Miss Civilization, a one act comedy, tells the story of a young woman who matches wits with three burglars attempting to rob her house. This recording was made in Chicago at the LibriVox World Gathering in May 2007.
Kristin Hughes
Betsie Bush
Julian Jamison
1 episodes
Written around the middle of his career, Much Ado About Nothing is one of Shakespeare's great festive comedies. The men are back from the war, and everyone is ready for romance. The dashing young Claudio falls for Hero, the daughter of Leonato, governor of Messina, and his friend Don Pedro helps him secure her affection. These youthful lovers are contrasted with the more experienced (and more cynical) Benedick and Beatrice, who have to be tricked into falling in love. Don Pedro's bastard brother, Don John, provides the intrigue, and the dimwitted constable Dogberry provides the laughs. (Summary by Elizabeth Klett)
Don Pedro: Janice
Don John: Christie Nowak
Claudio: Lizzie Driver
Benedick: Elizabeth Klett
Leonato: StephenC
Antonio: Caliban
Balthazar: David O'Connell
Borachio: Troy Bond
Conrade: James Pritchard
Dogberry: Rosalind Wills
Verges: Lamarr Gulley
Friar Francis: Sharontzu
Sexton: Aleithia
Boy: Arielle Lipshaw
Hero: Karen Savage
Beatrice: Kristin Hughes
Margaret: Gates Maru
Ursula: Sibella Denton
Messenger: Josh Wilson
First Watch: Graham Dailey
Second Watch: Caliban
A Lord:Gilles Lehoux
Narrator: Laurie Anne Walden
Audio edited by: Elizabeth Klett
6 episodes
Magic, fairies, young lovers chasing each other through a forest, a man with a donkey's head, and impish Puck wreaking havoc right and left. What's going on here? It's A Midsummer Night's Dream, Shakespeare at his most fanciful. The play opens with Theseus, Duke of Athens, preparing for his wedding. Egeus complains to Theseus that his daughter Hermia refuses to marry Demetrius. When Hermia is given the choice between marriage to Demetrius or life as a nun, she and her true love Lysander flee into the forest. Demetrius follows them; and Helena, who loves Demetrius, follows him. Also in the forest are Oberon and Titania, king and queen of the fairies, at odds with one another. At Oberon's behest, Puck causes Demetrius to fall in love with Helena -- oops, he missed, that was Lysander instead. Mayhem ensues. In the meantime, a group of bumbling craftsmen rehearses a play. Puck gives one of them, Bottom, the head of an ass and makes Titania fall in love with him. Further hilarity results as Bottom sees nothing at all odd about this. Eventually everything is straightened out, Bottom and the rest "perform" their play, there is a triple wedding, and Puck assures us the whole thing has been a dream. Number of quotes you know: 5 (what fools these mortals be). Useful insults: 19. (Summary by Laurie Anne Walden)
Theseus, Duke of Athens – Mark F. Smith
Egeus, father to Hermia; and Snout, a tinker – John Lieder
Lysander, in love with Hermia – mb
Demetrius, in love with Hermia – David O'Connell
Philostrate, master of the revels – Philippa
Quince, a carpenter – Brian Edwards
Snug, a joiner – Elizabeth Klett
Bottom, a weaver – Simon Taylor
Flute, a bellows-mender – David Nicol
Starveling, a tailor – Jessica Miller
Hippolyta, queen of the Amazons – Cori Samuel
Hermia, daughter to Egeus, in love with Lysander – Laurie Anne Walden
Helena, in love with Demetrius – Rosalind Wills
Oberon, king of the fairies – Fr. Richard Zeile of Detroit
Titania, queen of the fairies – Deborah Irving
Puck, or Robin Goodfellow – Karen Savage
Peaseblossom – Larysa Jaworski
Cobweb – Charlene V. Smith
Moth – Alana Jordan
Mustardseed – Jamie Ash Young
Stage directions – Paul Williams
Fairy song composed and performed by Rosalind Wills; performed by Rosalind Wills and Larysa Jaworski
Audio edited by Cori Samuel and Laurie Anne Walden
6 episodes
La Comtesse d'Escarbagnas est une comédie-ballet de Molière (musique de Charpentier et ballets de Beauchamp), commandée par Louis XIV pour le remariage de son frère avec la princesse palatine de Bavière, après son veuvage. Cette œuvre nous montre une provinciale, entichée de bonnes manières qu'elle se vante d'avoir apprises à Paris. On considère cette pièce comme le pendant féminin de Monsieur de Pourceaugnac. (de Wikipedia)Personnages
La Comtesse : Ezwa
Le Comte : Aldor
Le Vicomte : Jean Lambert
Julie : Jc Guan
Monsieur Tibaudier : Ezwa
Monsieur Harpin : Aldor
Monsieur Bobinet : Christian
Andrée : Jc Guan
Jeannot : Christian
Criquet : Karen Savage
Narratrice : Jc Guan
1 episodes
One of Shakespeare’s most popular plays, As You Like It is a pastoral comedy of mistaken identity, wit, and love. Daughter of a banished duke and forced to flee the court, Rosalind hides in the Forest of Arden disguised as a man. When her true love Orlando also shows up in the forest, she courts him without revealing her identity. Meanwhile, Phebe mistakenly falls in love with her disguise, Silvius pines for Phebe, Jacques philosophizes, and Touchstone makes fun of it all, and love and happiness triumph (for the most part) as Rosalind orchestrates a happy ending amid the confusion. (Summary by Rosalind Wills)
Duke Senior – hefyd
Duke Frederick – Chugosh
Amiens – Cecelia Prior
Jaques – Elizabeth Klett
Le Beau – Simon Larois
Charles – Leon Mire
Oliver – Larysa Jaworski
Jacques du Boys and Second Lord – David Lawrence
Orlando – mb
Adam – Brian Edwards
Dennis – Annoying Twit
Touchstone – Mark F. Smith
Sir Oliver Martext – Aaron Elliott
Corin – Sibella Denton
Silvius – David Nicol
William – Ernst Pattynama
Hymen – Lorelle Anderson
Rosalind – Rosalind Wills
Celia – Philippa
Phebe – Charlene V. Smith
Audrey – Mindy H
First Lord – Mirza
First Page – Ruth Golding
Second Page – David O'Connell
Forester – pla303
Stage directions – Laurie Anne Walden
Audio edited by Rosalind Wills
6 episodes
William Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice was probably written between 1596 and 1598, and was printed with the comedies in the First Folio of 1623. Bassanio, an impoverished gentleman, uses the credit of his friend, the merchant Antonio, to borrow money from a wealthy Jew, Shylock. Antonio pledges to pay Shylock a pound of flesh if he defaults on the loan, which Bassanio will use to woo a rich heiress, Portia. A subplot concerns the elopement of Shylock's daughter Jessica with a Christian, Bassanio's friend Lorenzo. In its focus on love and marriage, the play shares certain concerns with Shakespeare's other comedies. Yet its depiction of the tensions between Jews and Christians in early modern Venice - and its highly dramatic trial scene in Act 4 - create darker currents in the play. (Summary by Elizabeth Klett)
Duke of Venice: Filippo Gioachin
Prince of Morocco: Mark F. Smith
Prince of Arragon: David Nicol
Antonio: David O'Connell
Bassanio: mb
Salanio: Rosalind Wills
Salarino: Laurie Anne Walden
Gratiano: David Leeson
Lorenzo: Aaron Elliott
Shylock: etk
Tubal: Carolyn Frances
Launcelot Gobbo: L. Lambert Lawson
Old Gobbo: David Lawrence
Leonardo: Laurie Anne Walden
Balthasar: David Lawrence
Stephano: Lucy Perry
Portia: Arielle Lipshaw
Nerissa: Megan Kunkel
Jessica: Elizabeth Klett
Clerk in court: Ernst Pattynama
Portia's servant: Joshua B. Christensen
Narrator: Dennis Sayers
6 episodes
Whittington and his Cat, or Harlequin Lord Mayor of London was the 26th Grand Comic Christmas Annual, written by E. L. Blanchard for performance at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, London in 1875. Pantomimes are a favourite Christmas entertainment in England, and in Victorian times were usually written in rhyming couplets. They featured a Principal Boy (played by a girl) and a Dame (played by a man). Over the years they became ever more elaborate with fantastic costumes, huge casts and spectacular transformation scenes. We shall have to leave these to your imagination, dear listener, but we hope that our performance will give you a flavour of Victorian panto.This version of the story of Dick Whittington was produced from a torn and well-used copy of the pantomime script, and a long search online and in various British libraries for the original music, details of which may be found here.The lyrics of the last song are the cast's curtain call and include the names Wright, Vokes and Coveney, the Vokes family and Harriet Coveney being famous celebrities in Victorian pantomime.Dick arrives in London to search for the fabled "streets paved with gold" and after being reunited with his cat Tom who has followed him, finds the mercer Mr. Fitzwarren (for whom business is not going well), his lovely daughter Alice and the fearsome Dorothy the Cook. Many high jinks ensue. (Summary by Ruth Golding)Cast:
Dick Whittington - PhilippaHugh Fitzwarren, mercer - Kim StichAlice Fitzwarren, his daughter - Jc GuanDorothy the Cook - TomTom the Cat - Andy MinterThe Fairy Bluebell - Cori SamuelThe Sovereign of Zanzibar - Phil ChenevertCaptain - David LawrenceFirst Apprentice - Anne ChengSecond Apprentice - IkkuFirst Girl - Anna RobertsSecond Girl - TriciaGThird Girl - Lucy PerryHelmsman - mbNarrator - Ruth GoldingAudio edited by Ruth Golding
8 episodes
"Porcelain and Pink" is a comic one-act play from the 1922 short story collection Tales of the Jazz Age. The plot involves a young woman in a bathtub and a case of mistaken identity. (Summary by Laurie Anne Walden)
Characters:Julie – Holly BlissLois – Jc GuanThe Young Man – mbNarration and audio editing – Laurie Anne Walden
1 episodes
The Taming of the Shrew is one of Shakespeare's earliest comedies, and was inspired by classical Roman comedy and the Italian commedia dell'arte. Baptista Minola, a rich gentleman of Padua, has two daughters: Katherina, renowned for her sharp tongue, and Bianca, who is sought after by multiple suitors. Baptista decides that Bianca cannot marry until her elder sister finds a husband. Enter Petruchio, who has come to "wive it wealthily in Padua," and who is convinced by Bianca's suitors to woo Katherina. The play ultimately poses the question of who is the bigger shrew: Kate or Petruchio. The subplot involves the subterfuge employed by Lucentio to woo the lovely Bianca. (Summary by Elizabeth Klett)Cast:Lord: Bob ShermanChristopher Sly: David LawrenceHostess, Widow: Neeru IyerPage: Arielle LipshawPlayers, Tranio, Nicholas: Elizabeth KlettFirst Huntsman, Peter: Glenn SimonsenServant, Haberdasher, Nathaniel: Laurie Anne WaldenBaptista Minola: Ernst PattynamaVincentio: Mark F. SmithLucentio: mbPetruchio: Bellona TimesGremio: Rat KingHortensio: Miriam Esther GoldmanBiondello: Matthew WardGrumio: Denny SayersCurtis: MGVestalPedant: Tom HackettKatherina: Kristin HughesBianca: Musicalheart1Tailor, Second Servant: Michael WolfSecond Huntsman: Katalina WattFirst Servant: Abigail BartelsThird Servant: vonJoseph: redaerPhilip: Lucy PerryNarrator: AvailleAudio edited by: Elizabeth Klett and Arielle Lipshaw
6 episodes
Uncle Vanya (subtitled “Scenes From Country Life”) is a tragicomedy by Anton Chekhov. It is set on the failing country estate of a retired professor, Serebrakoff, who returns after a long absence with his beautiful young wife, and throws the household into confusion. Rivalry, unrequited love, illicit romance, and attempted suicide are the result, punctuated throughout by Chekhov’s sad, wistful humor. (Summary by Elizabeth Klett)Cast:Alexander Serebrakoff: Andy MinterHelena: Karen SavageSonia: Elizabeth KlettMme. Voitskaya: Ruth GoldingIvan (Vanya) Voitski: mbMichael Astroff: Bruce PirieIlia (Waffles) Telegin: BellonaTimesMarina: Arielle LipshawWorkman/Watchman: Miles EspaillatNarrator: AvailleAudio edited by: mb
4 episodes
Arms and the Man is a comedy by George Bernard Shaw that takes place in 1885, during the Serbo-Bulgarian War. Raina Petkoff is engaged to the gallant Sergius Saranoff, hero of the recent Bulgarian victory over the Serbs. But she is distracted by the abrupt arrival of Captain Bluntschli, a Swiss mercenary who fought for the Serbian army. He takes refuge in her bedroom after the battle and although he is initially threatening, reveals that he carries chocolate creams instead of bullets. Will Raina marry the posturing Sergius or the chocolate cream soldier? Extra intrigue is provided by saucy servant girl Louka, her dour fiance Nicola, and Raina's hand-wringing parents. (Summary by Elizabeth Klett)Cast (in order of speaking):Narrator: AvailleCatherine Petkoff: Karen SavageRaina Petkoff: Elizabeth KlettLouka: Arielle LipshawCaptain Bluntschli: mbOfficer: David LawrenceNicola: Barry EadsMajor Petkoff: Robert KeiperSergius Saranoff: Mark F. SmithAudio edited by: Elizabeth Klett
3 episodes
The Cherry Orchard is Russian playwright Anton Chekhov's last play. It premiered at the Moscow Art Theatre 17 January 1904 in a production directed by Constantin Stanislavski. Chekhov intended this play as a comedy and it does contain some elements of farce; however, Stanislavski insisted on directing the play as a tragedy. Since this initial production, directors have had to contend with the dual nature of this play.
