 episodes

Das Nibelungenlied

Das Nibelungenlied ist ein mittelalterliches Heldenepos und wurde oft als „Nationalepos der Deutschen“ bezeichnet. Es entstand zu Beginn des 13. Jahrhunderts und wurde in der damaligen Volkssprache Mittelhochdeutsch geschrieben. Das Epos erzählt von der Liebe zwischen dem Drachentöter Siegfried und der burgundischen Prinzessin Kriemhild, von der Brautwerbung des burgundischen Königs Gunther um die isländische Königin Brunhild, vom Verrat der Burgunden an Siegfried und dessen Ermordung durch Hagen. Später ist der Schauplatz der Handlung das Land der Hunnen unter König Etzel, den Kriemhild in zweiter Ehe geheiratet hat. Kriemhild benutzt ihre neue Position, um mithilfe der Hunnen Siegfrieds Tod an Hagen und allen Burgunden zu rächen. Die Übersetzung Karl Joseph Simrocks gehört zu den bekanntesten Übertragungen des alten Textes in die neuhochdeutsche Sprache. The Nibelungenlied (Song of the Nibelungs) is a medieval epic poem and has been often referred to as the German “national epic”. It was written down in the early 13th century in Middle High German, the vernacular of the time. The epic tells of the love between the dragon-slayer Siegfried and the Burgundian princess Kriemhild, how Gunther, King of Burgundy, courts Brunhild of Iceland, and how Siegfried is betrayed by the Burgundians and murdered by Hagen. The scene of the story later shifts to the land of the Huns of King Etzel, Kriemhild’s husband in second marriage. Kriemhild uses her new position among the Huns to avenge Siegfried’s death on Hagen and all the Burgundians. The translation of Karl Joseph Simrock is one of the best-known New German versions of the old text. (Summary by Al-Kadi)

39 episodes

After London, or Wild England

Jefferies' novel can be seen as an early example of "post-apocalyptic fiction." After some sudden and unspecified catastrophe has depopulated England, the countryside reverts to nature, and the few survivors to a quasi-medieval way of life.The first part of the book, "The Relapse into Barbarism", is the account by some later historian of the fall of civilisation and its consequences, with a loving description of nature reclaiming England. The second part, "Wild England", is an adventure set many years later in the wild landscape and society.The book is not without its flaws (notably the abrupt and unsatisfying ending) but is redeemed by the quality of the writing, particularly the unnervingly prophetic descriptions of the post-apocalyptic city and countryside. (Summary by Ruth Golding and Wikipedia)

33 episodes


“Doc” E.E. Smith pretty much invented the space opera genre, and Triplanetary is a good and well-known example. Physics, time, and politics never stand in the way of a plot that gallops ahead without letup. Having earned a PhD in chemical engineering, it’s understandable that the heroes of Smith’s story are all scientists. He didn’t want to be constrained by the limits of known science, however, so in his hands the electromagnetic spectrum becomes a raw material to be molded into ever-more amazing and lethal forms, and the speed of light is no bar to traveling through the interstellar void. Come enjoy this story of yesteryear, set in tomorrow, where real women ignite love at a glance, real men achieve in days what governments manage in decades, and aliens are an ever-present threat to Life-As-We-Know-It! (Summary by Mark F. Smith)

13 episodes

Niels Holgersson's Wonderbare Reis

De familie Holgersson woont in Skåne in het uiterste zuiden van Zweden op een kleine boerderij. Daar groeit hun enige zoon Niels op. Niels is niet zo vriendelijk voor de dieren thuis, hij houdt er van om ze te plagen en te sarren. Als hij op een dag een kabouter vangt en weigert die weer vrij te laten, spreekt de boze kabouter een betovering uit over Niels. Hij wordt zo klein als een duim. Op de vlucht voor de dieren die hém nu eens willen pesten, gaat Niels mee met een groep wilde ganzen. (samenvatting naar Wikipedia) This is the Dutch translation of The Wonderful Adventures of Nils, by Selma Lagerlöf

41 episodes


The 13th century Icelandic Völsungasaga is usually read by people studying the Poetic Edda or Wagner's Ring - which obscures the fact it is a much better story than practically everything derived from it. A riddle-telling dragon, a broken sword, a hooded mysterious wanderer - cannibalism, incest, mutilation, and sensitive hearts. This is R-rated Tolkien - and the unashamedly archaic Magnússon-Morris translation is up for the adventure. Passages spoken in Old Norse are taken from the edition of Sophus Bugge, Berlin, 1891. (Summary by Corpang)

