Name It

Published: Jan. 7, 2019, 7 a.m.


The beginning of a new year often marks a time when many of us set goals and intentions. But in this week\\u2019s episode, I\\u2019m inviting you to dig deeper to find your innermost desires and longings, and then name them to kick-start 2019. These longings live in a place where joy, delight, wonder, and curiosity live, and they exist without conditions or expectations. Sound like fun? ...Or perhaps scary? Join me to make 2019 the year you \\u201cname it!\\u201d

Highlights for Name It

  • Why is naming what we want so very difficult? (4:00)
  • What would it be like to want something \\u201cjust because\\u201d? (4:35)
  • What is the difference between setting a goal (or an intention) and getting specific about naming your desire? (5:35)
  • Attune to your inner source of joy, delight, wonder, and curiosity to ensure that your \\u201cIt\\u201d comes from you (and not from someone else\\u2019s desires) (6:15)
  • What you crave doesn\\u2019t need to make sense to anyone else (9:00)
  • It almost doesn\\u2019t even matter if what you crave actually ever manifests. It is more about creating space to let these desires emerge from within you (11:10)


Check out one of my favorite songs to inspire you to dare yourself to tune in to your deepest longings HERE \\xbb

Your Invitations for This Week

  • Give yourself permission to consider what you want to do, experience, or feel in 2019.
  • Get as specific as possible to name your desire(s).
  • Consider what it would feel like to see your desire play out.

Coming in January: See You. Be You.

Did this idea of learning how to stop letting self-imposed conditions get in the way of NAMING IT and CREATING IT resonate with you? Create even more space for you and your wild dreams with See You. Be You. \\u2013 a 5-month group coaching experience. Applications close on January 14th, and we kick off on January 28th. Learn more and apply to this exploration and guided experience HERE \\xbb

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And if you greet the dawn and post a picture of your sunrise on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, include #sunriseinyourpocket so all of us can find you.