The play concerns an aristocratic Russian woman and her family as they return to the family's estate (which includes a large and well-known cherry orchard) just before it is auctioned to pay the mortgage. The story presents themes of cultural futility — both the futility of the aristocracy to maintain its status and the futility of the bourgeoisie to find meaning in its new-found materialism. In reflecting the socio-economic forces at work in Russia at the turn of the 20th century, including the rise of the middle class after the abolition of serfdom in the mid-19th century and the sinking of the aristocracy, the play reflects forces at work around the globe in that period.
(Summary from Wikipedia, edited by Elizabeth Klett)Cast:Mme. Ranevsky: Ruth GoldingAnya: Arielle LipshawVarya: Elizabeth KlettGaev: Lars RolanderLopakhin: Andy MinterTrofimov: mbSimeonov-Pischin: Denny SayersCharlotta: Anna SimonEpikhodov: hefydDunyasha: Tricia GFiers: om123Yasha: Kim StichTramp: Musicalheart1Narrator: David LawrenceAudio edited by: Elizabeth Klett
5 episodes
La locandiera è una commedia scritta da Carlo Goldoni nel 1751.La storia si incentra sulle vicende di Mirandolina, un'attraente e astuta giovane donna che gestisce a Firenze, con l'aiuto del suo cameriere Fabrizio, una locanda ereditata dal padre. (Riassunto di Wikipedia)Personaggi:Il Cavaliere di Ripafratta - Filippo GioachinIl Marchese di Forlipopoli - Roberto CofiniIl Conte d'Albafiorita - Algy PugMirandolina, locandiera - DolcineaOrtensia, comica - piccolamimiDejanira, comica - Maria Grazia TundoFabrizio, cameriere di locanda - Riccardo FasolServitore, del Cavaliere - River80Servitore, del Conte - arcobalenoNarratore - arcobalenoMontaggio - Filippo GioachinEffetti Sonori - Roberto Cofini
4 episodes
Creditors is a tragicomedy by August Strindberg that plumbs the depths of the twisted triangular relationship between Tekla, her husband Adolph, and her ex-husband Gustav. (Summary by Elizabeth Klett)Cast:Tekla: Elizabeth KlettAdolph: mbGustav: Bruce PirieNarrator: Diana MajlingerAudio edited by: Elizabeth Klett
2 episodes
Love's Labour's Lost is an early comedy by William Shakespeare. The King of Navarre and his three friends take a vow of study and seclusion for three years, during which they are forbidden to see or speak to women. Their vows are immediately tested by the arrival of the Pricess of France and her three ladies to the King's court. (Summary by Elizabeth Klett)Cast:Biron: mbBoyet: Mark PenfoldCostard: John D. NugentDon Adriano de Armado: David GoldfarbDull:David LawrenceDumain: om123Ferdinand: Bruce PirieFirst Lord: Vicente Costa FilhoForester: PhilippaHolofernes: Denny SayersJaquenetta: Chelsea BakerKatharine: Nadine Eckert-BouletLongaville: Ric FMaria: AvailleMercade: Kim StichMoth: Karen SavagePrincess of France: Elizabeth KlettRosaline: Arielle LipshawSir Nathaniel: Robert FletcherNarrator: Dawn Krosnowski MalicsiAudio edited by: Elizabeth Klett
6 episodes
Despite its optimistic title, Shakespeare's All's Well That Ends Well has often been considered a "problem play." Ostensibly a comedy, the play also has fairy tale elements, as it focuses on Helena, a virtuous orphan, who loves Bertram, the haughty son of her protectress, the Countess of Rousillon. When Bertram, desperate for adventure, leaves Rousillon to serve in the King's army, Helena pursues him. (Summary by Elizabeth Klett)
Cast:Bertram: David NicolClown: Denny SayersCountess of Rousillon: Ruth GoldingDiana: Arielle LipshawDuke of Florence: Robert FletcherFirst Gentleman: Brett W. DowneyFirst Lord: Bellona TimesFirst Soldier: om123Fourth Lord/Steward: SkythrockHelena: Elizabeth KlettKing of France: Andy MinterLafeu: Martin GeesonMariana: Maria ThereseParolles: mbSecond Gentleman: Martyn OughtonSecond Lord: David GoldfarbSecond Soldier: Vicente Costa FilhoPage/Servant: Lucy PerryWidow: Musicalheart1Narrator: AvailleAudio edited by: mbProof listening: Maria Therese, Elizabeth Klett
6 episodes
The Comedy of Errors is one of William Shakespeare's earliest plays, believed to have been written between 1592 and 1594. It is his shortest and one of his most farcical comedies, with a major part of the humour coming from slapstick and mistaken identity, in addition to puns and word play. The Comedy of Errors tells the story of two sets of identical twins that were accidentally separated at birth. Antipholus of Syracuse and his servant, Dromio of Syracuse, arrive in Ephesus, which turns out to be the home of their twin brothers, Antipholus of Ephesus and his servant, Dromio of Ephesus. When the Syracusans encounter the friends and families of their twins, a series of wild mishaps based on mistaken identities lead to wrongful beatings, a near-seduction, the arrest of Antipholus of Ephesus, and accusations of infidelity, theft, madness, and demonic possession. (Summary by Wikipedia)Cast:Adriana / Second Merchant: Elizabeth KlettAegeon: Jason BortlesAemilia: Musicalheart1Angelo: bmkeenerAntipholus of Ephesus / Antipholus of Syracuse: mbBalthazar: Tim FerreiraCourtezan: Maria ThereseDromio of Ephesus / Dromio of Syracuse: John FrickerFirst Merchant / Solinus: Algy PugGaoler: Lucy PerryLuce: Diana MajlingerLuciana: Arielle LipshawOfficer: David LawrencePinch: Martin GeesonServant: ElliNarrator: AvailleAudio edited by: Elizabeth Klett
6 episodes
Lysistrata read by a group of college students. First performed in classical Athens c. 411 B.C.E., Aristophanes’ “Lysistrata” is the original battle of the sexes. One woman, Lysistrata, brings together the women of all Greece, exhorting them to withhold sexual contact from all men in order that they negotiate a treaty. Double entendres abound as men of Greece attempt to keep Lysistrata and her prurient gang from putting an end to the Peloponnesian war. Notably risqué, this comic drama sheds light on gender relations in ancient Athens
Translator is not named, but Jack Lindsay is commentator and Norman Lindsay is the illustrator.
