How to Marie Kondo Your Mind

Published: Jan. 23, 2019, 8 a.m.


Scientists argue that humans have between 20,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day. How many of those thoughts do you think are mindful? Hardly any of them, right?

We collect thoughts. Hoard them and replay them over and over again. Just like those jeans in your closet, they don\'t fit but maybe they will someday. If there are thoughts that are not serving you that don\'t represent who you are becoming, don\'t put them back in your mind. You can change them. Yes, yes, you can change your thoughts!

But how?

In this episode, I\'m teaching the four steps that I take every client through that I go through myself every single day to declutter my mind so that I can feel freer so I don\'t feel overwhelmed or antsy or anxious or stuck, because anytime I\'m feeling that way, it means there are some cluttered thoughts happening in my body. And the only way to get rid of clutter is to declutter, right physical mental doesn\'t matter.

It\'s time to declutter our thoughts!

Ready to declutter your mind? Click here to see how we can work together: \\xa0

Mentioned on the show:

Amanda Gibby Peters:

Uncluttered DIY course with Kristen Finch + Amanda Gibby Peters:

Marie Kondo:
