"A Strange Manuscript Found in a Copper Cylinder" is the most popular of James De Mille's works. It was serialized posthumously in Harper's Weekly, and published in book form by Harper and Brothers of New York City in 1888. This satiric romance is the story of Adam More, a British sailor. Shipwrecked in Antarctica, he stumbles upon a tropical lost world of prehistoric animals, plants, and a cult of death-worshipping primitives. He also finds a highly developed human society which has reversed the values of Victorian society. Wealth is scorned and poverty revered; death and darkness are preferrable to life and light. Rather than accumulating wealth, the natives seek to divest themselves of it as quickly as possible. At the beginning of each year, the government imposes wealth (the burden of "reverse taxation") upon its unfortunate subjects as a form of punishment. A secondary plot about the four yachtsmen who find the manuscript forms a frame for the central narrative.
[Condensed from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Strange_Manuscript_Found_in_a_Copper_Cylinder ]
31 episodes
Wunderbare Reisen zu Wasser und zu Lande - Feldzüge und lustige Abenteuer des Freiherrn von Münchhausen,
wie er dieselben bei der Flasche
im Zirkel seiner Freunde
selbst zu erzählen pflegt.
* Die Geschichten von Münchhausen gehören in die Tradition der Lügengeschichten, die weit in die Literaturgeschichte zurückreicht.
Die historische Person Hieronymus Carl Friedrich von Münchhausen erzählte vielleicht schon während seiner Stationierung in Riga, sicher aber nach seiner Rückkehr nach Bodenwerder etwa von 1755 an im Freundeskreis auf besondere Art Lügengeschichten und erreichte damit überregionale Bekanntheit. Nur von vier Geschichten im später erschienenen Buch weiß man, dass er sie wirklich erzählt hat. (Summary by wikipedia)
17 episodes
Die Totenstadt erschien 1901 im Rahmen der 10 Hefte umfassenden Serie „Aus dem Reiche der Phantasie“, wobei jedes Heft eine abgeschlossene Geschichte ist. Die Reihe wurde von Robert Kraft in Genre der Jules Verne’schen Schriften gehalten und für die Jugend geschrieben. Sie erschien im Münchmeyer Verlag. (Summary by Wassermann)
11 episodes
John Kendrick Bangs was an American author and satirist, and the creator of modern Bangasian Fantasy, the school of fantasy writing that sets the plot wholly or partially in the afterlife. (Wikipedia)
Plot summary: J K Bangs has taken Alice from Lewis Carroll's “Alice in Wonderland” and lets her on a boring day travel with the Mad Hatter, the March Hare, the Cheshire Cat and the other of Carroll's familiar characters to Blunderland. The story is a well written Satire, a witty, humorous tale of adventure and city politics, a tale of Alice in a land where nothing is as it should be. (Summary by Lars Rolander)
7 episodes
In this enchanting fable (subtitled The Choice of Life), Rasselas and his retinue burrow their way out of the totalitarian paradise of the Happy Valley in search of that triad of eighteenth-century aspiration - life, liberty and happiness.According to that quirky authority, James Boswell, Johnson penned his only work of prose fiction in a handful of days to cover the cost of his mother's funeral. The stylistic elegance of the book and its wide-ranging
philosophical concerns give no hint of haste or superficiality. Among other still burning issues Johnson's characters pursue questions of education, colonialism, the nature of the soul and even climate alteration. Johnson's profoundest concern, however, is with the alternating attractions of solitude and social participation, seen not only as the ultimate life-choice but as the arena in which are played out the deepest fears of the individual: "Of the uncertainties of our present state, the most dreadful and alarming is the uncertain continuance of Reason.” (Summary by Martin Geeson)