12 episodes

The Valley of the Giants

The man was John Cardigan; in that lonely, hostile land he was the first pioneer. This is the tale of Cardigan and Cardigan's son, for in his chosen land the pioneer leader in the gigantic task of hewing a path for civilization was to know the bliss of woman's love and of parenthood, and the sorrow that comes of the loss of a perfect mate; he was to know the tremendous joy of accomplishment and worldly success after infinite labour; and in the sunset of life he was to know the dull despair of failure and ruin. Because of these things there is a tale to be told, the tale of Cardigan's son, who, when his sire fell in the fray, took up the fight to save his heritage--a tale of life with its love and hate, its battle, victory, defeat, labour, joy, and sorrow, a tale of that unconquerable spirit of youth which spurred Bryce Cardigan to lead a forlorn hope for the sake not of wealth but of an ideal. (Summary from the text)

40 episodes

True to the Old Flag

This book tells the story of the American war of Independence from the side of the British. The old flag mentioned in the title is the flag of England. This is a book for young readers, but - as a good book should be - everybody can enjoy it". (Summary by Stav Nisser)

22 episodes

Find the Woman

Who was Belle Charmion? If you really care to know, as John Fenton did, you must go with him on his quest, hither and yon over New York, into strange houses and through side streets at midnight, a shuttle in the secret loom of fate, weaving in and out through many-colored threads, until the pattern of the mystery is made clear. For the warp of his strange, adventurous career - love and beauty and diamonds. For the woof - some few cross currents of crime and misery. There, in brief, is the web of his drama. (From Prologue)

14 episodes

The Tragedy of the Korosko

Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle was a British author most noted for his stories about the detective Sherlock Holmes, which are generally considered a major innovation in the field of crime fiction, and for the adventures of Professor Challenger. He was a prolific writer whose other works include science fiction stories, historical novels, plays and romances, poetry, and non-fiction. Plot Summary: A group of European and American tourists is enjoying its trip in Egypt in the year 1895. They are sailing up the River Nile in a "a turtle-bottomed, round-bowed stern-wheeler", the Korosko. They intend to travel to Abousir at the southern frontier of Egypt, after which the Dervish country starts. They are attacked and abducted by a marauding band of Dervish warriors. (Wikipedia)

10 episodes

The Insidious Dr. Fu-Manchu

The first of the Fu-Manchu novels, this story follows the two characters who are set against the machinations of the insidious doctor.(Summary by FNH)

30 episodes

The Return of Dr. Fu-Manchu

Burmese Commisioner Nayland Smith and his faithful friend Dr Petrie continue their fight against the evil genius of Dr Fu-Manchu when they seek to save the good doctor's lost love and protect the British Empire from disaster when their malignant enemy returns to England. (Summary by Elaine Tweddle)

33 episodes

Danger in Deep Space (Dramatic Reading)

The year is 2353. Tom Corbett is a cadet with the Space Academy, training to become a member of the elite Solar Guard. Sent on a top-secret mission across the stars, Tom and his fellow crew members discover the nature of true loyalty, as they battle against danger in deep space. (Summary by Stuart Bell.) Cast list: Narrator: Sam Holloway Major Connel: Padraig O'hIceadha Tom Corbett: David Ault Roger Manning: Matt Baker Bill Loring & Captain Jenledge: Matthew Ward Mr Shinny & Captain Strong: Peter Yearsley Astro: Megan Argo Al Mason: MGVestal Alfie Higgins & Jet Liner San Francisco: Patti Cunningham Terry Scott: Brett W. Downey Captain Stefens & Restaurant Voice: Stuart Bell Commander Walters & James Jardine: David Sloan Enlisted Guard & First Skipper: Jody Bly Leland Bangs: David Lawrence Spaceport Control: Laurie Anne Walden Central Communicator: Ernst Pattynama Edited By: Stuart Bell Prooflisteners: Matt Baker and Micky

