10. Peter Bromka: Keep On Dreaming Even If It Breaks Your

Published: April 19, 2019, 11 a.m.


Peter Bromka is a marathoner with Bowerman Track Club Elite, a father and husband, as well as a writer and consultant living in Portland, Oregon. Peter has roots in the Boston area, attending Tufts University for undergrad, and is on a passionate journey to achieve the Olympic Trials Marathon Standard, a 2:19. In this podcast we talked about setting and striving for big scary goals, and what it takes to see progress like he\'s seen over the years. 


We talked a lot about numbers and pace in this episode. While Peter\'s pace is faster than most, the goal is to help explain that no matter if you\'re running a 2:19 marathon to qualify for the Olympic Trials, a sub 3 marathon (or 3:30) to Boston Qualify, or twice that, you can always strive for more.

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