17 episodes
Disagreeable old Miss Terry spends her Christmas Eve getting rid of toys from her childhood toy box. One by one she tosses them onto the sidewalk in front of her house, then secretly watches the little scenes that occur, which seem to confirm her belief that true Christmas spirit does not exist. Then the Angel from her childhood Christmas tree appears to show Miss Terry that she has not yet witnessed the final act of each of those little dramas …
Living Age magazine in 1910 observed of The Christmas Angel, "Not since Charles Dickens laid down his pen forever has there been a prettier Christmas story written, one more full of the real spirit of Christmas or conveying a more seasonable lesson." (Summary by Jan MacGillivray)
5 episodes
This classic tale by Lewis Carroll has delighted children for generations. Alice falls down a rabbit hole and encounters a wide variety of strange and wonderful creatures in all manner of bizarre situations. Join Alice as she journeys through Wonderland, trying to make sense of what she finds there. This version is read dramatically, with different readers voicing the different characters. (Summary by Lucy Perry)CastNarrator: David GoldfarbAlice: Miss AvariceThe White Rabbit: BellonaTimesMouse: cher0520Lory: AvailleDuck: Jessamy GloorDodo: Tim FerreiraEaglet: Dennis D.Old Crab: Joshua LoganYoung Crab: SonjaMagpie: Lucy PerryCanary: ElleyKatPat: Terence TaylorBill: Aidan BrackGuinea Pig 1: Rat KingGuinea Pig 2: KelseighCaterpillar: Algy PugPigeon: KelseighFish-Footman: TerenceFrog-Footman: Peter YearsleyCook: AnaBaby: Elizabeth KlettDuchess: Heather PhillipsCheshire Cat: Elizabeth KlettMarch Hare: Denny SayersHatter: Arielle LipshawDormouse: Ruth GoldingFive: Neeru IyerTwo: ElliSeven: Henry FrigonSoldier 1: Dennis D.Soldier 2: PhilbertSoldier 3: Lucy PerryQueen of Hearts: Nadine Eckert-BouletKing of Hearts: Peter YearsleyGryphon: Algy PugMock Turtle: Kara ShallenbergKnave of Hearts: Levi ThrockmortonAlice's Sister: Diana MajlingerAudio edited by Elizabeth Klett and Arielle Lipshaw
13 episodes
The Well at the World's End is thought to be one of the first examples of an entirely fictional fantasy world, and has greatly influenced later fantasy writers such as C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien. The book follows the travels of Ralph, a prince of a tiny country, as he disobeys his fathers wishes and runs away from home to adventure in the world, and seek out the fabled Well at World's End, said to grant eternal youth to those who drink from it. (Summary by BumbleVee)
24 episodes
"'What a fool I was not to go where she beckoned!' mused Caius. 'Where? Anywhere into the heart of the ocean, out of this dull, sordid life into the land of dreams.'
For it must all have been a dream—a sweet, fantastic dream, imposed upon his senses by some influence, outward or inward; but it seemed to him that at the hour when he seemed to see the maid it might have been given him to enter the world of dreams, and go on in some existence which was a truer reality than the one in which he now was. In a deliberate way he thought that perhaps, if the truth were known, he, Dr. Caius Simpson, was going a little mad; but as he sat by the softly lapping sea he did not regret this madness: what he did regret was that he must go home… " (Summary by L. Dougall, excerpt from the text)Book Coordinators for this project: ElleyKat and Lucretia B.Proof Listeners for this project: ElleyKat and Lucretia B.
