4 Feet Running - Ep. 6

Published: Aug. 26, 2007, 9:18 p.m.

b'Welcome to 4 Feet Running\'s 6th episode! In this fun-packed installment:

- Nik and Dan take a run by the Great Feast of the Holy Ghost of New England, a major Portuguese feast in downtown Fall River\'s Kennedy Park
- Dan\'s C25K Week 5 run becomes Week 5-ish because he\'s overtired
- Nik talks about her do-it-yourself approach when she first started running
- Dan recounts the story of Queen Isabella of Portugal, her devotion to the poor, and her milk jugs
- Nik describes her weekly training for the Philadelphia Marathon, her new pair of Brooks shoes, and her Clif Bloks
- They wander around the feast, smell some Portuguese food, try to get some free meat, and see a whole bunch more jugs
- Dan asks Nik how much money she\'d take to break a leg
- Dan stupidly forgets what the difference is between being blind and deaf
- They apologize again for being too loud in Episode 5
- It\'s wall-to-wall Portuguese music, including songs by this cat: Jorge Ferreira
