Tri American to Epic European: An Endurance Nation Member Interview with Patrick Large

Published: June 6, 2019, noon


Join Coach Patrick from Endurance Nation ( for another weekly endurance\\xa0podcast. This week Coach P interviews member Patrick Large on his transition from Triathlete to UltraRunner.\\xa0

We all walk our own path in the endurance world. When Patrick\'s work to him abroad, he struggled without the amazing triathlon community that exists in Arizona!\\xa0\\U0001f4aa \\xa0After a bumpy start, a timely call with our own Mariah Bridges helped Patrick see how he still had an opportunity despite these changes.\\xa0

A few months and many miles (kilometers!?) later, Patrick is poised to tackle his ultra event. Tune in to hear how Patrick has solve his motivational challenges and his lessons learned in moving beyond triathlon.

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Endurance Nation is\\xa0the world\'s largest, fastest online triathlon coaching group\\xa0with more than 750 members across the globe training and racing together. Be sure to check us out at to stay on top of all things endurance. If you\'re ready to get started create your Membership at\\xa0- we have a 30-day money back guarantee if you aren\'t satisfied!


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5x TriClub Global Champions: Division One

