St Andrews Ghost Stories

Seventeen ghost stories (fourth edition published 1921) centered around the ruined medieval cathedral of Saint Andrew in the Scots city of that name. The author was famous in his time for his interest in ghostly apparitions. ( David Wales)

8 episodes

The Race Of The Swift

This 1905 collection is of the author’s short animal stories, some previously published in magazines. - Summary by David Wales

7 episodes

The Legends and Myths of Hawaii

A collection of legends and myths of the Hawaiian islands and their 'strange people' as told by His Majesty King Kalakaua, the last king of Hawaii. Introduction, including a history, geography and social and religious commentary on the islands by R.M. Daggett, United States Minister to the Hawaiian Islands 1882-1885.

32 episodes

The Magical Mimics in Oz

The land of OZ is the happiest fairyland anywhere, but there are evil creatures whose only ambition is to destroy that happiness. Lurking inside Mount Illuso, just south of the Deadly Desert, live the Magic Mimics, a race devoted to causing the maximum chaos and unhappiness everywhere, but mainly in the land of OZ. Until now they have been kept at bay by a spell, but when Princess Ozma leaves OZ for 3 days, their foul machinians are quicly put into play. Princess Dorothy is left in chage of OZ and must deal with these happiness crushing beings. Can she do it? Will Toto help? You bet!!! Listen to this rip snorting adventure in oz and enjoy all of your old friends again. .

23 episodes


The story is about a little girl who meets all manner of strange gnomes, fairies and creatures after she goes to sleep at night. She also has two invisible brothers whom she created so as to not be alone while her parents travel for the Crown. The author here produces an alternative version of fairyland to the more traditional European form, that is bizarre, entertaining and funny at the same time. - Summary by phil chenevert and Wikipedia

25 episodes

Las criaturas acuaticas

Los Bebes Acuáticos: un cuento de Hadas para un bebe terrestre, es una novela para niños escrita por el Reverendo Charles Kingsley. Es controversial ya que está teñido de pensamientos arcaicos, discriminadores a veces, y con algunas metáforas que pueden considerarse ofensivas hoy en día. Publicada dos años antes que Alicia en el País de las Maravillas, Los niños del agua se ha confundido a menudo con un relato meramente infantil aunque, al igual que la novela de Lewis Carroll, supera con creces cualquier barrera de edad. Adaptada al cine por Walt Disney en 1935, narra la historia de Tom, un deshollinador de 10 años, explotado cruelmente por su amo Grimes, que cae por la chimenea de una casa de campo a donde ha sido llevado a trabajar. El accidente provoca un enorme revuelo y Tom huye hacia un estanque en el que, aparentemente, se ahoga. Pero no muere y se transforma en un niño del agua, que deberá madurar con la ayuda de las hadas y las criaturas marinas hasta convertirse en un nuevo ser más libre y responsable. (Phileas Fogg)

26 episodes

The Fairy Spinning Wheel and the Tales it spun

This is a little volume of old-fashioned fairy tales, collected and rewritten by Catulle Mendès and translated from the French and adapted for an American audience by TJ Vivian. This collection contains some of the most well-known fairy tales, such as the Sleeping Beauty, but also contains some tales which the listener may not be familiar with yet. There is much to discover in these pages. - Summary by Carolin

15 episodes

The Mabinogion, Volume 2

This is the second of three volumes of The Mabinogion, a collection of some of the earliest tales from the British Isles. Lady Charlotte Guest translated the stories in Volume 2 from a 14th-century Welsh manuscript, The Red Book of Hergest. These stories include the earliest written reference to the legendary King Arthur. - Summary by JoLynne Walz Martinez

8 episodes

The Princess and Curdie (Version 2)

A year has passed since Curdie's adventures with young Princess Irene and the hostile goblins deep in the mountain. As Curdie grows up, his faith in the elusive royal Great-Great-Grandmother is fading. When a thoughtless act plunges him into that mysterious presence once again, what will come of it? And what has happened to the good king and his little daughter by this time? - Summary by HannahMary

35 episodes

The Pearl Fountain, and Other Fairy Tales

This is a little volume of fairy Tales by Irish novelists Bridget and Julia Kavanagh. The eleven stories are old-fashioned and original. - Summary by Carolin

11 episodes

The Golden Spears, and other Fairy Tales

This is a little volume of original fairy tales by Irish lawyer, author and politician Edmund Leamy. - Summary by Carolin

