Don Quijote 2

Don Quijote de la Mancha (ortografía y título original —1605—, El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha) es una de las obras cumbre de la literatura española y la literatura universal, el libro más traducido después de la Biblia, escrito por Miguel de Cervantes.La novela consta de dos partes: la primera, El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha, fue publicada en 1605; la segunda, El ingenioso caballero don Quijote de la Mancha, en 1615. La primera parte se imprimió en Madrid, en casa de Juan de la Cuesta, a fines de 1604. Salió a la venta en enero de 1605 con numerosas erratas, a causa de la celeridad que imponía el contrato de edición. Esta edición se reimprimió en el mismo año y en el mismo taller, de forma que hay en realidad dos ediciones de 1605 ligeramente distintas. Se sospecha, sin embargo, que existió una novela más corta, que sería una de sus futuras Novelas ejemplares. (Resumen de Wikipedia)

42 episodes

The Yellow Sheet (LibriVox NaNoWriMo novel 2007)

An atomic bomb explodes in the mountains of Montana. But was there really a bomb? And was it really in Montana, or in Tokyo? Are Liz and Elizabeth the same woman, is she married with children, is her husband a spy? These and many other questions are constantly asked, and answered, in this round-robin small book written and recorded by LibriVox volunteers during the National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) November 2007. (Summary by Gesine)

20 episodes

Won by Crime

Originally included with the published edition of Dyke Darell, this is an unrelated novella. Portuguese Viceroy to Goa, Don Garcia brought his daughter and nephew to the wild island. Adventure and melodrama ensue! (Summary by Sibella Denton).

10 episodes

The Lost World (version 2)

Imagine a strange, tropical place that is almost inaccessible. Time appears to have stood still there. Species of animal and plant life not seen elsewhere on Earth, except in the fossil record, inhabit the place. The lakes heave with the shapes of huge grey bulks moving under the surface. The woods are places where chittering cries move about above your head, as powerful apes move swiftly in the canopy of leaves. Then, a tree splinters nearby, and a dinosaur steps out from his hiding place... and he's eyeing YOU. Jurassic Park? Not quite. The Lost World was an inspiration for Jurassic Park; in fact, a character in J.P. has the same name as one of the chief characters in The Lost World. It also inspired King Kong. But this is the original! Four adventurers go off to find the place shown in a dead man's sketch book - they find a war between apes and Indians, prowling dinosaurs, a sparkly treasure hidden in the blue clay - they find the Lost World. And because of the treachery of a native guide, their means of escape is destroyed!

16 episodes

The Tale of Three Lions

Taking place in the heart of Africa, “The Tale of Three Lions” is one more thrilling adventure from the eventful life of old hunter Quatermain, the famous hero of “King Solomons Mines”. This time, though there are no bloodthirsty people for the old hunter to deal with, the dangers are no less. He has to face the mighty and fierce King of Animals – the Lion. (Summary by Kristine Bekere)

3 episodes


Pellucidar is a fictional "Hollow Earth" milieu invented by Edgar Rice Burroughs for a series of action adventure stories. The stories initially involve the adventures of mining heir David Innes and his inventor friend Abner Perry after they use an "iron mole" to burrow 500 miles into the earth's crust. This is the second book in the series. (adapted from Wikipedia)

16 episodes

The Blue Envelope

A mystery and adventure story for girls set in Alaska.

19 episodes

Cattle Brands

Cattle Brands is a collection of 14 entertaining short stories depicting not only the life of cowboys in the wild, wild West, but also the harrowing skirmishes with banditos, thrilling shoot-outs, attempt at and the recapture of stolen chattel from fierce desperados, and much, much more exciting accounts that make one think it all actually happened. (Summary by Kehinde)

14 episodes

20.000 Meilen unter dem Meer

20.000 Meilen unter dem Meer ist ein Roman des französischen Schriftstellers Jules Verne. Der Roman ist vorgeblich ein Erlebnisbericht des französischen Professors Pierre Aronnax, Autor eines Werkes über „Die Geheimnisse der Meerestiefen“. Auf einer Expedition zur Klärung einer Reihe rätselhafter Schiffsunglücke, die von einem Unterwasserfahrzeug oder Seeungeheuer gekentert worden sein sollen, wird das fragliche Objekt gesichtet. Im Verlauf der anschließenden Verfolgungsjag werden Aronnax, sein Diener Conseil und der kanadische Harpunier Ned Land ins offene Meer gespült, finden aber letztlich auf der Oberfläche des vermeintlichen Seeungeheuers festen Boden unter den Füßen. Es stellt sich heraus, dass es sich tatsächlich um ein eisenbeschlagenes Unterseeboot handelt. Nach einiger Zeit öffnet sich eine Luke und die drei Männer werden von Mannschaftsangehörigen des Gefährts in eine Zelle geführt, später dem Kapitän vorgeführt, der sich dann als „Nemo“ − lateinisch für „Niemand“ – vorstellt. Mit der Zeit erfährt Aronnax in Gesprächen mit dem mysteriösen Nemo Details über die technischen Fähigkeiten des Unterseeboots, der Nautilus, jedoch kaum etwas über ihren Kapitän und ihre Mannschaft. Die drei Gestrandeten sind gezwungen, an Bord der Nautilus eine Weltreise unter Wasser mitzumachen, und erleben allerlei Abenteuer; sie kämpfen gegen einen Riesenkraken und einen Hai, sehen die Ruinen des versunkenen Atlantis und sind an Bord, als Kapitän Nemo mit seiner Nautilus als erster Mensch den Südpol erreicht. (Zusammenfassung von Sonja und Wikipedia) An English version is available: Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea

47 episodes

La Chasse-galerie

La Chasse-galerie (The Hunt of Gallery) also known as "The Bewitched Canoe" is a French Canadian tale of voyageurs who make a deal with the Devil, a variant of the Wild Hunt. In Quebec, the legend of the "chasse-galerie", or the bewitched canoe, is a favourite. Its most famous version was written by Honoré Beaugrand (1848 - 1906?). (From Wikipedia) Il s'agit de l'histoire de bûcherons de la Gatineau qui font un pacte avec le diable afin de faire voler un canot pour qu'ils puissent rendre visite à leurs femmes. Il devront cependant éviter de blasphémer durant la traversée, ne point heurter le canot aux clochers d'une église et être de retour avant six heures le lendemain matin. Dans le cas contraire ceux-ci perdraient leurs âmes. La version la plus connue est celle écrite par Honoré Beaugrand.(de Wikipedia)

5 episodes

King Arthur and His Knights

A collection of King Arthur's adventures, from his ascent to King of Britain to his death. This book includes some of the crucial Arthurian legends about Sir Lancelot, the Knights of the Round Table, Queen Guinevere, and the search for the Holy Grail. (Summary by Robin Cotter)

21 episodes

The Elusive Pimpernel

First Published in 1908, The Elusive Pimpernel by Baroness Orczy is the 4th book in the classic adventure series about the Scarlet Pimpernel. (Summary from Wikipedia)

35 episodes

The White Company

Set during the Hundred Years' War with France, The White Company tells the story of a young Saxon man who is learning what it is to be a knight. Raised by Cistercian Monks and rejected by a violent elder brother, Alleyn Edricson takes service with one of the foremost knights in the country. When Alleyn falls in love with the knight's daughter, he must prove himself to be a courageous and honourable knight before he can win her hand. Alleyn and his friends set forth with the other men-at-arms to join Prince Edward in Bordeaux, from where they will take part in the Prince's campaign into Spain. It is in Spain that Alleyn and others must prove themselves to be very valiant and hardy cavaliers. (Summary by Clive Catterall)

38 episodes

Ayesha, the Return of She

Ayesha, the return of She, is set 16 years after the previous novel She. Horace Holly and Leo Vincey have spent the years travelling the world looking for Ayesha, along the way they experience many adventures, including avalanches, glaciers and even death-hounds before finally arriving in the court of Kaloon. At the court, they hear tell of a woman who Leo suspects to be Ayesha, however things are never simple and conflict soon follows them to Ayesha’s court. (Summarised from Wikipedia)

25 episodes

The Beasts of Tarzan

This is the third of Burrough's Tarzan novels. Originally serialized in All-Story Cavalier magazine in 1914, the novel was first published in book form by A. C. McClurg in 1916.In the previous novel Tarzan reclaimed his name and title as John Clayton, Lord Greystoke. In this novel he finds that proper society is just as vicious as the jungle when greedy men threaten him and his new family. Jane and her infant son Jack are kidnapped by Tarzan's enemies, Nikolas Rokoff and Alexis Paulvitch, who then trap Tarzan himself and attempt to exile him forever on a primitive island, bereft of all those dear to him. There, however, Tarzan gains new allies in the panther Sheeta and the ape Akut, together with Akut's band. (Summary by Wikipedia)