2 episodes
The Two Gentlemen of Verona is the earliest comedy written by Shakespeare (and possibly his first play), probably written around 1590-91. It focuses on two friends, Valentine and Proteus, whose friendship is disrupted by their mutual passion for the lovely Silvia. Proteus jilts Julia in order to pursue Silvia; she responds by enlisting the help of her maid Lucetta to dress as a boy and go after Proteus. The play also includes some wonderfully comic supporting characters, particularly Launce and his scene-stealing dog Crab. (Summary by Elizabeth Klett)
Cast:Antonio: Ernst PattynamaDuke of Milan/First Outlaw: Algy PugEglamour: Amy GramourHost: Adrian PraetzellisJulia: Elizabeth KlettLaunce: Arielle LipshawLucetta: AvaillePanthino: Peter BishopProteus: Denny SayersSecond Outlaw: Christopher SannerSilvia: Elizabeth BarrSpeed: David GoldfarbThird Outlaw: Jared KlettThurio: Matthew ReeceValentine: mbNarrator: Elizabeth KlettAnd featuring Oscar as Crab the dog.Audio edited by Elizabeth Klett
6 episodes
The Admirable Bashville is a product of the British law of copyright. As that law stands at present, the first person who patches up a stage version of a novel, however worthless and absurd that version may be, and has it read by himself and a few confederates to another confederate who has paid for admission in a hall licensed for theatrical performances, secures the stage rights of that novel, even as against the author himself; and the author must buy him out before he can touch his own work for the purposes of the stage...As a good Socialist I do not at all object to the limitation of my right of property in my own works to a comparatively brief period, followed by complete Communism: in fact, I cannot see why the same salutary limitation should not be applied to all property rights whatsoever; but a system which enables any alert sharper to acquire property rights in my stories as against myself and the rest of the community would, it seems to me, justify a rebellion if authors were numerous and warlike enough to make one." (Summary by G.B. Shaw, from the Preface)Cast:
Lydia/Narrator: Arielle Lipshaw
Cashel Byron: Algy Pug
Bob Mellish: Anthony
Lucian: mb
Bashville: Matthew Reece
A Newsboy/Master of the Revels: TriciaG
Cetewayo: Peter Bishop
Lord Worthington: Alan
Paradise/Adelaide Gisborne: Elizabeth Klett
Audio edited by Arielle Lipshaw
4 episodes
The Doctor's Dilemma is about Dr. Colenso Ridgeon, who has recently been knighted because of a miraculous new treatment he developed for tuberculosis. As his friends arrive to congratulate him on his success, he is visited by two figures who present him with a difficult decision. He has room for one more patient in his clinic; should he give it to Louis Dubedat, a brilliant but absolutely immoral artist, or Dr. Blenkinsop, a poor and rather ordinary physician who is a truly good person? Dr. Ridgeon's dilemma is heightened when he falls for Jennifer Dubedat, the artist's wife, who is innocent of her husband's profligacy. (Summary by Elizabeth Klett)
Cast:Redpenny: DerekPEmmy: AmallenDr. Ridgeon: Bruce PirieDr. Schutzmacher: John SteigerwaldSir Patrick Cullen: Algy PugCutler Walpole: Elizabeth KlettSir Ralph Bloomfield Bonington: Phil ChenevertDr. Blenkinsop: mbJennifer Dubedat: Arielle LipshawLouis Dubedat: AnthonyThe Maid: rashadaThe Newspaper Man: David LawrenceThe Secretary: Peter BishopNarrator: Elizabeth KlettAudio edited by Elizabeth Klett
5 episodes
This 1895 farce inspired by the outlandish idea of women wearing pants, centers around the predicament of the three daughters of the eccentric Marchioness of Castlejordan, who determined to have sons, raised them like boys. She encouraged them to dress and act like boys at home, yet dress like ladies when out. As the girls come of age, they are conflicted. They want to please mother by acting as her sons, but, suddenly smitten with three gentlemen, they are compelled to grow up and be ladies. When their suitors secretly come to woo, they aren’t sure what to do……and what will mother do if she finds out? (Summary by A.L. Gramour)CastLady Castlejordan: Algy PugNoeline: Elizabeth KlettThomasin: Arielle LipshawWilhelmina: Amy GramourReverend Roger Minchin/Andre de Grival: Lars RolanderBarrington Litterly: John FrickerGalfred Tweenwayes: Peter BishopSergeant Shuter: Liberty StumpFitton/Youat/Orts: Levi ThrockmortonNarrator: MalaneAudio edited by Amy Gramour
5 episodes
Candida, a comedy by playwright George Bernard Shaw, was first published in 1898, as part of his Plays Pleasant. The central characters are clergyman James Morell, his wife Candida and a youthful poet, Eugene Marchbanks, who tries to win Candida's affections. The play questions Victorian notions of love and marriage, asking what a woman really desires from her husband. The cleric is a Fabian Socialist, allowing Shaw—himself a Fabian—to weave political issues, current at the time, into the story. (Summary from Wikipedia)Cast:Proserpine Garnett: Elizabeth KlettJames Morell: Peter BishopAlexander "Lexy" Mill: Martin GeesonBurgess: Algy PugCandida: Arielle LipshawEugene Marchbanks: mbNarrator: Elizabeth KlettAudio edited by Elizabeth Klett
3 episodes
Entre las comedias del fecundo y elegante Calderón merecía, sin duda, uno de los lugares mas distinguidos la que se conoce con el título de La dama duende. Con efecto la novedad original del argumento, la verdad de los caracteres, una multitud de escenas y de situaciones cómicas, y las gracias y sales derramadas con profusión en toda ella la hacían sumamente apreciable. Por otra parte el fin de esta obra era el de atacar una preocupación tan general como ridícula, que había llegado a apoderarse del pueblo español, y de la que aun está muy lejos de hallarse totalmente curado: La existencia de los duendes, fantasmas, trasgos, etc. estaba recibida entre nosotros en aquel siglo como un hecho seguro y constante; y, aunque esta errónea opinión no mereciese más que la risa y el desprecio, eran de tal trascendencia los males que ocasionaba que fue preciso hacer uso de cuantos medios pudieron emplearse a fin de procurar destruirla. (De la introducción de Antonio de Miguel a la edición de José Fernández Guerra de 1826.)