8 episodes

The Junior Classics Volume 2: Folk Tales & Myths

Compilation of tales designed and arranged for young people. This volume covers tales from the North, the Rhine, Greece and Rome, tales from the Hudson River, and animal stories. - Summary by DrPGould

62 episodes


This is a very different Moliere, not the usual satire of everyday life. It is instead a classical tale based on the ancient story of Psyche and Cupid, and was performed for Louis XIV with ballet interludes to music by Jean-Baptiste Lully (which we do not include here) in 1671. - Summary by ToddHW Cast list: Jupiter: alanmapstone Venus: Eva Davis Love; Cupid in Prologue: Tomas Peter Zephyr: alanmapstone Aegiale, a Grace: Crln Yldz Ksr Phaëne, a Grace: Sandra Schmit The King: alanmapstone Psyche: Leanne Yau Aglaura: TJ Burns Cidippe: Sonia Cleomenes, a prince, Psyche's lover: MajorToast Agenor, a prince, Psyche's lover: Rob Marland Lycas, captain of the guards: Zames Curran River God: alanmapstone Cupid: Eva Davis Flora: Foon Nymph, chorus of divinities: Availle Palemon, god of streams: alanmapstone Vertumnus, god of trees and fruit: Nemo Vulcan: Nemo First Man: Nemo Second Man: Stefan Von Blon Woman: April6090 Stage Directions and Editing: ToddHW

5 episodes

Swanhilde, and other Fairy Tales

Wilhelm Hauff was a German poet and novelist, perhaps best known for his fairy tales (Märchen). Some of his stories, such as the Caliph Stork found in this volume, are popular in German-speaking countries to this day. In this book of fairy tales, we find the tale of the beautiful Swanhilde and various other stand-alone fairy tales, as well as a frame story "The Caravan" which includes multiple fairy tales within it. Hauff's freshness and originality shine through in these tales. (Foon)

12 episodes

Irish Fairy Tales

Collection of Irish Fairy Tales set in a wooded, Medieval Ireland filled with larger-than-life hunters, warriors, kings, and fairies - Summary by Anthony K. Futterer

90 episodes

Outa Karel’s Stories: South African Folk-Lore Tales

Sanni Metelerkamp was a South African playwright and author born in 1867. She is well known for her biography of her great-grandfather, George Rex, the British born entrepreneur who founded the town of Knysna and was rumoured to have been an illegitimate son of King George III. Possibly her greatest legacy however is the publication of a collection of folk tales which in her own words "… are the common property of every country child in South Africa." By the time she published "Outa Karel’s Stories: South African Folk-Lore Tales" in 1914, South Africa had come through a time of great turmoil. There had been years of conflict between the Boer settlers, the Zulus and the British. The arrival of peoples from all over the world seeking gold and diamonds together with the advent of the railroads, was opening up the country and changing society. Sanni was afraid that many of the old traditions and stories would be lost and so set down these few for posterity. She also stated " I greatly regret that (the stories) appear here in what is, to them, a foreign tongue. No one who has not heard them in the Taal - that quaint, expressive language of the people - can have any idea of what they lose through translation, but, having been written in the first instance for English publications, the original medium was out of the question." However, even The Taal (which in South Africa refers to Afrikaans) would not have been the language from whence these tales originated. They came from the oral traditions of the indigenous peoples of South Africa . The storyteller is Outa Karel, an old family retainer and though they are told here in English, there are several words and expressions in the "Taal". There is however an excellent Glossary at the beginning of the book which is read as a separate file for reference. ( Noel Badrian)

16 episodes

The Silver Princess in Oz

Young King Randy of Regalia is visited by his old friend, Kabumpo, the Elegant Elephant of Pumperdink. Together, they set out to visit their friend Jinnicky the Red Jinn in the Land of Ev. On the way, they meet Planetty, the silver Princess from Anuther Planet, and her fire-breathing thunder colt. When they reach Jinnicky's palace, they find that Jinnicky has been deposed and enchanted by an untrustworthy slave! Can Randy and Kabumpo defeat Gludwig and restore peace and justice to Ev? The Silver Princess in Oz (1938) is the thirty-second of the Oz books created by L. Frank Baum and his successors, and the eighteenth written by Ruth Plumly Thompson. - Summary by Beth Thomas and Wikipedia

21 episodes

My Book of Favourite Fairy Tales (version 2)