21 episodes

Tom Swift and His Electric Runabout

Tom Swift enters an upcoming race with his specially-designed prototype electric race car. But as he makes the final preparations and adjustments, days before the race, he discovers a plot that would bankrupt not only his family, but also everyone else that relies on the local bank (which is the target of a nefarious bank-run scheme). Tom must solve the mystery and stop the criminals behind the plot before he'll test himself on a 500 mile race against some of the best electric cars and skilled drivers in the United States. Listeners are forewarned that some elements and characters included in Tom Swift books portray certain ethnic groups in a very dated manner that modern readers, and listeners, may find offensive. Despite the racially stereotyped behavior and pronunciation in the books, the Reader believes it makes sense to read what's written in order to be faithful to the author's intent.Summary from Wikipedia and modified by the Reader

25 episodes

Dog-Watches At Sea

Stanton H. King was from Barbados and followed his brothers to sea at the age of twelve in 1880. He spent only twelve years at sea for reasons given in this book. Thereafter, he became associated with the Sailors' Haven, Boston, Massachusetts and became its director. He was also a renowned Chantie singer and, in 1918, King's Book Of Chanties was published. King views the sailing life from "before the mast", that is, through the eyes of the common sailor. (Summary by Peter Kelleher)

16 episodes


A rich and complex Gothic-Romance centring on the murky deeds of an ancient family. It is a wonderfully atmospheric piece that combines narrative, poetry, song, and descriptive writing to great effect. The character of Dick Turpin that we know today - the dashing highwaymen and unmatched horseman - can be said to stem directly from this novel, as the most famous part of the book (often published on its own in the past), Turpin's Ride To York, is devoted to him. Although seemingly little known to a modern audience, Ainsworth's 'Rookwood' gave the world the image of the highwayman with which we are all so familiar. (Summary by paulc)

53 episodes

An American Robinson Crusoe

An American Robinson Crusoe is a short version of the original story. An indolent, rebellious teen goes on a marine voyage against his parents' wishes. The ship (and all of its crew) is lost in a storm, but Robinson makes it to a deserted island. He has no tools, no weapons, but he lives for over 28 years on the island. He befriends many animals on the island and after over 20 years living solo, he is joined by a young "savage" who becomes his constant companion. The transformation from the young, lazy teen to a self-sustaining, incredibly knowledgeable adult is one of the major themes in the story. (Summary by: Allyson Hester)

10 episodes

Around the World in Eighty Days (version 2)

Mysterious Phileas Fogg is a cool customer. A man of the most repetitious and punctual habit - with no apparent sense of adventure whatsoever - he gambles his considerable fortune that he can complete a journey around the world in just 80 days... immediately after a newspaper calculates the feat as just barely possible.With his excitable French manservant in tow, Fogg undertakes the exercise immediately, with no preparations, trusting that his traveling funds will make up for delays along the way. But unbeknownst to him, British police are desperately seeking to arrest him for the theft of a huge sum by someone who resembles him, and they will track him around the world, if necessary, to apprehend him.This is an adventure novel of the first water, with wholly unexpected perils, hair-breadth escapes, brilliant solutions to insoluble problems, and even a love story. And can this be? - That he returns to London just five minutes too late to win his wager and retain his fortune? (Summary by Mark F. Smith)

37 episodes

David and the Phoenix

David knew that one should be prepared for anything when one climbs a mountain, but he never dreamed what he would find that June morning on the mountain ledge. There stood an enormous bird, with a head like an eagle, a neck like a swan, and a scarlet crest. The most astonishing thing was that the bird had an open book on the ground and was reading from it!This was David's first sight of the fabulous Phoenix and the beginning of a pleasant and profitable partnership. The Phoenix found a great deal lacking in David's education -- he flunked questions like "How do you tell a true from a false Unicorn?" -- and undertook to supplement it with a practical education, an education that would be a preparation for Life. The education had to be combined with offensive and defensive measures against a Scientist who was bent on capturing the Phoenix, but the two projects together involved exciting and hilarious adventures for boy and bird.A wonderful read-aloud book, adventurous and very funny, with much of the magic as well as the humor of the fantastic. (Summary from the front flap of the dust jacket.)

