Ben Lindsay talks shin splints.

Published: Feb. 2, 2021, 2:49 a.m.

Episode 91 is an interview and discussion Ben Lindsay, founder of the company Solushin. Ben was an athlete who suffered from shin splints and wasn’t impressed by available ways of dealing with them. So, in conjunction with other athletes he developed system to deal with shin splints. I know for myself, in my early days of running I got shin splints that I ignored, mainly because I didn’t know what they were! I continued ignoring them until they turned into stress fractures!! I think we all make silly mistakes when we are new runners! Knowledge is power, and the more we know about the different injuries runners can sustain, and the more we know about the available treatments, the better off we will be. I hope this podcast offers you some insights into how to avoid or treat this injury. If you are like the majority of runners, you may feel like you are constantly beset with niggles (a euphemism for injuries!!) that take away from your joy of running. You may even have sore shins!! So, if you’re sick of niggles, come in and see the specialists at Health and High Performance where they utilise the latest in technology, and experience, to help you get back to your running best. Head to to book an appointment and ensure you can run strong and free! You can also find them on instagram: HealthHighPerformance Thank you so much for supporting the podcast! I really appreciate the people who take the couple of minutes out of their day to get onto Apple Podcasts to rate, review and subscribe. I read all of the reviews and they sure do inspire me to keep working on it! Thanks so much!! If you enjoyed this episode, please do go on over and rate and review. I am aiming for 100 reviews by Easter next year! Will you help me achieve my goal? At Peak Endurance coaching, I coach you to run any distance on any surface, be it road, track or trail, from beginners to advanced athletes. If you are interested, email me so that I can help you with a structured, individualised plan that takes into account your life and your running needs. Enjoy the interview with Ben! FInd Solushin here