Mike Wardian: Quarantine Backyard Ultra Winner.

Published: April 24, 2020, 1:16 a.m.

Episode 38 is an interview with Michael Wardian. Michael Wardian  is an American marathoner and ultra-marathoner. He won the 2008, 2009 and 2010 US 50 km championships and the 2011 US 50 mile championship. In 2008, he won the U.S. National 100 km championship. Mike is known for the large number of marathons and races he participates in, often with little to no recovery time. During a 45-day span in 2006, he won four out of five marathons he raced. In 2007, he ran 13 marathons (not including ultra-marathons), and seven marathons in a span of nine weeks (winning three).] March 2008 Mike won the National Marathon in Washington D.C. on a Saturday, and then finished third at a marathon in Knoxville, Tennessee the very next day. In 2008, Michael ran a total of 53 races. He set the world record for fastest marathon while pushing a jogging stroller from May 2007 to November 2009. In January 2017, Mike ran seven marathons in seven days on seven continents in a record average speed of 2:45. He is also a former record holder of the fastest Marathon on a treadmill, as well as setting the record for fastest indoor 200-meter track marathon record, with a time of 2:27:21 in 2010. To this unbelievable list of achievements (and believe me there are many more I didn’t mention) Michael can also add being the winner of the Quarantine backyard Ultra. He completed 63 laps in 63 hours with a total of 262.5 miles (which is 422.625 kms for those of us in Australia!!) Mike shares with us the details of the race, and how he is dealing with quarantine in general.  Mike on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/michaelwardian/ Mike on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mikewardian/  Don’t forget to get on over to apple podcast to rate and review! Thanks for your support.  I really think this quarantine time is a great time to do for some self-reflection. In spite of everything feeling out of control in this moment of COVID, you are actually in a position of power within yourself and how you react to this situation. As they always say, control the controllables. You can do this with structured and well-planned training with Peak Endurance Coaching. Email me at isobel@peakendurancecoaching.com.au and lets get your training moving in the right direction. Have a great week of training, stay safe, stay fit, look after your loved ones, and remember; we are all in this together.