Narradora: DreamVoz
Don Manuel: Tux
Cosme: Ditirambo
Doña Angela: DreamVoz
Isabel: Margaret Espaillat
Rodrigo: Bob Gonzalez
Don Luis: Eduardo
Don Juan: Paolo Paez
Doña Beatriz: Karen Savage
Clara, criada: Availle
Audio editado por Tux y Karen Savage
4 episodes
Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest is subtitled "A Trivial Comedy for Serious People," and has proved immensely popular since its first performance in 1895. The play certainly has its farcical and comic elements, such as the witty banter exchanged by the characters and the flippant attitude towards love and marriage that characterizes the action. However, the play also explores more serious themes through the central story of Jack Worthing's search for his identity. (Summary by Elizabeth Klett)CastJohn Worthing: Dublin GothicAlgernon Moncrieff: John FrickerRev. Chasuble: Martin GeesonMerriman: mbLane: Algy PugLady Bracknell: Ruth GoldingGwendolyn Fairfax: Elizabeth KlettCecily Cardew: Arielle LipshawMiss Prism: Carol BoxNarrator: Tiffany Halla ColonnaAudio edited by Elizabeth Klett
3 episodes
George Bernard Shaw's Major Barbara focuses on the family of aristocratic Lady Britomart Undershaft and her estranged husband Andrew, a millionaire armaments manufacturer. Their daughters Sarah and Barbara are both engaged to be married, and Lady Britomart decides to ask Andrew for monetary support. Barbara is a Major in the Salvation Army, and agrees to let her father visit the mission in the East End of London where she works. In exchange, she agrees to visit his munitions factory. The conflict between Barbara's philanthropic idealism and her father's hard-headed capitalism clash when he decides he wants to fund the Salvation Army. Shaw's comedy, as always, delves into political and social issues of the period, and provides a roster of finely- and humorously-drawn characters. (Summary by Elizabeth Klett)CastStephen Undershaft: Chuck WilliamsonLady Britomart Undershaft: Amy L. GramourSarah Undershaft: Arielle LipshawBarbara Undershaft/Rummy Mitchens: Elizabeth KlettCharles Lomax: mbAdolphus Cusins: Chris MarcellusMorrison/Bilton: ToddAndrew Undershaft: Bruce PirieSnobby Price: Joshua TeschJenny Hill: Grace GarrettPeter Shirley: Ken GarrettBill Walker: Algy PugMrs. Baines: Margaret EspaillatNarrator: David LawrenceAudio edited by Elizabeth Klett
3 episodes
Pride and Prejudice, a comedy of manners and marriage, is the most famous of Jane Austen's novels. In this dramatic adaption by Mary Keith Medbery Macakaye some liberties are taken with the storyline and characters, but it is still a fun listen or read. Perhaps a good introduction for someone not ready to tackle the complete novel ~ and for the reader familiar with the work, a laugh can be had at the changes that were made in order to adapt it to the stage (Summary by Maria Therese)Cast:Mr. Darcy: Algy PugMr. Bingley: Chris MarcellusColonel Fitzwilliam/Harris/Martin: ToddHWMr. Bennet: Robert Hoffman and Kevin W. DavidsonMr. Collins: Noel BadrianSir William Lucas: Nolan FoutColonel Forster: AnthonyMr. Wickham: Chuck WilliamsonMr. Denny: VikingJamesMrs. Bennet: KristingjJane Bennet: Tiffany Halla ColonnaElizabeth Bennet: Elizabeth KlettLydia Bennet/Lady Lucas: DuanCharlotte Lucas: Amanda FridayMiss Bingley: April GonzalesLady Catherine De Bourg: Nathanial W.C. HigginsHill (The Housekeeper at Longbourn): KerrieRae ClarkeMartha (The Maid at Mr. Collins's Parsonage): AvailleNarrator: Lauren BurwellAudio edited by Maria Therese ,/p>
4 episodes
Before he became a novelist, Dickens wrote several successful plays. This one from 1836, his first, he called, “A Comic Burletta in Two Acts”. Characters arrive at a village inn called “The St. James Arms” and much confusion ensues. (Summary by ToddHW)Cast:MR. OWEN OVERTON: NoelBadrianJOHN JOHNSON: Nathanial W.C. HigginsTHE STRANGE GENTLEMAN: David GoldfarbCHARLES TOMKINS: Algy PugTOM SPARKS: John TrevithickJOHN, TOM, WILL - Waiters 1, 2, 3: ToddHWJULIA DOBBS: Tiffany Halla ColonnaFANNY WILSON: Amanda FridayMARY WILSON: DuanMRS. NOAKES: Christine NendzaCHAMBERMAID: Eden Rea-HedrickNarrator: Kristingj
2 episodes
A small play in three acts. A kind of comic tragedy. The plot tells the story of the interaction between two very different families in rural England just after the end of the First World War. Squire Hillcrist lives in the manor house where his family has lived for generations. He has a daughter, Jill, who is in her late teens; and a wife, Amy, as well as servants and retainers. He is "old money", although his finances are at a bit of low ebb. The other family is the "nouveau riche" Hornblowers, headed by the single-minded and rich industrialist Hornblower, who throws old retainers the Jackmans out of their home (much to the Squire's disgust), and who plans to surround the Hillcrist's rural estate with factories. (Summary by catrose and Wikipedia) Cast:Hillcrist: AnthonyAmy, or Mrs H.: Amanda FridayJill: April GonzalesDawker: Charlotte DuckettHornblower: Delmar H. DolbierCharles: Chuck WilliamsonChloe: CaprishaPageRolf: Chris MarcellusFellows: Aidan BrackAnna; Auctioneer: MJ FranckMr. Jackman: TriciaGMrs. Jackman: Jeannie TiradoFirst Stranger: KristingjSecond Stranger: Elizabeth KlettNarrator: SallyMcEditors: Charlotte Duckett & CaprishaPage
3 episodes
Der Bär ist ein Theaterstück in einem Akt von Anton Tschechow, von ihm selbst als "Scherz" bezeichnet. Jeléna Iwánowna Popówa ist eine verwitwete Gutsbesitzerin, die noch immer um ihren Mann trauert. Als Grigóri Stepánowitsch Smirnóff in ihrem Hause auftaucht und eine alte Schuld ihres Mannes eintreiben möchte, ergeben sich Spannungen zwischen den beiden, die in einem unerwarteten Finale gipfeln. (Zusammenfassung von Availle)
Die Rollen:
Erzähler: aravis
Helene Iwánowna Pópow, eine junge Witwe, Gutsbesitzerin: Availle
Grigórji Stepánowitsch Smírnow, Gutsbesitzer: Karlsson
Luká, Diener bei Frau Popow: CurlyM
Audioschnitt: Karlsson
1 episodes
John Fletcher's comedy (probably written and performed around 1611) is a sequel to Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew, in which, as the title suggests, the tamer will be tamed. Petruchio, the shrew-tamer, has been widowed, and marries a second wife, Maria, a "chaste witty lady." At the instigation of her cousin Bianca, and with the fellowship of her sister Livia, Maria decides to go on strike for equal rights, refusing to behave as a proper 17th century wife. Fletcher's play addresses the issue of men and women's roles within marriage, a controversial issue for his day. (Summary by Elizabeth Klett)CastNarrator/Bianca: Elizabeth KlettMoroso: Leonard WilsonTranio: mbSophocles: DublinGothicJaques: Cliff ThompsonRowland: Libby GohnLivia: Charlotte DuckettMaria: Arielle LipshawPetruchio: Kevin GreenPetronius: Algy PugPedro: Timothy FergusonFirst Maid/Country Wife/Doctor: Caprisha PageSecond Maid/City Wife/Second Watch: Amanda FridayThird Maid/First Watch/Servant: Grace GarrettAudio edited by Elizabeth Klett
5 episodes