21 episodes

Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini Vol 2

Cellini's autobiographical memoirs, which he began writing in Florence in 1558, give a detailed account of his singular career, as well as his loves, hatreds, passions, and delights, written in an energetic, direct, and racy style. They show a great self-regard and self-assertion, sometimes running into extravagances which are impossible to credit. He even writes in a complacent way of how he contemplated his murders before carrying them out. He writes of his time in Paris: Parts of his tale recount some extraordinary events and phenomena; such as his stories of conjuring up a legion of devils in the Colosseum, after one of his not innumerous mistresses had been spirited away from him by her mother; of the marvelous halo of light which he found surrounding his head at dawn and twilight after his Roman imprisonment, and his supernatural visions and angelic protection during that adversity; and of his being poisoned on two separate occasions. The autobiography is a classic, and commonly regarded as one of the most colourful; it is certainly the most important autobiography from the Renaissance. Cellini's autobiography is one of the books Tom Sawyer mentions as inspiration while freeing Jim in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. (Summary adapted from Wikipedia by Karen Merline)

22 episodes

Miss Pim's Camouflage

Mid-WWI, staid Englishwoman Miss Perdita Pim suffers a sunstroke gardening & gains the power of invisibility. She becomes a super-secret agent, going behind German lines, sometimes visible, sometimes not, witnessing atrocities & gleaning valuable war information. (Summary by Grant Hurlock)

31 episodes

Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia

In this enchanting fable (subtitled The Choice of Life), Rasselas and his retinue burrow their way out of the totalitarian paradise of the Happy Valley in search of that triad of eighteenth-century aspiration - life, liberty and happiness.According to that quirky authority, James Boswell, Johnson penned his only work of prose fiction in a handful of days to cover the cost of his mother's funeral. The stylistic elegance of the book and its wide-ranging philosophical concerns give no hint of haste or superficiality. Among other still burning issues Johnson's characters pursue questions of education, colonialism, the nature of the soul and even climate alteration. Johnson's profoundest concern, however, is with the alternating attractions of solitude and social participation, seen not only as the ultimate life-choice but as the arena in which are played out the deepest fears of the individual: "Of the uncertainties of our present state, the most dreadful and alarming is the uncertain continuance of Reason.” (Summary by Martin Geeson)

17 episodes

The Further Adventures of Robinson Crusoe

“THE FARTHER ADVENTURES OF ROBINSON CRUSOE; Being the Second and Last Part OF HIS LIFE, And of the Strange Surprizing Accounts of his Travels Round three Parts of the Globe.” After the death of his wife, Robinson Crusoe is overcome by the old wanderlust, and sets out with his faithful companion Friday to see his island once again. Thus begins a journey which will last ten years and nine months, in which Crusoe travels over the world, along the way facing dangers and discoveries in Madagascar, China, and Siberia. (Summary by D. Leeson)

17 episodes

Doctor Ox's Experiment

An early, light-hearted short story, published in 1872 by Jules Verne. It takes place in the Flemish town of Quiquendone, where life moves at an extraordinarily tranquil pace. Doctor Ox has offered to light the town with a new gas, but actually has other plans in place. (Summary by Alan Winterrowd)

5 episodes

Nobody's Boy

One day, French mason Jerome Barberin finds an abandoned baby boy. As the boy is wearing fine clothes, Barberin hopes that he is the son of rich parents who will reclaim him soon and offer a reward to Barberin for taking care of him. He therefore brings the boy home to his wife, and gives him the name Remi. 'However, no rich parents ever turn up to reclaim Remi. Instead, the family falls on hard times and Barberin wants to get rid of the boy. When Remi is eight years old, Barberin sees his chance in the travelling artist Signor Vitalis, who is travelling through France with his three dogs and a monkey. Vitalis offers to take care of Remi, and they travel on together. While Vitalis is a kind master and teaches Remi lots of useful skills, the two also suffer poverty, and Remi still lacks knowledge of his true heritage. Summary by Carolin, with help from Wikipedia.

33 episodes

Kandid oder Die beste Welt

Der satirische Roman "Kandid oder die beste Welt" (Candide ou l'optimisme) erzaehlt die abenteuerliche Geschichte des naiven Juenglings Kandid. Voller Witz, Spott und Ironie handelt der Roman gleichzeitig von der Ueberheblichkeit des Adels, der Grausamkeit der kirchlichen Inquisition, von Krieg, Sklaverei, von der naiven Sehnsucht des einfachen Manns nach einem sorglosen Leben und von der Unverbesserlichkeit der Menschen.(Summary by Al-Kadi and Wikipedia)

30 episodes

Stories from the Faerie Queene

The object of this volume is to excite interest in one of the greatest poems of English literature, which for all its greatness is but little read and known--to excite this interest not only in young persons who are not yet able to read "The Faerie Queene," with its archaisms of language, its distant ways and habits of life and thought, its exquisite melodies that only a cultivated ear can catch and appreciate, but also in adults, who, not from the lack of ability, but because they shrink from a little effort, suffer the loss of such high and refined literary pleasure as the perusal of Spenser's masterpiece can certainly give. (From the Author's introduction)

