Ep 21 with Mind, Body and Mountains founder Steven Morrin

Published: Feb. 13, 2021, 4:59 p.m.

b'Welcome to episode 21 of Trail Running Ireland. The show is hosted by Eoin Flynn, UTMB Finish Line Race Announcer and 10 times Irish International Mountain Runner.\\xa0\\xa0First up is a special segment with head coach from Running Coach Ireland Ren\\xe9 Borg \\xa0on the importance of good sleep and how to set yourself up for a good night\\u2019s sleep so you can maximize your training and racing. \\xa0For our feature interview, we chat to founder of Mind, Body and Mountains, Steven Morrin.\\xa0Steven chats about:How overcoming his own struggles, inspired him to set up the group and help othersHow running in the trails and mountains can often be the best medicine, as it proved to be for StevenHis own tips on training and nutrition for those that are new to running like he was just a short time agoDealing with setbacks in our trainingHis simple but great idea of \\u201crandom acts of kindness\\u201d\\xa0\\xa0New Patreon page to support the show\\xa0https://www.patreon.com/trailrunningirelandpodcast\\xa0We will never put paywalls up for our content as our aim is to grow the sport of Trail and Mountain Running in Ireland in a fun and free way for our listeners. With this Patreon page, we simply ask that if you would like to make a contribution to the show to help cover costs and a small recognition for the hours put in to produce the show, we would be very grateful and will continue to do our best to produce great content for you.\\xa0\\xa0Thank you for your support of the show, good luck with your training and racing, get your running gear on, let\\xb4s go!'