38 episodes
Anthem is a dystopian fiction novella by Ayn Rand, written in 1937 and first published in 1938 in England. It takes place at some unspecified future date when mankind has entered another dark age characterized by irrationality, collectivism, and socialistic thinking and economics. Technological advancement is now carefully planned (when it is allowed to occur at all) and the concept of individuality has been eliminated (for example, the use of the word "I" is punishable by death). (Summary by Wikipedia)
12 episodes
After reading and re-reading the book many time as a boy and wishing that Lewis Carroll would have written another Alice In Wonderland Book, John Rae began imagining what that girl would have gotten up to if he had done so. Telling these stories to his children over the years, where they were enthusiastically received, he finally decided to share them with the world. And here they are! The New Adventures of Alice (Summary by Phil Chenevert)
Narrator: Lydia
Mother: Michele Eaton
Betsy, Alice's Sister: Amanda Friday
Alice: Haili
Snipe: Shakira Searle
Man in the Moon, Snowman, Snail Doorman: Anastasiia Solokha
Blackbird, Cook: Bria Snow
Town Crier: Charlotte Brown
The Peevish Printer, Johnny Stout: Barry Eads
Barber, Kitten, Baker, Joiner, Doctor Foster, Artist: Kimberly Krause
Archers, Grenadier, Old-Man-All-Dressed-in-Leather, King Cole: Larry Wilson
Poet: Beth Thomas
Captain Tee Wee, Candlestick-Maker, Captain Swordfish: Rebecca Braunert-Plunkett
Milkman, Postman, Fireman, Footman: ToddHW
Butcher: Arnaldo Machado
Queen: Maryanka
Audio Edited By: Michele EatonThis project was proof listened by Patrick Wells
17 episodes
This gore drenched story finds Eric Stark, the barely civilized warrior raised on Mercury struggling to bring a dying Martian friend back to his home city in the North of Mars before he passes away. Unfortunately his friend does die on the way and lays a most unwanted last request on Stark before the end; to bring a precious stolen talisman back to the city. The journey there introduces the intimidating Black Amazon of Mars. "Grimly Eric John Stark slogged toward that ancient Martian city—with every step he cursed the talisman of Ban Cruach that flamed in his blood-stained belt. Behind him screamed the hordes of Ciaran, hungering for that magic jewel—ahead lay the dread abode of the Ice Creatures—at his side stalked the whispering spectre of Ban Cruach, urging him on to a battle Stark knew he must lose! (from the story blurb and the reader )
9 episodes
How could this man awaken with no past—no childhood—no recollection except of a vague world of terror from which his mother cried out for vengeance and the slaughter of his own people stood as a monument of infamy? - Summary by Gutenberg text
Image is an illustration from the Gutenberg text.
17 episodes
Julian LeVallon, born and raised alone in the Jura Mountains, is referred to psychiatrist Dr. Edward Fillery for care in London. But is LeVallon merely a schizophrenic with a secondary personality, "N.H." (non-human), or is he really an Elemental Being, a "bright messenger" who brings, perhaps, a new age of human evolution? And if so, is the human race ready for a major step forward? [Summary by Mark Nelson]
27 episodes
„Das letzte Märchen“, eine Geschichte, in der ein Journalist in ein unterirdisches Märchenreich eingeladen wird, um dort eine Zeitung aufzubauen, und dabei in Intrigen innerhalb des Königshauses hineingerät. - Zusammenfassung von Wikipedia
13 episodes
The fourth book of the Barsoom series, Thuvia, Maid of Mars takes up the story of Thuvia, now Princess of Ptarth, and Carthoris, son of John Carter and Dejah Thoris. Thuvia is betrothed to Kulan Tith, Jeddak of Kaol in an arranged marriage. She spurns the advances of a suitor, Astok of Dusar, who then plots to abduct Thuvia, and frame Carthoris for the crime, igniting a war between Kaol, Ptarth and Helium. (Summary by Mark Nelson)
14 episodes
In the fifth book in the Barsoom series, Tara of Helium, daughter of John Carter, becomes lost in an unknown area of Mars when her single-seat flier is caught in a rare Martian hurricane. She is first captured by the bizarre and hideous Kaldanes, then the brutal Manatorians, where she is the prize in a tournament of Martian chess, jetan, that is played by live game pieces, and to the death! (Summary by Mark Nelson)
23 episodes
The Sun has gone out and the Earth is lit only by the glow of residual vulcanism. The last few millions of the human race are gathered together in a gigantic metal pyramid, nearly eight miles high – the Last Redoubt, under siege from unknown forces and Powers outside in the dark. These are held back by a Circle of Energy, known as the "air clog", powered from a subterranean energy source called the "Earth Current". For millennia, vast living shapes—the Watchers—have waited in the darkness near the pyramid. It is thought they are waiting for the inevitable time when the Circle's power finally weakens and dies. Other living things have been seen in the darkness beyond, some of unknown origins, and others that may once have been human.