"Here they are again, the old, old stories, the very best; dear Cinderella, wicked old Bluebeard, tiny Thumbling, beautiful Beauty and the ugly Beast, and a host of others. But the old stories, I may tell you, are always new, and always must be so, because there are new children to read them every day, and to these, of course, these old tales might have been written yesterday. But the stories in this book are new in another way. Look how they are clothed, look at their beautiful setting, the wonderful [pg 8] pictures! Have you ever seen such charming princes and lovely princesses, such dainty grace and delicate feeling? What would our grandfathers and grandmothers have said of such a book! They would have thought there was magic in the brush and pencil. Surely we are favoured in this generation when we see before us, the old, old fairy tales, which are ever new, dressed in such a beautiful and splendid fashion! " - Summary by the author

16 episodes

Kabumpo in Oz (version 2)

An elephant in Oz? You bet! The tiny kingdom of Pumperdink has what no neighboring kingdom has: an Elegant Elephant in court, and his name is Kabumpo. He is very proud of his kingdom, his elegance and tends to be just the smallest bit pompous. On the other hand, he loves the young prince Pompo and goes with him in a desperate search to save their kingdom from disappearing. Yes, the prince must find the 'proper princess' and marry her within 7 days or the entire kingdom and everyone in it will be gone. Such a great responsibility on such a youth is hard to bear but Kabumpo helps a lot. Naturally the evil gnome Ruggedo is involved deep underneath but this will all be explained in the exciting chapters. Will he find the proper princess? will he squished by the giant? You must listen to find out and I promise it will be a wild ride. Summary by phil Chenevert

22 episodes

The Fates of the Princes of Dyfed

Cenydd Morus's (Kenneth Morris) imaginative retelling of tales from the Mabinogion, the great work of Welsh literature first recorded in the 12th-13th century. Written while he was working for the Theosophical Society in California, Morris's version restores the Gods that he believed had disappeared from the written record but must have been present in the oral tradition of the Druid bards. First published in 1914 and republished in the 1970s as the 15th volume in the celebrated Newcastle Forgotten Fantasy Library. - Summary by Phil Benson

26 episodes

Resúmen en Prosa de las Metamorfosis

El Resúmen en prosa de Las Metamorfosis de Ovidio, es una condensación de la obra original "Las Metamorfosis" escrita por Publio Ovidio Nasón en 15 libros y que fuera terminada en el año 8 dC, en este resúmen se encuentran descritas brevemente todas las historias mitológicas de la obra principal, en la que se narra la historia del mundo desde su creación, y cada una de ellas contiene además una breve explicación. Otra de las características de este libro es que en las explicaciones podemos encontrar referencia a las fuentes de las fábulas que se relatan (ya sea una historia real o algún pasaje bíblico, puesto que se dice que algunas de las fábulas descritas por Ovidio tienen como fuente principal las Santas Escrituras). Así también, cada una de estas historias nos deja un gran mensaje, por tal motivo puede ser utilizada para dar lecciones a los mas pequeños o para ejemplificar los castigos que recibían aquellos cuyo actuar no era acorde con la voluntad de los Dioses.

16 episodes

The Ballad of the White Horse (Version 3)

This epic poem is about Alfred the Great's defense of Christian England against the pagan Viking invaders. The decisive battle is fought in sight of a white horse mark made on a hill, after which the poem is named. As the white horse mark must be continually maintained by weeding to be clearly seen, Chesterton sees it as a symbol of the continual struggle to maintain the Christian culture and values for which Alfred the Great fought. - Summary by Robin Lamb

9 episodes

Old Fashioned Fairy Tales

Ogres, hillmen, and both fairies and fools abound by forest and town in this book by Juliana Horatia Gatty Ewing. Designed to cultivate imagination, character, and leave a strong moral when finished, she blends humor with short parables and rustic settings. This audiobook was completed by volunteers for an Eagle Scout project coordinated by Joseph Jones.

20 episodes

The Scottish Fairy Book

This book of Scottish fairy tales tells of brownies, fairies, and apparitions, bogies, witches, kelpies, and tales told about a mysterious region under the sea, "far below the abode of fishes," where the Mermaids and Mermen live. There are stories of the Brownie, magical animal tales where the animals are endowed with the power of speech, tales of enchantment, and legendary stories, half real, half mythical. The author has tried to make a representative collection from these different classes of Scottish Folklore, choosing the tales that are the least well known. - Summary by Nan Dodge, taken from the introduction.

