Il était une fois... - 003

Hans Christian Andersen, Charles Perrault et les frères Grimm, pour ne nommer que ceux-là : autant d’auteurs d’exception dont les contes et autres histoires ont captivé des générations d’enfants, petits et grands. Dans le second volume de cette collection d’histoires et de contes préférés des enfants, vous découvrirez (ou redécouvrirez) vingt de ces récits, tantôt très populaires, tantôt moins connus. Ouvrez toutes grandes vos oreilles, et laissez-vous transporter! (description par Ani)

20 episodes

Myths of Babylonia and Assyria

Donald Alexander Mackenzie (1873 – March 2, 1936) was a Scottish journalist and prolific writer on religion, mythology and anthropology in the early 20th century. His works included Indian Myth and Legend, Celtic Folklore and Myths of China and Japan. As well as writing books, articles and poems, he often gave lectures, and also broadcast talks on Celtic mythology. This volume deals with the myths and legends of Babylonia and Assyria, and as these reflect the civilization in which they developed, a historical narrative has been provided, beginning with the early Sumerian Age and concluding with the periods of the Persian and Grecian Empires. Over thirty centuries of human progress are thus passed under review. (Summary extracted from Wikipedia and the Preface of this book)

26 episodes

Elves and Heroes

This volume describes, in verse, the mythical creatures and people of ancient Scotland. It also includes explanatory notes about about the characters and folk tales that inspired the author's poetry. (Introduction by Matthew Reece)

31 episodes

Cuentos de Hadas, Vol. 2

Traducción de Kinder- und Hausmärchen ("Cuentos para la infancia y el hogar") de Jacob y Wilhelm Grimm. (Introducción por Karen Savage)

20 episodes

The Old-Fashioned Fairy Book

"And now, mamma, until your tea is ready, we know what you must do," said the children, in a breath. "Tell us a story—a 'real, truly' fairy tale, about a giant and a dwarf, lots and lots of fairies, a prince and a beautiful princess with hair to her very feet, a champion with a magic sword, a dragon-chariot, a witch dressed in snake-skin—and, if you can, an ogre. Don't punish anybody but the witch and the ogre; and please don't have any moral, only let everybody 'live in peace and die in a pot of grease,' at the end of it." "To be sure, we know most of mamma's stories by heart," said the sage elder of nine. "If she could only make up some new ones that aren't in any of our books! Or else, mamma, tell us something you heard a little bit of, long, long ago, from your nurse, and then make up the rest. But whatever one you tell, we'll be sure to like it anyhow." The stories told, the mother fell to musing, and the result is the little book here presented to the judgment of children other than her own—a few new fairy tales, on the old, old pattern! (Summary by Constance Cary Harrison (in her Introduction)).

24 episodes

Favorite Fairy Tales

This book of favorite fairy tales was compiled and illustrated by Peter Newell. it includes Jack The Giant Killer; Cinderella; Sleeping Beauty; Little Red Riding Hood; Aladin and the Wonderful Lamp, The Ugly Duckling, Beauty and the Beast, Snow White and Rose Red, The Wild Swans, Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves, and 4 others that are not so famous. The stories included were based upon the those that various famous men remembered as their favorites when children(Summary by Phil Chenevert)

16 episodes

The Three Mulla-mulgars

Three monkey brothers, Thumb, Thimble, and Nod, are Mulla-mulgars or royal monkeys. As she dies, their mother gives them the enchanted Wonderstone for protection, and tells them to follow their father. They embark on a journey of fantastical adventure to find their father, who left years earlier in search of the kingdom of his brother, the Prince of the Valleys of Tishnar, promising to return for them after he had found the way. (Summary by A. Gramour)

