Lovin' Me Some HSPs

Published: Jan. 24, 2023, 8 p.m.

Have you been wondering about the Highly Sensitive People in your life and how you can be there for them ? This episode addresses the practical steps we can take to love the HSPs in our lives. Mike and Jo also discuss the mental health disparities that they themselves are dealing with family members and that are present in our society today.

We have created a Thru the Wringer Facebook Community to support the GENTLE healing recovery from dysfunctional families which includes exposure to alcoholism, divorce, drug abuse, mental illness, neglect and sexual abuse. Of course, everyone has experienced pain, trauma, sorrow, and dysfunction. So what makes this group different? We are are group of people who actively want to work to obtain healing, freedom, and peace by supporting and interacting with one another. If you would like to join, click the link below!

