Power Speed Profile Anaerobic Assessment

Published: Aug. 28, 2020, 6 p.m.


The Power Speed Profile Anaerobic Assessment is used to assess your short critical period power so you know understand your current power.

This is day one of this two day assessment. Once completed you can enter your power data at powerspeedprofile.com to get your profile.

Before completing this assessment, here are a few important things to understand.\\xa0

During the assessment, you're going to ride a series of all-out sprints increasing in duration from 6 seconds to 30 seconds, to 60 seconds. The longer efforts will be challenging but will only hurt for a little while.

You will need to keep going as hard as you can for the entire duration of the effort.

You can start each effort as a standing sprint then sit down to finish out the time.

That\\u2019s it. Ridewell.

Note: If you don\\u2019t want to go on RPE, have your computer set to display % of FTP for warm up and recovery.