23 episodes

The Hand of Fu-Manchu

Further adventures of Nayland Smith and Doctor Petrie as they continue their battles against the evil genius, Dr Fu-Manchu. (summary by Elaine Twiddle)

40 episodes

The Curse of Capistrano

The Curse of Capistrano by Johnston McCulley is the first work to feature the fictional character Zorro (zorro is the Spanish word for fox). The story was later republished under the name The Mark of Zorro. Senor Zorro is deemed an outlaw as he fights those in authority while seeking justice for the oppressed. He also woos and captures the heart of the lovely Senorita Lolita, but her father would see her married to the rich Don Diego Vega. Meanwhile, the ever persistent Sgt. Gonzales is closing in on our lovers and would means to see the end of Senor Zorro. (Summary by Barry Eads)This project was proof listened by Elli and Joy Easton

39 episodes

Around the World in Eighty Days (version 4)

Around the World in Eighty Days (French: Le tour du monde en quatre-vingts jours) is a classic adventure novel by the French writer Jules Verne, first published in 1873. In the story, Phileas Fogg of London and his newly employed French valet Passepartout attempt to circumnavigate the world in 80 days on a £20,000 wager set by his friends at the Reform Club. (Summary from Wikipedia)

37 episodes

Tom Sawyer Abroad by Huck Finn

Tom Sawyer Abroad is a novel by Mark Twain published in 1894. It features Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn in a parody of Jules Verne-esque adventure stories. In the story, Tom, Huck, and Jim set sail to Africa in a futuristic hot air balloon, where they survive encounters with lions, robbers, and fleas to see some of the world's greatest wonders, including the Pyramids and the Sphinx. Like Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer, Detective, the story is told using the first-person narrative voice of Huck Finn. (Summary by Wikipedia)

13 episodes

Prester John

This classic adventure novel by the author of Greenmantle and The Thirty-Nine Steps relates the first-person exploits of young David Crawfurd before the age of twenty. As a boy growing up on the coast of Scotland, minister's son Davie and two friends were pursued with murderous intent along the cliffs one night by John Laputa, a visiting black African preacher, whom they had witnessed performing un-Christian rites round a campfire on the beach. A few years later, when his father's death forces Davie to quit college and join the tribe of wandering Scots, our hero finds himself in South Africa, assistant shopkeeper in a seemingly sleepy back-veldt store. There he re-encounters Laputa, now charismatic leader of an incipient native uprising, secretly preaching the incendiary creed of "Africa for the Africans," and proclaiming himself heir to the mantle of Prester John, a legendary 15th-century Christian king of Ethiopia. Can young Davie possibly penetrate the megalomaniac's mountain stronghold, foil the insurrection, prevent a massacre of white settlers, and make off with the rebels' war-chest of gold and diamonds? It's going to take some doing - and not a little derring-do!

23 episodes

Conjuror's House, a Romance of the Free Forest

In the northern outreaches of the Canadian wilderness, it was understood that the Hudson Bay Company governed all trading, and one factor named Galen Albret took his position seriously. Free traders, or those who dared try to do their trading outside of the Company, found themselves having to face Galen Albret and his methods of dealing with them. One or two offenses he might tolerate, but for those who repeatedly refuse to acknowledge his warning out, he would send them on “La Longue Traverse” through the wilderness without supplies, and from which they seldom returned.Ned Trent was one such free trader who defied both the Company and Galen Albret. The defining difference between Ned and the other free traders however, was his youth, energy, and good looks, which the Factor’s daughter did not fail to recognize. What follows the initial confrontations between Ned, Galen Albret, and his daughter Virginia makes for a thrilling tale of adventure, daring, survival, and romance.Conjuror’s House was twice made into silent films titled “The Call of the North”, the first being Cecil B. DeMille’s first film in which he received solo directorial credit, and the second starring Noah Beery and Jack Holt (whose face was the basis for the face of Dick Tracy). (Summary by Roger Melin)

19 episodes

Allan's Wife

The story of Allan Quatermain's wife and further adventures of Allan Quatermain. (Summary by Elaine Tweddle)