31 episodes

Fairy Stories my Children Love Best of All

In this collection, we get to know which fairy tales Mr Shimer loved to tell his kids. Some of the stories may be familiar, but most of them may be new to you. We hope that you will enjoy listening to these stories just as much as Mr. Shimer's children once did. - Summary by Carolin

33 episodes

Fairy Tales from South Africa

The stories in this collection come from the oral traditions of the people from Swaziland, Matabeleland (Ndebele people) and Zululand in South Africa. The authors, Mrs. E. J. Bourhill and Mrs. J. B. Drake, or more properly the collectors and editors of the stories assert that: "All the stories in this book are real Fairy Tales, just as much as Jack the Giant-killer or The Sleeping Beauty. By this I mean that they are traditional, handed down by word of mouth. Nobody knows how old they are, or who told them first." The stories are full of witches and magicians and monsters, as well as heroes and princesses and good and bad rulers. They have done a marvellous job of putting these stories into English but admit that there is much lost in the translation and in not being able to see the storyteller who would not only tell the story but act it out while doing so. Mrs. Bourhill and Mrs. Drake were concerned that, as the way of life and the customs of the people were slowly changing, these wonderful traditional stories might fade away. They thus decided to write them down for posterity. - Summary by Noel Badrian

20 episodes

Cuentos Rusos

El presente libro cuenta con 17 breves cuentos rusos tradicionales cada uno de los cuales nos trae una lección de vida similar a las que se contienen en las fábulas de Esopo.

17 episodes

The Mermaid's Message and Other Stories

This is a collection of fairy tales and fables compiled in 1919. The stories contain original but old-fashioned tales which modern children and grown-ups will enjoy. Summary by Carolin

41 episodes

The Mysterious Stranger

Mark Twain wrote this fairytale style story about 3 boys who meet Satan's cousin and they experience many things during this time. The story is narrated by one of the boys many years later. Mark Twain ends the story expressing the idea that will blow you away. Ideas that can be traced back thousands of years in many religions. What is existence really ... to quote that well known song by Eliphalet Oram Lyte ... Row, row, row your boat Gently down the stream, Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream .... so dream on. - Summary by Patrick79

11 episodes

The Fisherman and His Soul (Version 2)

To get what we want is often the greatest curse of all. The fisherman here accidentally catches a mermaid in his net. He falls in love with the Mermaid and tells her that he wants to marry her. She tells him that he can only marry her if he sends away his soul. From a Witch, the Fisherman learns how to send his soul away. The Soul makes several attempts to persuade the Fisherman to take him back, eventually convincing him to do so with the tale of a beautiful dancer who lives nearby. Too late does the Fisherman discover that the soul which he sent out into the world without a heart has become evil. So be careful what you set your heart on. This story was first published in 1896 in the book A House of Pomegranates. - Summary by phil chenevert

3 episodes


Fabeln, Aesop-ähnliche Geschichten in Reimen, lehrreiche Gedichte - nicht immer mit gutem Ausgang, aber auch nicht ausschließlich deprimierend oder das Recht des Stärkeren betonend. Manchmal drückt sich hier Weisheit aus, manchmal sind es harte, eventuell satirische Kommentare in Bildnissen. So würde ich diese Fabeln umschreiben, die ich durch das Librivox-anniversary fand und gelesen habe. Zum Autor: Lichtwer studierte Recht, Geschichte und Philosophie, trat einer Freimaurerloge bei und erblindete nach einem Unfall fast vollständig. Er arbeitete als Privatdozent, schrieb die Fabeln, heiratete, wurde Regierungsrat, Konsistorialrat, Strafrichter, Abgeordneter. Das Sprichwort "blinder Eifer schadet nur" wurde von ihm erfunden und durch die Fabel "Die Katzen und der Hausherr" zum auch heutzutage allseits bekannten, geflügelten Wort.(Zusammenfassung mit Zuhilfenahme von von schrm)

111 episodes

Pérolas E Diamantes - Contos Infantis

Publicado em 1908. Contos coligidos e traduzidos dos Irmãos Grimm, por Henrique Marques Júnior. O violino maravilhoso, João no auge da alegria, Pele de urso, Aventuras de João-Pequenino, Os três cabelos de ouro do Diabo, O sapateiro e os Gnomos, As Três Penas e O Violinista. São pequenos contos populares do folclore alemão. ( Lucas Oliveira) These are eight stories by the Brothers Grimm in a Portuguese translation.