Nicolai (anglicised Nicholas in this translation) Ivanov, a middle-aged public servant, is unhappy. His wife Anna, disinherited by her family after converting from Judaism, is dying of tuberculosis. He is deeply in debt. And his best friend’s daughter is infatuated with him. Comedy and tragedy ensue in truly Chekhovian fashion. An example of the young Chekhov’s maturing style, Ivanov is an early harbinger of themes that would recur throughout his work. (Summary by mb)CastNicholas Ivanov: mbAnna: Elizabeth KlettMatthew Shabelski: Algy PugPaul Lebediev: Cliff ThompsonZinaida: Grace GarrettSasha: Arielle LipshawLvov: AvailleMartha Babakina: Julia NiedermaierKosich: KristingjMichael Borkin: Bruce PirieAvdotia Nazarovna: Caprisha PageGeorge: Charlotte DuckettFirst Guest: Miss AvariceSecond Guest: Libby GohnThird Guest: Aidan BrackNarrator: Ernst PattynamaAudio edited by mb and Elizabeth Klett
4 episodes
Shakespeare's pastoral comedy was written and first performed around 1599, and presents some of his familiar motifs: a cross-dressing heroine, a wise-cracking fool, brothers usurping their brothers' power, a journey from the court to the country, and various romantic entanglements. (Summary by Elizabeth Klett)CastOrlando: Arielle LipshawAdam/Hymen: Kevin GreenOliver/Le Beau/First Lord/First Page: ToddTouchstone/Dennis/First Lord/Forester: KristingjCharles/Second Lord/Jaques de Boys: Algy PugCelia: Eden Rea-HedrickRosalind/Sir Oliver Martext/Second Page: Elizabeth KlettDuke Frederick: Ken GarrettDuke Senior: Alan MapstoneAmiens/William: Grace GarrettCorin: Ernst PattynamaSilvius: Charlotte DuckettJaques: mbAudrey: Amy L. GramourPhebe: Katalina WattNarrator: David LawrenceAudio edited by Elizabeth Klett
5 episodes
On the eve of World War I, Ellie Dunn, her father, and her fiancé are invited to one of Hesione Hushabye’s infamous dinner parties. Unfortunately, her fiancé is a scoundrel, her father’s a bumbling prig, and she’s actually in love with Hector, Hesione’s husband. This bold mix of farce and tragedy lampoons British society as it blithely sinks towards disaster. (Summary by Wikipedia)CastNurse Guinness: Bev J. StevensEllie Dunn: Arielle LipshawCaptain Shotover: Bruce PirieLady Ariadne Utterword: Caprisha PageHesione Hushabye: Elizabeth KlettMazzini Dunn: Leonard WilsonHector Hushabye: Bob NeufeldBoss Mangan: Delmar H. DolbierRandall Utterword: mbThe Burglar: ToddNarrator: Elizabeth KlettAudio edited by Elizabeth Klett
4 episodes
Before he started writing novels, Charles Dickens tried his hand at theater. The Village Coquettes is a two act musical. Sadly the music was lost long ago so this will be a spoken version. This play completes the recording of the relatively unknown plays of Dickens in celebration of his 200th birthday! (Summary by ToddHW)CastSquire Norton: ToddThe Honorable Sparkins Flam: Elizabeth KlettOld Benson: Alan MapstoneMr. Martin Stokes: Brett W. DowneyGeorge Edmunds: engineerdstYoung Benson: Charlotte DuckettJohn Maddox: John TrevithickLucy Benson: Amanda FridayRose: Eden Rea-HedrickServant: Marmalade HannaNarrator: Caprisha PageAudio edited by ToddHW
2 episodes
The Changeling is a sensational 1622 tragicomedy by Thomas Middleton and William Rowley that comprises two intertwining plots. The first involves Beatrice-Joanna, daughter of the governor of Alicante, and her unruly passion for Alsemero, despite the fact that she is engaged to Alonzo de Piracquo. She enlists the aid of her father's servant De Flores to kill Alonzo so that she can marry Alsemero. However, she does not anticipate that De Flores, who is in love with her, will demand payment for the deed. The second plot is set in a madhouse, where the jealous old doctor Alibius is keeping his beautiful young wife Isabella confined so that she will not be unfaithful to him. Despite his best efforts, she is assailed by illicit suitors on all sides: Franciscus, who disguises himself as a madman, Antonio, who disguises himself as a fool, and Lollio, his lustful servant. (Summary by Elizabeth Klett)CastAlsemero: mbJasperino: Charlotte DuckettFirst Servant/Servant/First Madman: AvaillePedro/Franciscus/Vermandero: Alan MapstoneBeatrice-Joanna/Lollio: Elizabeth KlettDeFlores: David NicolDiaphanta: Meredith ClementAlibius: Algy PugAlonzo de Piracquo: Chuck WilliamsonAntonio: Kevin JohnsonIsabella: Caprisha PageTomazo de Piracquo: ToddNarrator: Arielle LipshawAudio edited by Elizabeth Klett
5 episodes
The Law Against Lovers was a dramatic adaptation of Shakespeare, arranged by Sir William Davenant and staged by the Duke's Company in 1662. It was the first of the many Shakespearean adaptations staged during the Restoration era. Davenant was not shy about changing the Bard's work; he based his text on Measure for Measure, but also added Beatrice and Benedick from Much Ado About Nothing — "resulting in a bizarre and fascinating combination." He made Angelo from the former play, and Benedick from the latter, into brothers. (Summary by Wikipedia)CastThe Duke: Alan MapstoneAngelo: Arielle LipshawEschalus: ToddBeatrice/Friar Thomas/Bernardine: Elizabeth KlettBalthazar: David WarnerJulietta: Amanda FridayViola: Charlotte DuckettServant/Hangman/Page: RapunzelinaBenedick: mbLucio: Tricia GClaudio: balaProvost: Algy PugIsabella: Elizabeth BarrFrancisca: Grace GarrettFool: Beth ThomasMaid/Second Servant: Caprisha PageJailer/Second Page: KristingjNarrator: Michele EatonAudio edited by Elizabeth Klett
5 episodes
The Miser is a comedy of manners about a rich moneylender named Harpagon. His feisty children long to escape from his penny-pinching household and marry their respective lovers. Although the 17th-century French upper classes presumably objected to the play's message, it is less savage and somewhat less realistic than Molière's earlier play, Tartuffe, which attracted a storm of criticism on its first performance. (Summary by wikipedia)Cast:Harpagon: ToddHWCleante: Elizabeth KlettValere: CebesAnselme: Elliot GageMaster Simon: balaMaster Jacques: Algy PugLa Fleche: Alan MapstoneBrindavoine: ElleyKatLa Merluche: Etel BussElise: Arielle LipshawMarianne: Elizabeth RamseyFrosine: Libby GohnOfficer: Simon PrideNarrator: Charlotte DuckettAudio edited by: Arielle Lipshaw
5 episodes
A dramatization of Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass for the stage. In this version, Alice goes through the looking glass and encounters a variety of strange and wonderful creatures from favorite scenes of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland the Through the Looking Glass. Including a conversation with the Red and White Queens, encounters with Humpty Dumpty, the Mock Turtle, the Cheshire Cat, and the Caterpillar, and of course everyone's favorite Mad Tea Party. (Summary by ElleyKat)Stage Directions: HailiLewis Carroll: Charlotte BrownAlice: Amanda FridayRed Queen: Shauna KennettWhite Queen: Elizabeth KlettWhite Rabbit: ToddHWHumpty Dumpty: nomorejeffsGryphon: Brett G. HirschMock Turtle: GlassMaskMad Hatter: Elliot GageMarch Hare: Charlotte DuckettDormouse: Kimberly KrauseFrog Footman: Larry WilsonDuchess: ElleyKatCheshire Cat: WoollyBeeTweedle Dee: Charlotte BrownTweedle Dum: Anastasiia SolokhaKing of Hearts: GlassMaskQueen of Hearts: Eden Rea-HedrickKnave of Hearts: gloriousjobCaterpillar: Etel BussTwo of Spades: Dave HarrellFive of Spades: Dave HarrellSeven of Spades: Dave HarrellAudio edited by ElleyKat and Kimberly Krause.
