133. Martin Hehir: "You just need to stubbornly persevere"

Published: Jan. 5, 2021, 10 a.m.


Martin Hehir is a professional runner, a dad and husband, medical student and much more.



In this episode, we talked about:


-his first run


-getting more into running in high school


-the process of getting better


-what he loves about training


-The Marathon Project 


-what success means to him


-\\u201cstubborn perseverance\\u201d


-the meaning of \\u201cDie first, then quit\\u201d


-exploring limits


-being a parent/husband, medical student and pro runner




-pro tips for being a dad who runs a lot


-what he knows now that he wishes he knew earlier


-vaccines (and all his colleagues getting it)


-self comparison and the downsides


-meeting yourself where you are right now


-what\\u2019s next for him


-and much more!



Follow along with Marty\\u2019s adventures at https://twitter.com/mardy_hehir and www.instagram.com/marty10khehir


Cover photo: Justin Britton

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