063 - The Other Side of Fitness: Mental Reframing, Sustainable Discipline, & Loving Your Body Unconditionally

Published: Nov. 27, 2022, 1:43 a.m.

Chloe Ting workouts? We've been there... among other "mistakes" made along our fitness journeys so you don't have to. But there's so much more beyond the physical — how did fitness impact our confidence and wellbeing, mend our relationship with food, and create best friends out of gym strangers? Join Mizuho and I in a wide-ranging conversation about making fitness a lifestyle and reaping its benefits, the courage to go against cultural beauty standards to build a body we love, and practical tips for you to do the same. || This episode features Mizuho Mizayaga. You can connect with Mizuho on LinkedIn: "Mizuho Mizayaga," or find her on Instagram and TikTok with the handle @mizuho.jm. || Follow @iminmytwenties on Instagram and check out www.megkuang.com/podcast to stay up to date!