Donnie Campbell ran all the Munros in 31 days!

Published: Oct. 28, 2020, 1:48 a.m.

Episode 75 is an interview with Donnie Campbell.  Donnie, of Inverness Scotland, is an ex Royal Marine Commando with a background in a wide range of sports from Mountaineering and Kayaking to Football and Shinty. Shinty is unique to Scotland and one of the oldest games in the world. The game is similar to games such as hockey and lacrosse in some aspects and has historical roots with golf and ice hockey. As with lacrosse the game is a fast moving aerial game where physical fitness is tested to the limits. However, different from both hockey and lacrosse as in Shinty, feet can be used to stop the ball but not the hands (unless you are the goal-keeper). You can carry the ball on your caman (which is the stick used in the game) which can be also be swung above shoulder height.....a skilful eye and a sense of survival are paramount!! However, Donnie’s greatest passion now is running which he has gone on to excel in. Donnie has set an astonishing new Munros record to finish all 282 mountains over 3000ft (914.4m) in Scotland in 31 days, 23 hours and two minutes. Munros are all the mountains over 3000ft (914.4m). He ran and “power-hiked” a total of 1422km and cycled and kayaked in between. Can I ask you a favour; would you be able to go on over to Apple podcasts to rate, review and subscribe to the podcast? Doing this helps the podcast grow, which is greatly appreciated. How is your running going? If you are plagued by niggles and injuries, head to the specialists at Health and High Performance can do so as they utilise the latest in technology, and experience to help you run your best. So, head to Or find them on Instagram I don’t know about you, but I’m really looking forward to getting back to racing. To be ready for when this happens, you need to be working on getting stronger, fitter and faster now. You can do this with a structured and well-planned training program with Peak Endurance Coaching. Email me and let’s get your training moving in the right direction. Enjoy the interview with Donnie!