4 episodes
The play features three interlocking plots, connected by a celebration of the wedding of Theseus of Athens and the Amazon queen, Hippolyta, which is set simultaneously in the woodland and in the realm of Fairyland, under the light of the moon. (Summary by Wikipedia)
Theseus: Dave NicolEgeus: James SilversteinLysander: Peter ParshallDemetrius: Alex LauPhilostrate/Puck: ElleyKatPeter Quince/Prologue: Libby GohnSnug/Lion: Monika M.C.Nick Bottom/Pyramus: Alan MapstoneFrancis Flute/Thisby: Chuck WilliamsonTom Snout/ Wall: gloriousjobNarrator/Stage Directions/Robin Starling/Moonshine: Algy PugHippolyta: Patti CunninghamOberon: Bob NeufeldHelena: Sarah ParshallTitania: Arielle LipshawPeasBlossom/First Fairy: Elizabeth KlettCobweb/Second Fairy: Annika VeraMoth/Third Fairy: RebeccaMustard Seed/Fourth Fairy: Etel Buss
Editors Sarah Parshall, Kimberly Krause
6 episodes
The Comedy of Errors tells the story of two sets of identical twins that were accidentally separated at birth. Antipholus of Syracuse and his servant, Dromio of Syracuse, arrive in Ephesus, which turns out to be the home of their twin brothers, Antipholus of Ephesus and his servant, Dromio of Ephesus. When the Syracusans encounter the friends and families of their twins, a series of wild mishaps based on mistaken identities lead to wrongful beatings, a near-seduction, the arrest of Antipholus of Ephesus, and false accusations of infidelity, theft, madness, and demonic possession.. (Summary by Wikipedia)
CAST LISTAntipholus of Ephesus: ToddHWAntipholus of Syracuse: gloriousjobDromio of Ephesus: engineerdstDromio of Syracuse: KrzysAdriana, Servant: Woolly BeeLuciana: Amanda FridayÆgeon: Bob NeufeldÆmilia: Libby GohnSolinus: Frances BrownAngelo: Jason MillsBalthazar, Gaoler, Officers, and other Attendants: Elizabeth KlettPinch: Halle KillFirst and Second Merchant: Chris CartwrightLuce: Charlotte DuckettA Courtezan: MaryankaNarrator / Stage Directions: Kristin GjerløwEditor: Kimberly Krause
6 episodes
Much Ado About Nothing is generally considered one of Shakespeare’s best comedies, because it combines elements of robust hilarity with more serious meditations on honor, shame, and court politics. Much Ado About Nothing chronicles two pairs of lovers: Benedick and Beatrice (the main couple), and Claudio and Hero (the secondary couple). Benedick and Beatrice are engaged in a very "merry war"; they are both very witty and proclaim their disdain of love. In contrast, Claudio and Hero are sweet young people who are rendered practically speechless by their love for one another. Although the young lovers Hero and Claudio provide the main impetus for the plot, the courtship between the wittier, wiser lovers Benedick and Beatrice is what makes Much Ado About Nothing so memorable. Benedick and Beatrice argue with delightful wit, and Shakespeare develops their journey from antagonism to sincere love and affection with a rich sense of humor and compassion. (Summary by Wikipedia) CastLeonato: Bob NeufeldMessenger: Ernst PattynamaBeatrice/Boy/Second Watch: Elizabeth KlettHero: Amanda FridayDon Pedro: Bruce PirieBenedick: mbDon John: Eden Rea-HedrickClaudio: Beth ThomasAntonio: Larry WilsonConrade: Brett DowneyBorachio: Chris CartwrightBalthazar: James SilversteinMargaret: Arielle LipshawUrsula: Sarah ParshallDogberry: Alan MapstoneVerges: Charlotte DuckettFirst Watchman: rookieblueFriar Francis: balaSexton/Lord: ToddNarrator: Libby GohnAudio edited by mb and gloriana
5 episodes
Athens is in a sorry state of affairs. The great tragedian, Euripides, is dead, and Dionysus, the god of the theater, has to listen to third-rate poetry. So, he determines to pack his belongings onto his trusty slave, Xanthias, and journey to the underworld to bring back Euripides! Hi-jinks ensue. (Summary by Libby Gohn)CastDionysus: balaXanthias/Narrator: Elizabeth KlettAeschylus: Abe NemonEuripides: Libby GohnHeracles: Algy PugPluto: Alan MapstoneCharon: Eliot GageAeacus: Denny SayersCorpse: ToddMaidservant: Amanda FridayLandlady: AvaillePlathane: Marmalade HannaChorus of Frogs: Anastasiia SolokhaChorus of Initiates: mbAudio edited by Libby Gohn
2 episodes
Two gentlemen of broken fortune, disguised as master and servant, and thinking that a good dowry split both ways would solve their problems; some cludgy highwaymen and their confederates; foxy inn-keeper and saucy daughter; a country home with a drunken squire and his long suffering wife, medicine-practicing Lady, and beautiful daughter. What could possibly go wrong? (Summary by ToddHW)CastThomas Aimwell: Chris CartwrightFrancis Archer: engineerdstCount Bellair: Patrick WallaceSquire Sullen: Alan MapstoneSir Charles Freeman/Countryman: Nick BulkaFoigard: russellhughesGibbet: balaHounslow/Bagshot: ToddBoniface: Denny SayersScrub: Ray KasperLady Bountiful: Victoria PMrs. Sullen: Elizabeth KlettDorinda: Amanda FridayGipsy/Servant: Maria KasperCherry: Libby GohnCountrywoman: MaryankaNarrator: Katy FossilAudio edited by Todd
5 episodes
John Dryden and William D'Avenant's Restoration adaptation of Shakespeare's The Tempest preserves the main plot and characters of the original. Prospero, the former Duke of Milan, lives on an isolated island with his daughter Miranda, and plans to take revenge on his brother Antonio, who usurped his throne. He is aided by his servant, the airy sprite Ariel, and is hated by his other servant, the monster Caliban. Dryden and D'Avenant added in a number of characters: Dorinda, Prospero's other daughter, Hippolito, a young man who has never seen a woman, Sycorax, Caliban's sister, and more spirits and comic mariners. They also added more song, dance, and spectacle. Their version was considered the definitive Tempest until the 19th century. - Summary by Elizabeth KlettCastNarrator/Miranda/Stephano: Elizabeth KlettMustacho/Third Devil/Neptune: Kristin GjerløwVentoso/Pride: Frances BrownTrincalo/Fraud: mbHippolito/Cabin-boy: balaAlonzo: Algy PugAntonio: Leonard WilsonGonzalo: Bob NeufeldFerdinand: Eden Rea-HedrickProspero: Bruce PirieAriel/Aeolus: Libby GohnMilcha/First Devil/Amphitrite: AvailleCaliban/Second Devil/Tethys: Alan MapstoneDorinda: MaryankaSycorax/Murder/Oceanus: Lucy PerryAudio edited by Elizabeth Klett