23 episodes

Faust II

Faust is the protagonist of a classic German legend; a highly successful scholar, but also dissatisfied with his life, and so makes a deal with the devil, exchanging his soul for unlimited knowledge and worldly pleasures. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's Faust is a tragic play in two parts. It is Goethe's most famous work and considered by many to be one of the greatest works of German literature. Rich in classical allusion, in Part Two the romantic story of the first Faust is forgotten, and Faust wakes in a field of fairies to initiate a new cycle of adventures and purpose. The piece consists of five acts (relatively isolated episodes) each representing a different theme. (Summary modified from Wikipedia) Cast List Narrator / Stage Directions: AvailleMephistopheles: Algy PugFaust / Plutus / Doctor Marianus: Dan RaynhamAriel, Herald, Peneus, Guardsmen / First Guardsman, Heavenly Host, Pater Ecstaticus: Bob GonzalezEmperor, Gardeners, The Griffins / Second Griffin, Pater Seraphicus: BeirdoSquire, Page, Boy Charioteer, Homunculus, Euphorion, Chorus of Blessed Boys: Chris Marcellus2nd Squire, 2nd Page, Wood-cutters, Fauns, Courtier, Pygmies, Pygmy-Elders, The Youths, Arch Cup-Bearer, Heavenly Host, Chorus of Blessed Boys: Elizabeth KlettChancellor, Wood-Cutters, Atropos, Knight Banneret 1, Knight, Archbishop-Arch-Chancellor: Michael BennettGeneral-In-Chief. Gardeners, Learned Man, Chiron: David LawrencePulcinelli, Clotho, Fool, Wagner, Generalissimo, Lynceus the Warden of the Tower, Arch-Marshall, Heavenly Host: WupperhippoMurmurs of Crowd, Treasurer, Satirist, Poet, Griffins, The Youths, Bully / 3 Mighty Men: John TrevithickLord High Steward, Gardeners, Savage Song, Diplomatist, Dactyls, 1st Spy, Guardsmen / 2nd Guardsmen, Pater Profundis: Kevin W. DavidsonMurmurs of Crowd, Astrologer, Lachesis, Tumult & Song, Erichtho, Dactyls, Nereids & Tritons, 3rd Guardsman, Wanderer, Chorus of Blessed Boys: balaOlive-Branch / Fancy Nosegay / Garden-Girls, Aglaia, Crowd of Women, A Blonde, Lady 5 / Younger Lady, Sirens, Maiden, Younger Angels: Vanessa GarciaWreath of Ears / Challenge / Garden-Girls, Euphrosyne, Crowd of Women, Lady, Sphinxes, Dorides, Choretid 2, Want, Younger Angels, Magna Peccatrix: KristingjFancy Wreath / Rosebuds / Garden-Girls, Hegemone, A Brunette, Lady 2 / Young Lady, Ants, Dorides: Liberty StumpMother, Alucto, Crowd of Women, Lady 3 / Older Lady, Chorus of Insects, Sirens, Sphynx, The Phorkyads, Choretid 6, Phorkyas, Necessity, Chorus of Angels / Chorus Mysticus: TriciaGParasites, Fear, Lady 6 / Duenna, Chorus of Insects, Lamiae, Dorides, Speedbooty, Una Poenitentium / The Penitent: Lucy PerryHelena, Parasites, Crowd of Women, Sphinxes, The Phorkyads, Maria Aegyptiaca: Patti CunninghamDrunken Man, Tumult & Song, Chamberlain, Baccalaureus, Cranes of Ibycus, Oread, Psylli and Marsi, Holdfast / 3 Mighty Men, Lemures, Chorus: Kris Gannon, Braden River, FloridaMegaera, Nymphs, Ants, Lamiae, Psylli and Marsi, Panthalis / Leader of the Chorus, Guilt, Mater Gloriosa: Charlotte DuckettTisiphone, Nymphs, Chorus of Insects, The Arimaspeans, The Phorkyads, Choretid 5, Care, Angels / Chorus Mysticus: Kim MosesPrudence, Lady 4 / Oldest Lady, Nymphs, Pygmies / Pygmy-Elders, Choretid 3, Mulier Samaritana: Lani SmallHope,The Arimaspeans, Lamiae / Empusa, Choretid 1: Miss AvariceZoilo-Thersites, Sphinxes, Dryad, Galatea, Choretid 4, Baucis, More Perfect Angels: Amy GramourThe Starveling / Avarice, Giants, Knight Banneret 2 / Knight 2, Famulus, Griffins, Manto, Nereids and Tritons, Telchines, 2nd Spy, Philemon: Herman RoskamsSavage Song / Satyr, Second Chamberlain, Seismos, Proteus, Guardsmen/Fourth Guardsman, Lemur: Jason MillsFauns, Gnomes / Deputation of Gnomes, Architect, Emmets, Thales, Arch-Chamberlain, Chorus of Angels / Angels / Chorus Mysticus: Andy CotterlyGnomes / Deputation of Gnomes, Anaxagoras, The Youths, Havequick / 3 Mighty Men, More Perfect Angels: ToddHWSavage Song, Giants, Emmets, Nereus, Arch-High-Steward: Chuck WilliamsonSirens: Libby GohnCranes of Ibycus: Lucas RhonemusChorus, Psylli and Marsi: HunterEdited by TriciaG

