5th February 2017

Published: Feb. 6, 2017, 7 a.m.

- Freestak - Being on the Panel - "How to pick the right influencers/bloggers for your brand"

* Freestak are offering a free 30 min consultation to help you refine your influencer search, including tips & tools on how to check quantitative/qualitative criteria, monitor & analyse output. Contact Simon Freemen - simon@freestak.com - to book your session. +447590115900

- WIB - Women in Boards & Action Sports

* WIB - Day Conference London - 13th May  - Pre register now and get a 10% discount 

* WIB - Annual Conference Barcelona - 29th September - 1st October 2017 - For a 15% discount use PROMO CODE: IWENTTOISPO17

 Interviews with :

- Emma Shoesmith - Creative Producer emma@womeninboardsports.com +447969457107

A filmmaker and project manager born in Manchester, living in London. From the moment I stood on my Dad’s skateboard age 4 that was it, I was mad about board sports. Once I was old enough to earn money, I spent it on chasing the snow from north to south, hitting park and hitting backcountry even harder. I was lucky enough to have supporting parents that brought me up to respect mother nature’s power to give, and power to take. Having said that, there were a few calls home to break news of injuries and hospital visits. All have taught me valuable life lessons and provided me with the precious time needed to pick up a camera and start filming.

Late to the education game aged 28 I set off to do a media degree at The University of Westminster. Armed with ten years of snowboarding, surfing and skating experience in my backpack, it was inevitable that I would find a way to marry my love of Action sports and film making. It has always bugged me that women are often seen as objects in action sports media, holding boards, not riding them and fitting a western beauty stereotype. This kick started my investigation into the representation of women in action sports media, leading me to find WIB and offering my assistance as a filmmaker, to document their 2014 event in Biarritz. From the moment I arrived I knew I was in a special place, a safe space, never have I ever had so many people around me that just got it! From feeling like I was the only person on the planet that wanted equality in action sports and surely the only 31 year woman that skateboarded to work, suddenly I was home. Now I have a great relationship with WIB, they have supported my first documentary film project and are now helping me market Board of Media a Youtube channel that ‘documents diversity in action and adventure sports’. With WIB behind me and the connections I have made, I truly believe that anything is possible.

- Alma Pardo

I’m from Barcelona but I live in a small village deep in the Pyrenees as I’ve turned my passion for snowboarding into my job. I founded the online snowboard magazine SBES MAG few years ago and I combine it with other photography and communication projects. As I said snowboarding has been the reason or sometimes the excuse to travel the World and meet people. I followed the motto “learn by doing” and even though it’s not the easy or the set path I have enjoyed and I am enjoying the adventure.

I came to the first WIB by chance, my mentor at the time had heard of it through a friend of a friend and took me there as a learning experience without knowing exactly what to expect. Once we arrived it was such a nice group that I offered to help by taking photos and video and with everything I could. From there I became more and more involved with the organising team and I started running the communication and social media. WIB has become a really important part of my life because I’ve met amazing people that have not only helped me professionally but have also become my best friends. Giving this same opportunity to other girls and women to meet amazing personalities, get inspired and learn is why I keep working and promoting WIB.


- Women's Lounge

* Make up done by Claudia Kriechbaumer

* Photography done by Ines Thomes 

Interviews with :

- Dr. Andrea Low - Runner, Blogger, Outdoor-Lover 


Instagram/Twitter: @alrunninghappy

Marlen Franke - Trail Runner & Blogger www.trail-kitchen.com