To leave the protection of the Circle means almost certain death, or worse an ultimate destruction of the soul. As the story commences, the narrator establishes mind contact with an inhabitant of another, forgotten Lesser Redoubt. First one expedition sets off to succor the inhabitants of the Lesser Redoubt, whose own Earth Current has been exhausted, only to meet with disaster. After that the narrator sets off alone into the darkness to find the girl he has made contact with, knowing now that she is the reincarnation of his past love.
H. P. Lovecraft describes the novel as "one of the most potent pieces of macabre imagination ever written". Clark Ashton Smith wrote of it that "In all literature, there are few works so sheerly remarkable, so purely creative, as The Night Land. - Summary by Wikipedia
32 episodes
First published in 1914, the King of Alsander is the only novel by James Elroy Flecker, best known as a poet, but also a noted scholar, linguist and diplomat. Flecker's love of learning, language and travel, and his keen satirical insight into politics are all in evidence in this phantasmagoric tale. As the author himself describes it: Here is a tale all romance - a tale such as only a Poet can write for you, O appreciative and generous Public - a tale of madmen, kings, scholars, grocers, consuls, and Jews: a tale with two heroines, both of an extreme and indescribable beauty: a tale of the South and of sunshine, wherein will be found disguises, mysteries, conspiracies, fights, at least one good whipping, and plenty of blood and love and absurdity: a very old sort of tale: a tale as joyously improbable as life itself.
- Summary by Algy PugCast list:
Norman Price: Phil Benson
John Oggs: Phil Benson
Labourer: Phil Benson
Mrs Gaffekin: Michele Eaton
Nancy: Michele Eaton
Peronella: Michele Eaton
Malsprita: Michele Eaton
Guard: Michele Eaton
Crowd: Michele Eaton
Vicar: Patrick Wallace
Old Man: Patrick Wallace
William Price: Patrick Wallace
Canthrop: Patrick Wallace
Cesano: Patrick Wallace
Wizened Man: Patrick Wallace
Consul: Patrick Wallace
Vorza: Patrick Wallace
Colonel: Patrick Wallace
Vicar’s Daughter: Eden Rea-Hedrick
Widow Prasko: Eden Rea-Hedrick
Shopkeeper: Eden Rea-Hedrick
President: Eden Rea-Hedrick
Arnolfo: Eden Rea-Hedrick
Ianthe: Eden Rea-Hedrick
Drakina: Eden Rea-Hedrick
Cuvas: Eden Rea-Hedrick
Peter Smith: Eden Rea-Hedrick
Lady: Eden Rea-Hedrick
John Gaffekin: Alan Weyman
King: Alan Weyman
Butler: Alan Weyman
Doctor: Alan Weyman
Clerk: Alan Weyman
Makzelo: Alan Weyman
Father Algio: Alan Weyman
Captain of the Guard: Alan Weyman
Shoemaker: Algy Pug
Count Arnolfo: Algy Pug
Stage Directions: Algy Pug
Edited by: Algy Pug
Proof Listener: Mark Chulsky
19 episodes
Poor Diana May. Her fiancé has jilted her, her parents think she is an encumbrance and no one recognises her intelligence. She seems destined to remain unloved, unappreciated and unpaid - until she decides to take control of her life. It all begins with an advertisement for an assistant to an eccentric scientist with a hidden laboratory in Switzerland... - Summary by Newgatenovelist
26 episodes
Science fiction is a genre encompassing imaginative works that take place in this world or that of the author’s creation where anything is possible. The only rules are those set forth by the author. The speculative nature of the genre inspires thought and plants seeds that have led to advances in science. The genre can spark an interest in the sciences and is cited as the impetus for the career choice of many scientists. It is a playing field to explore social perspectives, predictions of the future, and engage in adventures unbound into the richness of the human mind. - Summary by Amy Gramour
20 episodes
When an atomic explosion destroys the battleship Alaska, Lt. Commander Frank Jacklin returns to consciousness in New York and is shocked to find himself in the body of Winnie Tompkins, a dissolute stock-broker. Unable to explain his real identity, Jacklin attempts to fit into Tompkins' way of life. Complications develop when Jacklin gets involved with Tompkins' wife, his red-haired mistress and his luscious secretary. Three too many women for Jacklin to handle. His foreknowledge of the Alaska sinking and other top secret matters plunges him into a mad world of intrigue and excitement in Washington—that place where anything can happen and does! Where is the real Tompkins is a mystery explained in the smashing climax.
