107. Nick de la Rosa: Battling Mental Health

Published: Sept. 18, 2020, 10:55 a.m.

b'Nickademus De La Rosa is a trail runner and coach living in Sedona, Arizona.\\nIn this podcast, we dove deep into mental health, therapy and also talked about suicide.\\nWe also talked about:\\n-having heart surgery in 2018\\n-borderline personality disorder and how it impacts him\\n-shame and self-loathing\\n-chasing the hardest events and why\\n-his relationship with running\\n-understanding that relationships and ultrarunning were what he defined worth by\\n-gratitude\\n-what \\u201cyou are enough\\u201d means to Nick\\n-why he got out of bed today\\n-destigmatizing therapy\\n-his motivation for talking about therapy and mental health\\n-running as a part of therapy but not the only form of therapy\\n-his role models and how they\\u2019ve changed\\n-and much more\\nFollow along with Nick\\u2019s journey at https://www.instagram.com/ultrademus\\n\\nThanks to Janji for sponsoring this episode. As a runner you know the importance of hydration,\\xa0but you might not know that almost 800 million people lack access to drinking water. By working together, we can create viable solutions and collectively, we can have a greater impact.\\nThe Janji Collective is one way to do that. It\'s a membership\\xa0that earns you tons of perks like discounts on gear and first access to new collections. It\'s also a community of adventurous\\xa0runners around the world. 100% of the membership fee goes towards supporting clean water programs\\nI\\u2019m a member and enjoy knowing that it is a small step that each of us can take that when pooled together, can have quite an impact.\\nIf you use the code\\xa0FTLR, you can join the Janji collective for $50. You\\u2019ll receive a free singlet as well as a special members only discount for life. Every dollar from that will go towards supporting clean water programs.\\n\\n--- \\n\\nSupport this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/forthelongrun/support'