#17 Jennifer D'Amato: How Self Talk, Intuitive Eating and Inner Strength Make for a Balanced and Rich Life

Published: July 21, 2020, 11 a.m.

Jennifer D’Amato from Health Coach 4 Life tells us about how to change the narrative around our food. We talk about intuitive eating and how foods are not “good” or “bad” or even “healthy” or “unhealthy”.

Topics Covered:

-Mindfulness at the dinner table

-How to stop when you are satisfied

-Why we stuff ourselves or binge eat

-How saying I deserve this when indulging can change into something better

-How to change our inner voice or inner critic (Change I hate my thighs to my legs are strong and worthy)

My biggest takeaway from our conversation was to do a check in before you eat. How are you feeling? If you are feeling stressed before you eat, take a few minutes and address that first.

You guys know I love a good stress reducing tip! So this one was one of my favorites because it slows that stress cycle in our body and actually helps with our guy health, digestion, and stress hormones. Then eat slowly, put your fork down between bites.


Thanks for listening!

If you enjoyed this episode take a screenshot, post to Facebook or Instagram and tag me! And don’t forget to subscribe, rate and review the podcast to let us know your key takeaways.


Thanks to the Workshop for Less Stress for sponsoring this week’s episode. Stop drowning in stress and learn how stop a stressful day, Routine that can keep stress at bay over the long haul, and self care that actually refreshes you and works for your budget, schedule and your life. *** Grab $10 off the Workshop for Less Stress PROMO CODE: Cultivate


Connect with Jennifer D’Amato

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Jennifercoach4Life

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennifer_lifeandmindsetcoach/

Website: https://www.healthcoach4life.com/


Connect with Sarah

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/micultivatebalance/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/micultivatebalance/

Website: https://www.micultivatebalance.com/