Completely delightful, wholly provocative, the Rat Race is a striking novel of the American Scene. - Summary by Book Intro
35 episodes
In this early example of the modern high fantasy genre, Hallblithe, a warrior of the House of Raven, sets out in pursuit of the pirates who have kidnapped his troth-plight maiden, the Hostage. Kidnapped himself, Hallblithe sails to the Isle of Ransom in the company of the giant Puny Fox. Travelling onward to the Land of the Glittering Plain, he spurns the offer of eternal youth and the hand of the King's daughter to continue the search for his beloved. First published in 1890 in the English Illustrated Magazine, The Story of the Glittering Plain was re-published in 1973 as the first volume of the celebrated Newcastle Forgotten Fantasy Library. This recording is read from the gloriously printed 1891 Kelmscott Press edition, with illustrations by Walter Crane. (Phil Benson) - Summary by Phil Benson
22 episodes
Lee Clavering, a young playwright falls in love with an Austrian countess, not noticing the adoring glances from the outgoing flapper, Janet. Unknown to the young lover, the object of his devotion is defying age with artifice in this controversial pseudo-science fiction romance. - Summary by Lynne Thompson
59 episodes
The Golden Book of Springfield is American poet Vachel Lindsay's strange and mystical odyssey through the Springfield, Illinois of 2018, where the residents of that city strive to turn their home into a democratic utopia. It is a "Springfield a hundred years hence," a dreamlike space of spiritual and social awakenings. But when the threat of international war begins to loom over the horizon, the citizens of Springfield must find new ways to protect their city and keep it a "practical City of God."
This is Vachel Lindsay's only long-form narrative work and a fascinating entry into the utopian fiction subgenre that came about after the publication of Edward Bellamy's Looking Backward. - Summary by Chuck Williamson
19 episodes
Ebenezer Scrooge is visited by four spirits on Christmas Eve, and it changes his life forever. - Summary by W. Blaine Dowler
5 episodes
Ywain, a knight bored with his administrative duties, abandons his estate to his younger brother and goes on a pilgrimage to seek his heart's desire. Following a will-o'-the-wisp resembling a child, his quest takes him to the city of Paladore, where he meets the lady Aithne, half-fae enchantress. Sir Henry Newbolt's allegorical fantasy was published in hardback in Britain in 1914 and in the Uniited States a year later. It was revived in 1975 as the fifth volume in the celebrated Newcastle Forgotten Fantasy Library. - Summary by Phil Benson, adapted from Wikipedia
20 episodes
Esta novela de Rosalía de Castro, es considerada por la crítica como la más interesante de la autora. Calificada por ella como "cuento extraño". Compuesta por veinticuatro capítulos a modo dramático, entre un hombre y una musa: "Ya que has acudido a mi llamamiento, ¡oh musa!, escúchame atenta y propicia, y haz que se cumpla mi más ferviente deseo" La obra es una "sátira fantástica" a la hipocresía de la sociedad madrileña. - Summary by Montse González.
