41. Mario Fraioli : The State of Affairs in Running (and where do we go from here?)

Published: Nov. 22, 2019, noon

b'This week\\u2019s podcast is with Mario Fraioli. Mario is a coach and very solid runner himself, living in Northern California.\\nIn this episode, we talked about:\\n-the state of affairs in running\\n-how Mario thinks we can all help turn the tide for the better\\n-mental health and Mario\\u2019s experience with an eating disorder as a younger runner\\n-the guidance he has for other coaches and athletes.\\n-how Mario has seen the running industry change over the years.\\n-coaching an athlete through different parts of their journey, including through injuries and the offseason.\\n-predictions for TNF, and Mario was pretty spot on\\n-Mario\\u2019s podcast, The Morning Shakeout\\nand much more! You can follow along at instagram.com/mariofraioli and twitter.com/mariofraioli. Mario\\u2019s podcast is called The Morning Shakeout, and it\\u2019s awesome!\\n\\n--- \\n\\nSupport this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/forthelongrun/support'