47. Amelia Boone: Training and racing with an ever evolving Why

Published: Jan. 3, 2020, noon

b'This week\'s podcast is with Amelia Boone, an attorney and obstacle course racer and ultra runner from the Bay Area.\\nIn this episode, we talked about:\\n-exploring limits and boundaries\\n-mental health\\n-her journey and experience with an eating disorder over the last 20 years\\n-her Why, which has evolved over the year\\n-rest day brags\\n-personal growth\\n-sponsorship as a professional athlete with a full time job\\n-so much more\\nFollow along with Amelia\'s adventures at instagram.com/arboone11 and twitter.com/ameliaboone/\\n\\n--- \\n\\nSupport this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/forthelongrun/support'