10 episodes

Five Weeks in a Balloon

Join three intrepid explorers as they seek to cross and explore the continent of Africa from Indian Ocean to Atlantic Ocean, except they’re doing it by hot air balloon. Scholar and scientist Samuel Ferguson, his manservant Joe, and his friend Richard “Dick” Kennedy engage in this mighty scientific feat, as they face danger after danger, enjoy adventure after adventure, and experience the literal highs and lows of Africa from the view of a hot air balloon. (Summary by Alex C. Telander)A French version is available / Une version française est disponible : Cinq semaines en ballon. A Danish version is also available: Fem Uger i Ballon

44 episodes

Casanovas Heimfahrt

Casanova ist 53 Jahre alt und wünscht sich nichts sehnlicher, als in seine Heimatstadt Venedig, aus der er einst verbannt worden ist, zurückzukehren und macht sich voller Hoffnung, dieser Bann werde bald aufgehoben, auf die Heimfahrt. Unterwegs begegnet er Olivo, dem Gatten einer ehemaligen Geliebten. Da Casanova Olivo einst zu viel Geld verholfen hat, lädt dieser ihn dankbar zu sich auf sein Landgut. Dort trifft Casanova nicht nur seine ehemalige Geliebte wieder, sondern auch eine betörende junge Schönheit namens Marcolina, die gleich in ihm die alte Leidenschaft erweckt. Casanova bietet dem durchs Kartenspiel hochverschuldeten Liebhaber der Marcolina, Leutnant Lorenzi, viel Geld, um unerkannt und verkleidet eine Nacht bei Marcolina verbringen zu dürfen -- Lorenzi willigt ein, nimmt das Geld und gibt Casanova im Tausch seinen Mantel. Mit diesem bekleidet begibt sich Casanova nach Einbruch der Dunkelheit auf das Zimmer Marcolinas, um noch einmal seine alte Leidenschaft zu entfesseln. Als am nächsten Morgen die ersten Sonnenstrahlen durch das Fenster fallen, erkennt Marcolina, mit wem sie die Nacht verbracht hat. Der fliehende Casanova wird nun von Lorenzi zum Duell gestellt, wobei Lorenzi den Fechtkünsten Casanovas unterliegt und fällt. Schließlich, nach all diesen Abenteuern, macht sich Casanova wieder auf den Weg in seine alte Heimatstadt Venedig... (Summary by ekyale)

9 episodes

Auf Schneeschuhen übers Gebirge

Fridtjof Nansen erzählt hier in Ich Form von einer Expedition mit Scheeschuhen in den Norwegischen Bergen. Die Reise führte ihn von Bergen nach Kristiania und nach Voss.

3 episodes

Das Warme Polarland

Ähnlich Jules Verne in seinem Roman "Reise zum Mittelpunkt der Erde", so führt uns auch Ernst Constantin in die Urtümliche Welt der Dinosaurier zurück. Als Handlungsort hat Ernst Constantin die damals noch unerforschte Polarregion gewählt. Sicherlich mit ein Grund, warum der Roman heute in Vergessenheit geraten ist.(Summary by Wassermann)

38 episodes

The Mysteries of London Vol. I part 1

The Mysteries of London was a best-selling novel in mid-Victorian England. The first series was published in weekly instalments from 1844-46, priced at a penny each. Serialised novels sold in this way were known as Penny Dreadfuls … without any claim to literary greatness, they sought to provide ongoing entertainment for the popular audience. This book has it all -- vice, poverty, wealth, virtue, in every combination. Consider it a Victorian soap opera.Summary by Cori Samuel.Note: this project only covers half of volume 1. To be continued!

