53. Allie and Michaela Hackett: Twins on the Run

Published: Feb. 14, 2020, noon


This week\'s podcast is with Allie and Michaela Hackett, a pair of twins living in Boston and running for the Boston Athletic Association.


In this episode, we talked about: 


-running in the Olympic Trials


-what to expect


-living together and the vibe when one is crushing it and the other isn\'t


-training on the Boston Marathon course


-Boston Marathon goals for later this spring


-collegiate running and underfueling


-injury and recovery


-cortado club vs cold brew club \\u2615




-training tools and tips


-some lighter questions from fans and friends


-much more!



Follow Allie at https://www.instagram.com/allie__hackett and Michaela at https://www.instagram.com/michaela_hackett/

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