TTMIK Level 6 Lesson 1

Published: July 11, 2011, 7:04 a.m.


TTMIK Level 6 Lesson 1 - How about ...?

Welcome to Level 6 of TalkToMeInKorean. You have already come a long way in learning the Korean language and we are really looking forward to helping you take your Korean to the next level.

From Level 6, we will be introducing more \\u201csentence patterns\\u201d than in the previous lessons, as well as still introducing some new grammar points. In \\u201cgrammar point\\u201d lessons, we start from a Korean grammar point and introduce how it is used, but in \\u201csentence pattern\\u201d lessons, we will start from an English sentence pattern and explain how to say that in Korean.

In this lesson, let us take a look at how to say \\u201cHow about \\u2026?\\u201d in Korean. There can be many ways to say this, but the most basic and common translation is \\u201c\\uc5b4\\ub54c\\uc694?\\u201d.

How about \\u2026?
= Noun + \\uc5b4\\ub54c\\uc694?
= Verb stem + -\\ub294 \\uac70 \\uc5b4\\ub54c\\uc694?

\\uc5b4 \\ub54c\\uc694? comes from the verb \\uc5b4\\ub5bb\\ub2e4 [eo-tteo-ta], which literally means \\u201cto be how\\u201d. Therefore when you want to say phrases such as \\u201cHow about this one?\\u201d, \\u201cHow about that one?\\u201d, \\u201cHow about eating here?\\u201d, etc, you can use this verb, \\uc5b4\\ub5bb\\ub2e4.

Examples (with nouns)
1. \\uc774\\uac70 \\uc5b4\\ub54c\\uc694?
[i-geo eo-ttae-yo?]
= How about this?

2. \\uc0dd\\uc77c \\uc120\\ubb3c\\ub85c \\uce74\\uba54\\ub77c \\uc5b4\\ub54c\\uc694?
[saeng-il seon-mul-lo ka-me-ra eo-ttae-yo?]
= How about a camera as your/his/their birthday present?

3. \\ub0b4\\uc77c \\uc5b4\\ub54c\\uc694?
[nae-il eo-ttae-yo?]
= How about tomorrow?

Examples (with verbs)
1. \\ub2e4\\uc2dc \\ud558\\ub294 \\uac70 \\uc5b4\\ub54c\\uc694?
[da-si ha-neun geo eo-ttae-yo?]
= How about doing it again?

2. \\ub2e4\\ub978 \\uc0ac\\ub78c\\ud55c\\ud14c \\ubb3c\\uc5b4\\ubcf4\\ub294 \\uac70 \\uc5b4\\ub54c\\uc694?
[da-reun sa-ra-man-te mu-reo-bo-neun geo eo-ttae-yo?]
= How about asking other people?

3. \\uc548\\uc73c\\ub85c \\ub4e4\\uc5b4\\uac00\\ub294 \\uac70 \\uc5b4\\ub54c\\uc694?
[a-neu-reo geu-reo-ga-neun geo eo-ttae-yo?]
= How about going inside?

Sample Sentences
1. \\uc774\\uac70 \\uc2eb\\uc5b4\\uc694? \\uc774\\uac70(\\ub294) \\uc5b4\\ub54c\\uc694?
[i-geo si-reo-yo? i-geo(-neun) eo-ttae-yo?]
= You don\\u2019t like this? How about this one?

2. \\ub0b4\\uc77c \\ub9cc\\ub098\\uc11c \\uc774\\uc57c\\uae30\\ud558\\ub294 \\uac70 \\uc5b4\\ub54c\\uc694?
[nae-il man-na-seo- i-ya-gi-ha-neun geo eo-ttae-yo?]
= How about meeting and talking about it tomorrow?

3. \\uc774\\ub807\\uac8c \\ud558\\ub294 \\uac70 \\uc5b4\\ub54c\\uc694?
[i-reo-ke ha-neun geo eo-ttae-yo?]
= How about doing it this way?

Word contractions
-\\ub294 \\uac70 + subject marker (\\uc774/\\uac00) \\u2192 -\\ub294 \\uac83 + \\uc774 \\u2192 -\\ub294 \\uac83\\uc774 \\u2192 -\\ub294 \\uac8c
-\\ub294 \\uac70 + topic marker (\\uc740/\\ub294) \\u2192 -\\ub294 \\uac70 + \\ub294 \\u2192 - \\ub294 \\uac74

\\uc774\\ub807\\uac8c \\ud558\\ub294 \\uac70 \\uc5b4\\ub54c\\uc694? [ Neutral ]
= How about doing it this way?

\\uc774\\ub807\\uac8c \\ud558\\ub294 \\uac8c \\uc5b4\\ub54c\\uc694? [ + Subject Marker ]
= How about doing it this way?
* The meaning is almost the same as the neutral sentence.

\\uc774\\ub807\\uac8c \\ud558\\ub294 \\uac74 \\uc5b4\\ub54c\\uc694? [ + Topic Marker ]
= (Since you aren\\u2019t too sure about the other ideas,) how about doing it THIS way (then)?