69 episodes

Arsène Lupin, gentleman-cambrioleur

Arsène Lupin, gentleman-cambrioleur est un recueil de nouvelles écrites par Maurice Leblanc et contant les aventures d'Arsène Lupin. La première nouvelle de ce recueil a été publié en juillet 1905 dans le journal Je sais tout. Il s'agissait de la première nouvelle mettant en œuvre Arsène Lupin. Celle-ci ayant du succès, Maurice Leblanc est encouragé à écrire la suite, en plusieurs nouvelles. Ce qui sera fait jusqu'en 1907. (Résumé de wikipédia)

9 episodes

She and Allan

H Rider Haggard’s “She and Allan”, first published in 1921 is a gripping adventure about Allan Quatermain, who together with Hans, the Hottentot and, the Zulu-Chief Omslopogaas and at the bidding of the old Witch Doctor Zikali seeks out Ayesha, the daughter of Isis to find answers to their questions about life and death, and their many, sometimes strange, Adventures on their way. Written by Lars Rolander

26 episodes

The Thirty-nine Steps

Richard Hannay’s boredom is soon relieved when the resourceful engineer is caught up in a web of secret codes, spies, and murder on the eve of WWI. This exciting action-adventure story was the inspiration for Alfred Hitchcock’s 1939 classic film of the same name. John Buchan (1875-1940) was Governor General of Canada and a popular novelist. Although condemned by some for anti-Semitic dialog in The Thirty-Nine Steps, his character’s sentiments do not represent the view of the author who was identified in Hitler’s Sonderfahndungsliste (special search list) as a "Jewish sympathiser." (Summary by Adrian Praetzellis)

10 episodes

The Napoleon of Notting Hill

While the novel is humorous (one instance has the King sitting on top of an omnibus and speaking to it as to a horse: "Forward, my beauty, my Arab," he said, patting the omnibus encouragingly, "fleetest of all thy bounding tribe"), it is also an adventure story: Chesterton is not afraid to let blood be drawn in his battles, fought with sword and halberd in the London streets, and Wayne thinks up a few ingenious strategies; and, finally, the novel is philosophical, considering the value of one man's actions and the virtue of respect for one's enemies. (Summary from Wikipedia)

16 episodes


Kéraban-le-Têtu est un roman de Jules Verne paru en 1883, décrivant les tribulations d'un vendeur de tabac turc (Kéraban) et d'un de ses clients hollandais autour de la mer Noire. Ce roman d'aventure est un des plus comiques et des moins connus de Jules Verne. L'auteur exploite avec talent la mollesse du commerçant batave et le caractère inflexible de Kéraban. Kéraban the Inflexible is an adventure novel written by Jules Verne. (from Wikipedia)

33 episodes

At the Earth's Core

This is the first book in the Pellucidar series. Pellucidar is a fictional Hollow Earth milieu invented by Edgar Rice Burroughs for a series of action adventure stories. The stories initially involve the adventures of mining heir David Innes and his inventor friend Abner Perry after they use an "iron mole" to burrow 500 miles into the earth's crust. (adapted from Wikipedia)

16 episodes

The Land that Time Forgot

The Land That Time Forgot is a science fiction novel, the first of Edgar Rice Burroughs' Caspak trilogy. His working title for the story was "The Lost U-Boat." Starting out as a harrowing wartime sea adventure, the story ultimately develops into that of a fantastical lost world. (Adapted from Wikipedia.) Link to The People that Time Forgot (Caspak series #2) Link to Out of Time’s Abyss (Caspak series #3)

10 episodes

Tom Swift and His War Tank

Tom Swift, that prolific youthful inventor, is engaged in trying to help the Allies win WWI. After reading newspaper accounts of the British tanks, Tom takes a sheet of paper and sets out to design a better one from scratch. And fortunately, he can throw the whole family business behind his venture.He has two problems: First, his friends and acquaintances are questioning his patriotism because he hasn't enlisted as a rifleman for the front lines. Even his girl is worried his blood isn't true-blue. But that's because he is developing his tank in secret, and they don't know he's concentrating on winning the war the American way, with machines.The second problem is that the German spies have penetrated the secret of what is being built in the high-security shop on the Swift property. And they will stop at nothing to steal its design - not kidnapping Tom, and not kidnapping the tank itself, complete with crew.Tom and his buddies had better work fast, or the American riflemen are going to find the Kaiser's soldiers using American-designed tanks against them! (Summary by Mark F. Smith)

12 episodes

The People that Time Forgot

The People that Time Forgot is a science fiction novel, the second of Edgar Rice Burroughs' Caspak trilogy. The first novel ended with the hero writing a manuscript of his adventures and casting it out to sea in his thermos bottle. The second novel begins with the finding of the manuscript and the organization of a rescue expedition. (Adapted from Wikipedia)

7 episodes

A Princess of Mars (version 2)