29 episodes
At the age of twelve, Gloriana de Lara dreams of the day that women are no longer second-class citizens, be able to vote, can aspire to any career open to men. She makes a solemn vow in front of her mother, Speranza, that she will make her dream reality, or die trying. Some years later, she reappears in the guise of Hector D’Strange, and starts her revolution to free women from oppression. Written by gender equality and women’s suffrage activist Lady Florence Dixie in 1890, Gloriana has no shortage of self-confident, heroic and forceful women. ( Mark Nelson)
30 episodes
Science fiction is a genre encompassing imaginative works that take place in this world or that of the author’s creation where anything is possible. The only rules are those set forth by the author. The speculative nature of the genre inspires thought and plants seeds that have led to advances in science. The genre can spark an interest in the sciences and is cited as the impetus for the career choice of many scientists. It is a playing field to explore social perspectives, predictions of the future, and engage in adventures unbound into the richness of the human mind. - Summary by A. Gramour
20 episodes
Science fiction is a genre encompassing imaginative works that take place in this world or that of the author’s creation where anything is possible. The only rules are those set forth by the author. The speculative nature of the genre inspires thought and plants seeds that have led to advances in science. The genre can spark an interest in the sciences and is cited as the impetus for the career choice of many scientists. It is a playing field to explore social perspectives, predictions of the future, and engage in adventures unbound into the richness of the human mind. - Summary by A. Gramour
20 episodes
Science fiction is a genre encompassing imaginative works that take place in this world or that of the author’s creation where anything is possible. The only rules are those set forth by the author. The speculative nature of the genre inspires thought and plants seeds that have led to advances in science. The genre can spark an interest in the sciences and is cited as the impetus for the career choice of many scientists. It is a playing field to explore social perspectives, predictions of the future, and engage in adventures unbound into the richness of the human mind. (A.Gramour)
20 episodes
"Alice au Pays des Merveilles," publié originellement par Lewis Carroll en 1865 comme "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland," fut traduit en 1869 par Henri Bué. Histoire de fantaisie, il s'agit d'une jeune fille, Alice, qui tombe dans un trou de lapin, et se trouve tout d'un coup dans un monde de merveilles. Là, elle rencontre plusieurs personnages curieux, comme le chat du Cheshire, le Chapelier, le Lièvre de Mars, Humpty Dumpty, la Fausse-tortue, la Reine de Coeurs, parmi d'autres. Pas destiné d'origine à se faire livre d'enfants, Alice s'embrouille dans un monde cauchemardesque, peuplé d'animaux et de "gens" qui lui parlent de choses les plus absurdes. "Alice au Pays des Merveilles", originally published by Lewis Carroll in 1865 as "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland," was translated in 1869 by Henri Bué. This is a fantasy about a young girl, Alice, who falls down a rabbit hole, and suddenly finds herself in a wonderland. There, she meets several curious characters, such as the Cheshire Cat, the Mad Hatter, the March Hare, Humpty Dumpty, the Mock Turtle, the Queen of Hearts, among others. Not intended originally to be a children's book, Alice wades through a nightmarish world, populated by animals and "people" who speak to her of the most absurd things. Summary by Linda Olsen Fitak
13 episodes
Phra, a Phoenician merchant and warrior, settles in the south of England as husband to Blodwen, a British princess. Slain during the Roman invasion, he reawakens several hundred years later to find that Blodwen has painstakingly tattooed the history of his family and village on his body. Slipping in and out of a state of suspended animation, Phra goes on to play his part in the departure of the Romans, the Norman conquest, and the Hundred Years' War. Meanwhile, Blodwen appears to Phra from time to time in ethereal form and in the guise of a succession of beautiful lovers. Expect adventure, battles, romance, mystery, commentary on the futility of war and, for those who continue to the end, some bad science in the form of an out-of-control steam-powered robot. Phra was first published as a serial in Illustrated London News, and later as a book in the United States and the United Kingdom. After languishing in obscurity for many years Phra's wonderful adventures were republished in the 1970s as the eleventh volume in the Newcastle Forgotten Fantasy Library. (Phil Benson)
26 episodes
Somewhere on the Time Ellipse, Mike Kenscott became Adric of the Scarlet Tower, and the only way to return to his own identity was to find the Keep of the Dreamer, and loose the terrible Falcons of Narabedla. A classic novella by master science fiction writer Marion Zimmer Bradley, originally published in Other Worlds magazine in 1957. - Summary by Mark Nelson
11 episodes