8 episodes

Priče iz Davnine

Priče iz davnine, glasovita zbirka od osam pripovijetki-bajki Ivane Brlić-Mažuranić, u kojima je autorica ostvarila svoj književni vrhunac.[1] Zbirka je objavljena 1916. u izdanju Matice hrvatske, a drugo izdanje doživljava 1926.Radnju pokreću likovi iz pretkršćanske, slavenske mitologije, koje je Brlić-Mažuranić, inače i dvostruka kandidatkinja za Nobelovu nagradu za književnost, stilizirala davši im određene osobine. Posluživši se oblikom bajke i fantastičnim elementima, stvorila je autonomni svijet davnine u kojem se mitski svijet spaja sa secesijski stiliziranom slikom vremena, prostora, likova i događaja. Prvo izdanje je imalo šest priča, a u drugom izdanju su dodane još dvije.Croatian Tales of Long Ago (Croatian: Priče iz davnine), is a short story collection written by the acclaimed children's author Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić (sometimes spelled as "Ivana Berlić-Mažuranić" in English), originally published in 1916 in Zagreb by the Matica hrvatska publishing house. The collection is considered her masterpiece and it features a series of newly written fairy tales heavily inspired by motifs taken from ancient Slavic mythology of pre-Christian Croatia.Croatian Tales of Long Ago are seen as one of the most typical examples of her writing style which has been compared by literary critics to Hans Christian Andersen and J. R. R. Tolkien due to the way it combines original fantasy plots with folk mythology. Summary by Wikipedia

7 episodes

English Fairy Tales

This is a collection of old-fashioned English fairy tales. This collection, written by Ernest Rhys, founder of the Everyman's Library series of classic books, and his wife Grace, contain all the classic English fairy tales, such as Jack the Giant Killer and Tom Tit Tot. These tales have lost none of their charm in over a hundred years since they were written. - Summary by Carolin

18 episodes

The Santa Claus Story Book

This is a collection of fairy tales. The first story is a Christmas story in verse, and of course the Christmas holidays are the best time for fairy tales, but the other stories in this volume are fairy tales that can be enjoyed year-round. This volume contains classics like the story of Cinderella and the Beauty and the Beast, but also stories you may not expect, like the story of Robinson Crusoe and the story of Robin Hood. - Summary by Carolin

20 episodes

Ancient Tales and Folklore of Japan

Tales of Folklore are often of special interest. Anything may happen to ordinary mortals in the world painted by folklore. But it becomes even more interesting when you dive into folklore of places away from your own culture. This volume is a collection of ancient Japanese tales. We hear of ordinary mortals interacting with the spirit world, sometimes to their benefit, sometimes to their doom, we hear of love and hate, and of war and peace. Some of the stories will be entirely new to most readers, some of them will be uncannily familiar. - Summary by Carolin

58 episodes

Cuentos de hadas (version 2)

Populares cuentos de Perrault narrados para los niños, en los que aparecen mundos fantásticos: Hadas, ogros, personajes malvados. Todos ellos encierran alguna enseñanza y poder educativo. - Summary by Montse González

15 episodes

Compilation de Contes

Voici une compilation de Contes, divers. Pour les jeunes et tous ceux qui aiment les contes... Belle princesse, marâtre, ogre et ogresse, vêtements étincelants ou pas..., jalousie, féerie... Une gentille moralité, en fin de chaque conte, permet de réfléchir en famille. - Summary by ChristianeJehanne

9 episodes

The Fir-Tree Fairy Book

In this volume, Clifton Johnson has compiled his favourite fairy tales. We hear a lot of animals, because fairy tales with animals in them are Mr. Johnson's favourite stories, but we also hear of fairies, of wizards, and princesses. The stories are sometimes taken from the famous volumes of the Brothers Grimm or from Anderson, but a lot of them are based on folklore and stories from around the world. - Summary by Carolin

41 episodes

Korean Fairy Tales

Everywhere on earth the fairy world of each country is older and perhaps more enduring than the one we see and feel and tread upon. So I tell in this book the folk lore of the Korean people, and of the behavior of the particular kind of fairies that inhabit the Land of Morning Splendor. (From the Preface by William Elliot Griffis)

26 episodes

The Lost Continent

During an expedition in the Canary Islands, an archeologist discovers a cave containing tablets with unknown writing. When translated, they tell the tale of decline and fall of Atlantis, which for centuries had been the center of the world. The tablets’ author, Deucalion, chronicles the usurpation of Atlantis’ throne by force, the oppressive rule of Empress Phorenice, the inevitable rebellion and ultimate destruction of Atlantis, the Lost Continent. (summary by sjmarky)