John Carter, an American Civil War veteran, goes prospecting in Arizona and, when set upon by Indians, is mysteriously transported to Mars, called "Barsoom" by its inhabitants. Carter finds that he has great strength on this planet, due to its lesser gravity. Carter soon falls in among the Tharks, a nomadic tribe of the planet's warlike, four-armed, green inhabitants. Thanks to his strength and combat abilities he rises in position in the tribe and earns the respect eventually the friendship of Tars Tarkas, one of the Thark chiefs. The Tharks subsequently capture Dejah Thoris, Princess of Helium, a member of the humanoid red Martian race. The red Martians inhabit a loose network of city states and control the desert planet's canals, along which its agriculture is concentrated. Carter rescues her from the green men to return her to her people. (Summary from Wikipedia)

14 episodes

Out of Time's Abyss

Out of Time's Abyss is a science fiction novel, the third of Edgar Rice Burroughs' Caspak trilogy. In this conclusion, the mysteries of the lost world's unique biological system are revealed. (Adapted from Wikipedia) Link to The Land that Time Forgot (Caspak series #1) Link to The People that Time Forgot (Caspak series #2)

5 episodes

Rob Roy

Rob Roy is a historical novel by Walter Scott. It is narrated by Frank Osbaldistone, the son of an English merchant who travels first to the North of England, and subsequently to the Scottish Highlands to collect a debt stolen from his father. On the way he encounters the larger-than-life title character of Rob Roy MacGregor. Though Rob Roy is not the lead character (in fact the narrative does not move to Scotland until half way through the book) his personality and actions are key to the development of the novel. (Summary from Wikipedia)

46 episodes

Trips to the Moon

The endeavour of small Greek historians to add interest to their work by magnifying the exploits of their countrymen, and piling wonder upon wonder, Lucian first condemned in his Instructions for Writing History, and then caricatured in his True History, wherein is contained the account of a trip to the moon, a piece which must have been enjoyed by Rabelais, which suggested to Cyrano de Bergerac his Voyages to the Moon and to the Sun, and insensibly contributed, perhaps, directly or through Bergerac, to the conception of Gulliver’s Travels. The Icaro-Menippus Dialogue describes another trip to the moon, though its satire is more especially directed against the philosophers. (Summary from the Introduction)

6 episodes

The Man Who Would Be King

The Man Who Would Be King tells the story of two British adventurers in British India who become kings of Kafiristan, a remote part of Afghanistan. It was inspired by the exploits of James Brooke, an Englishman who became the "white Raja" of Sarawak in Borneo, and by the travels of American adventurer Josiah Harlan, who claimed the title Prince of Ghor. The story was first published in The Phantom Rickshaw and other Tales (Volume Five of the Indian Railway Library, published by A H Wheeler & Co of Allahabad in 1888). It also appeared in Wee Willie Winkie and Other Stories in 1895, and in numerous later editions of that collection. It is the basis for John Huston’s 1975 film of the same name, starring Sean Connery and Michael Caine as the "kings", and Christopher Plummer as Kipling. (Interim summary by Wikipedia adapted by Philippa)

3 episodes

The Son of Tarzan

This is the fourth of Burrough's Tarzan novels. Alexis Paulvitch, a henchman of Tarzan's now-deceased enemy, Nikolas Rokoff, survived his encounter with Tarzan in the third novel and wants to even the score. (adapted from Wikipedia)

27 episodes

The Scottish Chiefs

An adventure novel about William Wallace, one of the most popular books ever written by Jane Porter. The French version was even banned by Napoleon, and the book has remained very popular with Scottish children, but is equally enjoyable for adults. (Summary by Wikipedia, revised by Kikisaulite)

90 episodes

The Valley of Silent Men

Subtitled: A Story of the Three River Country. James Kent has learned that he is terminally ill with perhaps only days to live, and so decides to confess to a murder and thus save an innocent man. Nobody believes his confession, particularly Marette, a mysterious girl who had shown up at Athabasca Landing only weeks before. Kent’s illness takes a turn and his death is postponed, and he sets about to find out more about the girl, who he ends up falling in love with, although she’ll not reveal her past to him, nor what she knows about the murder. A story of intrigue, suspense, action, and above all, a story of love in the furthest outreaches of the Great White North where three great rivers flow; the Athabasca, the Slave, and the McKenzie, and where somewhere is hidden The Valley of Silent Men. (Summary by Roger Melin)

27 episodes

Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar

This is the fifth of Burrough's Tarzan novels.Tarzan finds himself bereft of his fortune and resolves to return to the jewel-room of Opar, leaving Jane to face unexpected danger at home. (Summary written by Sarah Jennings.)