15 episodes

The Underground City or the Child of the Cavern

Covering a time span of over ten years, this novel follows the fortunes of the mining community of Aberfoyle near Stirling, Scotland. Receiving a letter from an old colleague, mining engineer James Starr sets off for the old Aberfoyle mine, thought to have been mined out ten years earlier. Starr finds mine overman Simon Ford and his family living in a cottage deep inside the mine; he is astonished to find that Ford has made a discovery of the presence of a large vein of coal. Accompanying Simon Ford are his wife, Madge, and adult son, Harry. (Summary by Wikipedia)

19 episodes

The Merry Anne

This 1904 maritime adventure is set in the Great Lakes region, upon water and in wood. Our hero is caught in a smuggling scheme and may lose his boat and his sweetheart. With a fast pace and interesting plot, the story is made realistic with very modern "bad-guys". (Summary by Brenda Price)

15 episodes

Man Overboard

Peculiar happenings aboard the schooner Helen B. Jackson when one night during a storm, the small crew found themselves diminished by one. Somebody had gone overboard, and it was surmised that it was one of the twin Benton brothers. But oddly enough, it seemed that the 'presence' of the missing twin continued to exist on board during the following weeks. For example, one extra set of silverware was found to be used after each meal, but nobody claimed to be using them. What then did happen that stormy night, and which brother, if indeed it was one of the brothers, was the man who went overboard? (Summary by Roger Melin)

4 episodes

The Blockade Runners

Writing at the end of the American Civil War, Verne weaves this story of a Scottish merchant who, in desperation at the interruption of the flow of Southern cotton due to the Union blockade, determines to build his own fast ship and run guns to the Confederates in exchange for the cotton piling up unsold on their wharves. His simple plan becomes complicated by two passengers who board his new ship under false pretenses in order to carry out a rescue mission, one which Capt. Playfair adopts as his own cause. This is going make the Rebels in Charleston rather unhappy with him.Sure, his new ship is fast - but can it escape the cannonballs of both North and South? (Summary by Mark Smith)

10 episodes

Don Quichot van La Mancha

Door het lezen van te veel ridderromans is Don Quichot zijn verstand kwijtgeraakt. Denkend dat hij zelf een dolende ridder is, verlaat hij zijn huis en begint een dwaaltocht over de wegen en het platteland van Spanje, op zoek naar avonturen. Als doel heeft hij voor ogen het rechtzetten van alle soorten onrecht, om door deze goede daden beroemd te worden. Op zijn trektocht wordt Don Quichot vergezeld door zijn buurman en dienaar Sancho Panza. (naar Wikipedia) This is a Dutch translation and adaptation of the book: Don Quijote by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra.

24 episodes

Allan and the Holy Flower

Further adventures of Allan Quatermain. This is one of the 14 books that H. Rider Haggard wrote - starting with "King Solomon's Mines" - depicting the adventures of Allan Quatermain, great English hunter in the wilds of mysterious Africa. (Summary by laineyben)

20 episodes

Alleen op de wereld

Zelden, misschien nooit, las ik een boek, dat zoo rein en eenvoudig en toch zoo boeiend en vol afwisseling is, als dit meesterstuk van Hector Malot, door den schrijver aan zijne dochter Lucie opgedragen en zoo terecht met den Montyon-prijs bekroond."Alleen op de wereld" is rijk aan afwisselende gebeurtenissen, maar niet minder rijk aan gevoelvolle en ook spannende tafereelen. Het ademt evenveel menschenkennis als menschenliefde, en zonder dat de schrijver zich tot hoofddoel gesteld heeft de jeugdige lezers te onderwijzen, zullen deze er toch hunne kennis door vermeerderen.Maar meer nog dan hun hoofd zal hun hart door de lezing winnen. Voor de vorming daarvan vooral verdient dit zeldzaam voortreffelijke boek algemeen gelezen te worden.(Voorrede van de vertaler)

50 episodes

The Blue Lagoon

Two shipwrecked children grow up on a South Pacific island. This beautiful story of adventure and innocent love was H.D. Stacpoole’s most popular work. Parents who may have seen the Hollywood film need not be anxious about the book's suitability for kids -- the author's treatment of adolescent sexuality is almost mystical and very mild. The story of The Blue Lagoon (1908) continues in The Garden of God (1923) and The Gates of Morning (1925). A ship’s doctor, Henry De Vere Stacpoole (1863–1951) published over 90 works of fiction, poetry, autobiography, and translation. (Summary by Adrian Praetzellis)

24 episodes


Topsy Turvy is a translation of Sans dessus dessous (1889) . This anonymous translation was first published by J. G. Ogilvie (New York, 1890). We meet our old friends Barbicane and J.T. Maston from “Earth to the Moon” who now give us their own approach to the topic of “global warming”. Although they are searching for coal and not oil, readers will find that the auction of the Arctic energy reserves has a definite 21st century ring. (Summary from the Gutenberg e-text.)This project was proof listened by stonie1914 and Betty M.