5 episodes
Volpone is a comedy by Ben Jonson first produced in 1606, drawing on elements of city comedy and beast fable. A merciless satire of greed and lust, it remains Jonson's most-performed play, and it is among the finest Jacobean Era comedies. Volpone is a Venetian gentleman who pretends to be on his deathbed, after a long illness, in order to dupe Voltore, Corbaccio, and Corvino, three men who aspire to inherit his fortune. In their turns, each man arrives to Volpone’s house bearing a luxurious gift, intent upon having his name inscribed to the will of Volpone, as his heir. Mosca, Volpone’s parasite servant, encourages each man, Voltore, Corbaccio, and Corvino, to believe that he has been named heir to Volpone’s fortune; in the course of which, Mosca persuades Corbaccio to disinherit his own son in favour of Volpone. - Summary by Wikipedia
Cast list:
Volpone, a magnifico: Zachary Brewster-Geisz
Mosca, his parasite: Elizabeth Klett
Voltore, an advocate: Peter Tucker
Corbaccio, an old gentleman: alanmapstone
Corvino, a merchant: Beth Thomas
Bonario, son to Corbaccio: ToddHW
Sir Politick Would-Be, a knight: ToddHW
Peregrine, a gentleman traveler: inflected
Nano, a dwarf: mb
Castrone, an eunuch / Fourth Avocatore: bala
Androgyno, an hermaphrodite / Notario, the register: Libby Gohn
Lady Would-Be, Sir Politick's wife: Frances Brown
Celia, Corvino's wife: Sarah Terry
First Waiting-Woman / Servant: Availle
First Avocatore / First Merchant: Mary Kay
Second Avocatore / Second Merchant: Mary J
Third Avocatore / Third Merchant: Elizabeth Klett
Narrator: Elizabeth Klett
Edited By: ToddHW
and : Elizabeth Klett
Coordinated By: Elizabeth Klett
5 episodes
«Предложение» — шутка в одном действии известного русского писателя Антона Павловича Чехова. Завершена данная пьеса была в ноябре 1888 года.
Действие происходит в усадьбе Чубукова. Иван Васильевич Ломов приезжает к своему соседу, Степану Степановичу Чубукову, чтобы просить руки его дочери. Казалось бы, что может случиться?
1 episodes
Mirandolina runs an inn in Florence alone with only the help of her loyal employee Fabricius, and all of her guests are in love with her. The wealthy but only newly aristocratic Count D’Albafiorita and the impoverished but noble Marquis di Forlipopoli vie for her affections while debating the respective value of wealth and nobility (and insulting each other a good deal along the way). The misogynistic Cavalier di Ripafratta scoffs at their shared infatuation and ridicules the idea of love, but will he too fall victim to the beautiful innkeeper’s charms? And can any of them win the heart of the independent Mirandolina? - Summary by Mary J
Cast List
Narrator: Mary JMirandolina: Amanda FridayThe Cavalier di Ripafratta: AnthonyThe Marquis di Forlipopoli: ToddHWThe Count D'Albafiorita: Peter TuckerFabricius: James SimencServant of the Cavalier: KHand
3 episodes
Albert, a handsome French pirate, and his crew get shipwrecked on a barren, rocky island after a severe storm. They encounter another pair of castaways who reveal a quite unusual secret- yet another strange group of people inhabit the island. Albert soon learns that these people are actually an Amazonian-like tribe of women, and proposes an alliance for the benefit of both parties. Love and hijinks ensue in a battle of the sexes.Notable for imitating many elements of William Shakespeare's The Tempest, the collaborators also consulted nonfictional traveler's accounts to bring their vision to life. Frequently re-envisioned by other playwrights and performed with considerable popularity, it is now considered a fascinating play in that it highlights the Jacobean excitement over colonialism and their attitudes towards it. (Summary by Wikipedia and Mary Kay) Dramatis Personae Albert: ToddHWTibalt du Pont: Kristin GjerløwMaster of the Ship: Joseph TablerLamure: Rob BoardFranville: John BurlinsonMorillat: Dillon McFarlaneBoatswain: alanmapstoneSebastian: Zames CurranNicusa: HamletRaymond: John BurlinsonSurgeon: AvailleFirst Sailor: TriciaGSecond Sailor: Elizabeth KlettAminta: KHandRosella: Beth ThomasClarinda: Sarah TerryHippolita: Elizabeth KlettCrocale: April WaltersJuletta: Mary KayNarrated by alanmapstone
5 episodes
A comic operetta which is a satire on the themes of fashion and pretension and hero-worship. Bunthorne is a poet who pretends to be highly "idealised" in order to impress the ladies. They all worship him, except for Patience, the dairy maid, who is the only one he loves. However, his grand plan goes awry with the arrival of Grosvenor who is more idealised and more poetical then he is. The ladies all flock after Grosvenor instead, until Bunthorne curses him with poor fashion sense and stoutness! But will the curse bring Bunthorne his Patience? (Summary by Beth Thomas)
Reginald Bunthorne: Todd
Archibald Grosvenor: Rob Board
Colonel Calverley: Joseph Tabler
Major Murgatroyd: bala
Lieut. The Duke of Dunstable: Alan Mapstone
Patience: Patti Cunningham
The Lady Angela: Amanda Friday
The Lady Jane: Shakira Searle
The Lady Saphir: Libby Gohn
The Lady Ella: Lydia
Lady: Elizabeth Klett
Dragoon: Hamlet
Narrator and Chorus: Beth Thomas
Audio edited by Todd and Kimberly Krause
2 episodes