In The Well at the World's End, Ralph of Upmeads, youngest son of the King of Upmeads, leaves home (where nothing exciting ever happens) without permission and sets out looking for adventure. When he hears rumors of a well that exudes water with magical properties, he is intrigued and begins his quest. Along the way, he travels through various towns and wildernesses and meets -- and is sometimes led astray by -- a host of interesting people including a mysterious knight, a beautiful woman who may be a goddess, a treacherous servant, a brave tavern wench, a barbarian warrior, a solitary sage, and a sadistic king. Book 4 finishes his adventure. - Summary by Kristingj
32 episodes
Alfred Burton, a smooth-talking salesman, is having a perfectly ordinary day on the job when he stumbles across a strange plant in an old house. What he doesn't realize is that the fruit of the plant, when eaten, will change not merely the entire course of his life, but in fact his very self. - Summary by Devorah Allen
30 episodes
"Le Portrait de Dorian Gray" fut écrit et publié par Oscar Wilde en 1890 et révisé en 1891. Touchant des sujets philosophiques et fantastiques, Wilde révèle le côté décadent de l'époque Victorienne, touchant même au Satanisme, avec le jeune Dorian Gray, qui rend son âme à un portrait de lui-même, afin de ne jamais vieillir. En effet, Dorian reste toujours jeune, mais peu à peu, il perd son innocence et sa compassion. La beauté de sa figure ne change pas, mais le portrait commence à montrer l'aspect hideux qui a enveloppé son âme. Horrifié, il cache ce portrait, qui chaque jour, devient de plus en plus monstrueux. L'auteur introduit des questions de moralité, beauté, jeunesse, et l'hédonisme. Plusieurs de critiques contemporains de Wilde ont jugé son roman "répugnant." Cependant, ce titre reste jusqu'à nos jours une des oeuvres plus lues et plus aimées de la littérature anglaise. Cette traduction fut écrite par Eugène Tardieu, et publiée en 1920. - Summary by Linda Olsen Fitak
21 episodes
Science fiction is a genre encompassing imaginative works that take place in this world or that of the author’s creation where anything is possible. The only rules are those set forth by the author. The speculative nature of the genre inspires thought and plants seeds that have led to advances in science. The genre can spark an interest in the sciences and is cited as the impetus for the career choice of many scientists. It is a playing field to explore social perspectives, predictions of the future, and engage in adventures unbound into the richness of the human mind. - Summary by A. Gramour
20 episodes
In the dark streets of Zamboula, huge ghouls stalk the night seeking victims for their ghastly rites and feasts. Conan is passing through this city and is almost a victim but escapes, only to rush to the aid of a beautiful, voluptuous maiden still in their horrible talons. Swords flash, thews are strained and the mighty Conan almost meets his match in the temple of the monkey god. Will he escape? Will he get the girl? Listen and marvel! Excellent story, well told as always by Howard. Summary by phil chenevert
4 episodes
This is absolutely the best Conan novel ever written in my opinion. It follows Conan when at the peak of his power as king of Aquilonia, he is overthrown by dark, evil magic from Stygia and turned into a hunted refugee. A 3,000 year old magician from the most evil empire that ever existed is resurrected and with his sinister aid, Conan's enemies cause the barbarian's downfall. The plot twists and turns in wonderful fashion, following the Heart of Arihman, a strange extremely powerful magic jewel from another universe. He fights back as only he can against tremendous odds; beautiful women love and aid him; other beautiful women try to kill him; he travels through many hostile countries; his days as a corsair and pirate are remembered and used; and so, so, much more. This book was a joy to read and it will be a good listen for Conan fans. (by phil Chenevert).
22 episodes
A prose romance set in the forested kingdom of Oakenrealm, where a squirrel can go about from end to end without touching the ground, in which Christopher wins the fair queen Goldilind, discovers his true identity and reclaims his birthright. In this tale of valour and romance, William Morris reimagined the medieval lay of Havelock the Dane. Child Christopher was originally published by Morris's Kelmscott Press and reprinted in the 1970s as the twelfth volume of the celebrated Newcastle Forgotten Fantasy Library. - Summary by Phil Benson
10 episodes
Science fiction is a genre encompassing imaginative works that take place in this world or that of the author’s creation where anything is possible. The only rules are those set forth by the author. The speculative nature of the genre inspires thought and plants seeds that have led to advances in science. The genre can spark an interest in the sciences and is cited as the impetus for the career choice of many scientists. It is a playing field to explore social perspectives, predictions of the future, and engage in adventures unbound into the richness of the human mind. -A. Gramour
21 episodes
Los Bebes Acuáticos: un cuento de Hadas para un bebe terrestre, es una novela para niños escrita por el Reverendo Charles Kingsley. Es controversial ya que está teñido de pensamientos arcaicos, discriminadores a veces, y con algunas metáforas que pueden considerarse ofensivas hoy en día. Publicada dos años antes que Alicia en el País de las Maravillas, Los niños del agua se ha confundido a menudo con un relato meramente infantil aunque, al igual que la novela de Lewis Carroll, supera con creces cualquier barrera de edad.