24 episodes

The Poison Belt

Three years after the events that took place in The Lost World ( ), Professor Challenger urgently summons his fellow explorers (Professor Summerlee, Lord John Roxton, and reporter E.D. Malone) to a meeting. Oddly, he requires each to bring an oxygen cylinder with him.What he soon informs them is that from astronomical data and just-received telegraphs of strange accidents on the other side of the world, he has deduced that the Earth is starting to move through a region of space containing something poisonous to humankind.Shutting themselves tightly up in Challenger's house, they start to consider what may be done. But as their countrymen start to drop, will their oxygen last long enough to determine and implement a solution? (Summary by Mark Smith)

6 episodes

The Country Beyond

The Country Beyond, subtitled A Romance In the Wilderness, is a story of "Jolly" Roger McKay, an outcast on the run from the law; Nada, the girl he falls in love with; and Peter, the devoted mixed-breed dog who links the two together as no human could, as action, adventure, and romance take them through the Northwest Canadian wilderness in search of The Country Beyond. (Summary by Roger Melin)

23 episodes

Jungle Tales of Tarzan

Jungle Tales of Tarzan is a collection of twelve loosely-connected short stories written by Edgar Rice Burroughs, comprising the sixth book in order of publication in his series about the title character Tarzan. Chronologically, the events recounted in it actually occur between chapters 12 and 13 of the first Tarzan novel, Tarzan of the Apes. (Summary from Wikipedia)

12 episodes

De Reis om de Wereld in 80 Dagen

De held van het verhaal is Phileas Fogg, die een weddenschap aangaat dat hij in tachtig dagen om de wereld kan reizen. Vergezeld van zijn knecht Passepartout gaat hij van start, maar al vanaf de allereerste dag wordt hij tegengewerkt door inspecteur Fix van Scotland Yard.

12 episodes

Rebels of the Red Planet

Dark Kensington had been dead for twenty-five years. It was a fact; everyone knew it. Then suddenly he reappeared, youthful, brilliant, ready to take over the Phoenix, the rebel group that worked to overthrow the tyranny that gripped the settlers on Mars.The Phoenix had been destroyed not once, not twice, but three times! But this time the resurrected Dark had new plans, plans which involved dangerous experiments in mutation and psionics.And now the rebels realized they were in double jeopardy. Not only from the government's desperate hatred of their movement, but also from the growing possibility that the new breed of mutated monsters would get out of hand and bring terrors never before known to man. (Summary from Project Gutenberg text)

9 episodes

Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ

Ben-Hur is a story of two very different heroes. Judah Ben-Hur, a prince of Jerusalem, is involved in an accident to the Roman procurator which is taken to be intentional. He is seized and sent to the fleet as a galley-slave, while his family is imprisoned and the family goods confiscated. When Ben-Hur saves the fleet captain from drowning after his ship is sunk in a fight with pirates, that officer adopts him as son and heir. With Roman training, Ben-Hur distinguishes himself in the arena and the palistrae and appears to be on the way to high military command.With the help of a faithful family retainer and a generous Arab sheik, Ben-Hur is enabled to take part in a widely touted chariot race, where one of the other charioteers is the boyhood friend who connived to punish him for the accident and split his estate. That rival is crippled, financially and bodily, in a no-holds-barred race (memorable from the 1959 movie with Charlton Heston).Ben-Hur turns his attention to the prophesied King of the Jews, when through the sheik he meets Balthasar, one of the Three Wise Men, and hears of the child born years ago. Will Ben-Hur be the general who brings victories to the King, and finally liberates Israel from the oppressive Roman yoke? In his quest for the answer, Ben-Hur seeks out the Nazarene, now rumored to be The Messiah.THAT hero needs no introduction.Curious about the lack of kingly trappings and ambitions about this man, Ben-Hur begins to suspect that his kingdom is not of this world. And with him, we receive a gut-wrenching eye-witness view of Jesus’ arrest, humiliation, and crucifixion.

81 episodes