Treat your Frozen Shoulder at home

Published: Jan. 25, 2022, 9:17 p.m.


Frozen shoulder typically begins gradually but then progresses until you are unable to use your arm at all or make any movements without pain or difficulty. Painful and prolonged syndrome of frozen shoulder. Although women are more susceptible, anyone can develop a frozen shoulder, and having a frozen shoulder in one arm significantly increases that chance of developing a frozen shoulder on the opposite side.

There are three main goals of treatment:

- Reduce pain and stiffness: The shoulder should be rested and free from painful movements, especially when it is cold or wet.

- Strengthen the muscles around the shoulder: Gentle exercises should be performed on a daily basis to strengthen all of the muscles around your shoulder, including your chest, back, and neck muscles.

- Improve the range of motion of the shoulder: This takes time and persistence to return the mobility of the shoulder.

Here are 7 ways to get started with treating your frozen shoulder at home.