Adaptada al cine por Walt Disney en 1935, narra la historia de Tom, un deshollinador de 10 años, explotado cruelmente por su amo Grimes, que cae por la chimenea de una casa de campo a donde ha sido llevado a trabajar. El accidente provoca un enorme revuelo y Tom huye hacia un estanque en el que, aparentemente, se ahoga. Pero no muere y se transforma en un niño del agua, que deberá madurar con la ayuda de las hadas y las criaturas marinas hasta convertirse en un nuevo ser más libre y responsable. (Phileas Fogg)
26 episodes
Science fiction is a genre encompassing imaginative works that take place in this world or that of the author’s creation where anything is possible. The only rules are those set forth by the author. The speculative nature of the genre inspires thought and plants seeds that have led to advances in science. The genre can spark an interest in the sciences and is cited as the impetus for the career choice of many scientists. It is a playing field to explore social perspectives, predictions of the future, and engage in adventures unbound into the richness of the human mind. - Summary by A. Gramour
20 episodes
Our narrator, a researcher, finds himself snowed in at a Scottish prison. The resident doctor, an observer of criminal psychology, offers him hospitality and entertainment in the form of this story, an account of the bizarre case of a strange prisoner in motorcycle goggles, why he must wear them, and what he did to earn a life sentence. - Summary by A. Gramour
33 episodes
Science fiction is a genre encompassing imaginative works that take place in this world or that of the author’s creation where anything is possible. The only rules are those set forth by the author. The speculative nature of the genre inspires thought and plants seeds that have led to advances in science. The genre can spark an interest in the sciences and is cited as the impetus for the career choice of many scientists. It is a playing field to explore social perspectives, predictions of the future, and engage in adventures unbound into the richness of the human mind.-A. Gramour
20 episodes
Evelyn Underhill, the preeminent scholar of mysticism, wrote 3 novels in her youth, of which this is #3. Constance Tyrrel, a poor but literate woman works in a bookshop, suffers ennui, wonders if there is more to life than what she sees, invokes a ritual that she finds in a dusty old volume. Meanwhile, a disembodied spirit is consumed by a desire to know about the nature and content of the material world. It is drawn by Constance's call, where it appears as a column of dust. The two embark on adventures edifying to both and, incidentally to the reader. - Summary by Josh Mitteldorf
22 episodes
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (commonly shortened to Alice in Wonderland) is an 1865 novel written by English author Charles Lutwidge Dodgson under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll. It tells of a girl named Alice falling through a rabbit hole into a fantasy world populated by peculiar, anthropomorphic creatures. The tale plays with logic, giving the story lasting popularity with adults as well as with children. It is considered to be one of the best examples of the literary nonsense genre. Its narrative course, structure, characters, and imagery have been enormously influential in both popular culture and literature, especially in the fantasy genre. ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alice's_Adventures_in_Wonderland )
12 episodes
John Macmillan Brown was born in New Zealand and a University professor, wrote under the pseudonym Godfrey Sweven. An excerpt from the Introduction: "Absorbed in contemplation of its sublimity, I sat for a moment on a rock that rose out of the bush. I almost leapt from it, startled; a voice, unheralded, fell like a falling star through the soundless air. I had heard no footstep, no snap of trodden twig or rustle Of reluctant branch. My senses were so thrilled with the sound that its purport shot past them. There at the base of the rock stood the strangest figure that ever met my eyes." - Summary by Kirk202
39 episodes