19 episodes

A Knyght Ther Was

"But the Knyght was a little less than perfect, and his horse did not have a metabolism, and his 'castle' was much more mobile - timewise! - than it had any business being!" In 2178, once time travel had become a simple task, it had also been outlawed. Those who chose to ingnore this law were known as time-thieves, and Tom Mallory was among the best of them. When he learns the precise whereabouts of the Holy Grail in 542, he sets out to obtain it with the intention of returning it to the 22nd century to make a handsome profit and to settle on Get-Rich-Quick Street. Off to the year 542 he travels to the castle of Carbonek where the great Knight Sir Launcelot is said to have possession of the Sangraal. (Summary by Roger Melin with quote from Analog Science Fact & Fiction July 1963)

6 episodes

Jock of the Bushveld

Jock of the Bushveld is a true story by South African author Sir Percy Fitzpatrick when he worked as a storeman, prospector's assistant, journalist and ox-wagon transport-rider. The book tells of Fitzpatrick's travels with his dog, Jock, during the 1880s. Jock was saved by Fitzpatrick from being drowned in a bucket for being the runt of the litter. Jock was very loyal towards Percy, and brave. Jock was an English Staffordshire Bull Terrier. (Summary by Wikipedia)

29 episodes

The Iliad of Homer

"The Iliad is an epic poem in dactylic hexameters, traditionally attributed to Homer. Set in the Trojan War, the ten-year siege of Ilium, by a coalition of Greek States, it tells of the battles and events during the weeks of a quarrel between King Agamemnon and the warrior Achilles. Although the story covers only a few weeks in the final year of the war, the Iliad mentions or alludes to many of the Greek legends about the siege" (Summary from Wikipedia)

24 episodes

Benito Cereno

On an island off the coast of Chile, Captain Amaso Delano, sailing an American sealer, sees the San Dominick, a Spanish slave ship, in obvious distress. Capt. Delano boards the San Dominick, providing needed supplies, and tries to learn from her aloof and disturbed captain, Benito Cereno, the story of how this ship came to be where she is. Dealing with racism, the slave trade, madness, the tension between representation and reality, and featuring at least one unreliable narrator, Melville's novella has both captivated and frustrated critics for decades. (Summary by Nullifidian)

14 episodes

The Man from Glengarry

With international book sales in the millions, Ralph Connor was the best-known Canadian novelist of the first two decades of the Twentieth Century. The Man from Glengarry was his most popular and accomplished work. Immediately after its publication in 1901, the novel spent several months in the top ranks of the New York Times "Books in Demand" list.We follow the story of Ranald Macdonald, who is shaped by family and community in rural eastern Ontario in the early decades after Canadian confederation. This is a book about the making of men, but also, ultimately, about the making of a nation, as the mature Ranald moves west to take a leadership role in the fledgling province of British Columbia.The Man from Glengarry features adventure and romance, and is, above all, a work of serious moral purpose. "Ralph Connor" was the pen-name of the Reverend Charles Gordon, a prominent Canadian minister, and his stories are woven through with his religious convictions. His is a two-fisted Christianity — or, as he said in his autobiography, a religion that can appeal to "red-blooded" people who aren't afraid to engage in physical conflict for causes that they know are right. (Summary by Bruce Pirie)

26 episodes

Raiding with Morgan

It is a fictional tale of cavalry actions during the U.S. Civil War, under General John Morgan. (Summary by M. Craun)

27 episodes

Omoo: A Narrative of Adventures in the South Seas

Omoo: A Narrative of Adventures in the South Seas is Herman Melville's sequel to Typee, and, as such, was also autobiographical. After leaving Nuku Hiva, the main character ships aboard a whaling vessel which makes its way to Tahiti, after which there is a mutiny and the majority of the crew are imprisoned on Tahiti. The book follows the actions of the narrator as he explores Tahiti and remarks on their customs and way of life. Many sources incorrectly assert that Omoo is based on Melville's stay in the Marquesas. The novel is, in fact, exclusively based on his experiences in the Society Islands. (Summary by Wikipedia)

42 episodes