21 episodes

Casse-noisette et le roi des souris

La veille de Noël Marie reçoit un casse-noisette. À minuit, son cadeau s'anime et l'amène dans un monde peuplé de poupée, de friandise et de parfum de rose. Les petits soldats de bois de son frère Fritz et les jouets qui se trouvent dans l'armoire vitrée du salon familial s'animent aussi. Au même moment, des souris et leur roi à sept couronnes apparaissent dans le salon. Alors, des batailles se déclenchent! En réalité, c'est un Noël renversant que vit la petite Marie. Le conte "casse-noisette et le roi des souris" de Hoffmann a été adapté en ballet en 1892 par Tchaïkovski. - Summary by Aida Boumaza

14 episodes

The Floating Prince and Other Fairy Tales

This is a collection of original and interesting fairy tales. We have here princes and princesses, pirates, wizards, and all the other ingredients for entertaining stories for kids. - Summary by Carolin

10 episodes


Madame d;Aulnoy, o Marie-Catherine Le Jumel de Barneville (Eure, 1650-París, 1705), fue poetisa y novelista, pero se la recuerda por introducir en la nobleza francesa el gusto por los cuentos de hadas. Entre sus obras destacan Contes de fées y Les Fées à la mode, que alcanzaron tanta aceptación como los cuentos del propio Perrault. También escribió novelas sentimentales y unas memorias sobre las cortes de España (1690) e Inglaterra (1695), países en los que se refugió hasta recuperar el favor del rey tras ser descubierta su participación en una intriga palaciega. Pasó los últimos años de su vida en París, ciudad en la que mantuvo un salón muy frecuentado. Summary by Phileas Fogg

13 episodes

Era uma vez...

Era uma vez... é um conto, com castelo, princesa, aldeões, maravilhas do fundo do mar, dos ares e das florestas. Imaginação e realidades, como as crianças de todos os tempos tanto gostam. Escrito por Júlia Lopes de Almeida, uma autora brasileira do século XIX, ele é mais que adequado aos dias atuais. É uma história mágica, para crianças e adultos de uma era em que se criam filhos “com o rei na barriga”. - Summary by Rachel Moraes

4 episodes

The Cowardly Lion of Oz

The Cowardly Lion, always fearful, has become even more afraid than usual and is convinced that he has lost the courage the Wizard of OZ gave him man years ago. To remedy this he decides to follow the dubious advice from the Scrapwork Girl, to 'find someone who has courage and swallow him up'. Unfortunately the King of the little known country of Mudge wants him captured and added to his lion collection. Naturally new characters, all funny and fun, join in the collision of intents and purposes as only in t he magical land of OZ can they do so. Exciting, funny and fabulous this tale will enchant you with its whimsy and wit. Will our dear Cowardly Lion actually swallow someone:? Will he be captured and added to the zoo of the Mudgers? Listen and be delighted with it all works out. - Summary by philc

22 episodes


A sweet fairy-tale, Honey-Bee tells the story of two children raised as brother and sister, but who are not. One day they venture out to find the lake where the nixies dwell, though they are forbidden to do so. On this ill-fated journey, young George is kidnapped by the nixies and little Honey-Bee is captured by the dwarves. The tale tells of their seven years in captivity, and has some lessons on morality and love. - Summary by Kate Follis

8 episodes

Nutcracker and Mouse-King (version 2)

Christmas Eve Mary receives a nutcracker. At midnight, this gift comes alive and brings her into a world full of dolls, candies and rose scent. The little wooden soldiers of her brother Fritz and the toys that are in the glass cabinet of the family room also come alive. At the same time, the mice and their king with seven crowns appear in the living room. Battle ensues. In fact, it turns out to be a stunning Christmas for little Marie. The tale "Nutcracker and Mouse-king" of Hoffmann was adapted into a ballet in 1892 by Tchaïkovsky. - Summary by Aïda Boumaza

14 episodes

Folk Stories from Southern Nigeria, West Africa

A collection of folk stories and fairy tales from Southern Nigeria gathered by Elphinstone Dayrell, deputy commissioner of the region when the book was published. - Summary by Elsie Selwyn

41 episodes

Little Miss Joy-Sing

A pleasant kind of fantasy set in Japan concerning a woman and a prince. - Summary by KevinS

16 episodes