25 episodes

The Book of Stories for the Storyteller

This group project is a collection of 43 fairy tales (both old and new), folk lore, myths and real life stories by a variety of authors, brought together by writer Fanny E Coe. They are mostly short and are fun to read and tell to children and most teach valuable lessons about life. (Summary by Phil Chenevert)

44 episodes

The Angels of Mons

The Angels of Mons is a popular legend about a group of angels who supposedly protected members of the British army in the Battle of Mons at the outset of World War I. The story is fictitious, developed through a combination of a patriotic short story by Arthur Machen, rumours, mass hysteria and urban legend, claimed visions after the battle and also possibly deliberately seeded propaganda. (Summary by Wikipedia)

3 episodes

The Coming of the Fairies

After a number of deaths in his close family, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle turned to spiritualism in hope of finding proof of the afterlife. Being open in this way, he wanted to believe that spirits and other supernatural being including fairies were real. Because of this he believed the photographs of fairies taken by the Cottingley girls were proof of the existence of such beings. In this book he presents his stance on the issue. Eventually it was proven that the photographs were indeed a hoax. (Summary by Amy Gramour)

12 episodes

The Brethren

Set in the days of the Crusaders, this books tells of a young maiden named Rosamund, and her twin cousins. Godwin is the grey eyed thoughtful man, and Wulf is the blue eyed warrior. They are both knights of England and they are both in love with their fair cousin. But the riddle of the story is which does Rosamund love?The adventure begins when Rosamund is taken from England and carried to the East. The plot thickens as the two young knights follow her in hopes of rescuing her from the Muslim leader, Saladin. As the Cross and the Crescent face each other at the Battle of Hattin, the story of Rosamund is unfolded and the riddle is solved.With dangerous lions, a moon light duel on a bridge, and beautiful Arabian horses, this book will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very last page. (Summary by Abigail Rasmussen)

25 episodes

The Legends of Genesis

The Legends of Genesis is the English translation of the introduction to Gunkel’s massive commentary, Genesis. Gunkel uses form critical analysis on the text of Genesis to determine the various genres of the biblical legends and their significance to the authors. Gunkel also uses form criticism to uncover buried clues as to the constituent sources of the text. Gunkel offers his hypothesis to explain how the various sources came to be combined and redacted, and how the text later came to be attributed to Moses. (Summary by JoeD)

9 episodes

Twenty Two Goblins

These 22 stories are told by the Goblin to the King Vikram. King Vikram faces many difficulties in bringing the vetala to the tantric. Each time Vikram tries to capture the vetala, it tells a story that ends with a riddle. If Vikram cannot answer the question correctly, the vampire consents to remain in captivity. If the king answers the question correctly, the vampire would escape and return to his tree. In some variations, the king is required to speak if he knows the answer, else his head will burst. This work is taken from baital pachisi and one of its oldest recensions is found incorporated in the Kathā-Sarit-Sāgara ("Ocean of the Streams of Story"), a work in Sanskrit compiled in the 11th century by Somadeva. (Wikipedia)

24 episodes

LibriVox 7th Anniversary Collection

To celebrate the 7 years of LibriVox , readers from all around the world have recorded 77 works they have selected, all of which have 7 in their title. We hope you enjoy the amazing mixture they have come up with.

77 episodes

A House Of Pomegranates

A House of Pomegranates is a collection of fairy tales, written by Oscar Wilde, that was published as a second collection for The Happy Prince and Other Tales (1888). Wilde once said that this collection was "intended neither for the British child nor the British public." The stories included in this collection are as follows: The Young King The Birthday of the Infanta The Fisherman and his Soul The Star-Child (Summary by Wikipedia)

6 episodes

The Little House in the Fairy Wood

A lonely boy is taken in by the friendly inhabitants of a little house in the woods. Through this adventure, he finds the fairy folk, nature, and happiness. (Summary by A. Gramour)

19 episodes


De toutes les erreurs populaires, la croyance au vampirisme est à coup sûr la plus absurde; je ne sais même si elle ne l'est pas plus que les contes de revenans.Les vampires ne furent guère connus que vers le dix-huitième siècle. La Valachie, la Hongrie, la Pologne, la Russie, furent leurs berceaux. Voltaire, dans son Dictionnaire philosophique, nous dit: «On n'entendit parler que de vampires depuis 1730 jusqu'en 1735; on les guetta, on leur arracha le coeur, on les brûla: ils ressemblaient aux anciens martyrs; plus on en brûlait, plus il s'en trouvait.»Il est étonnant que des être raisonnables aient pu croire si longtems que des morts sortaient la nuit des cimetières pour aller sucer le sang des vivans, et que ces mêmes morts retournaient ensuite dans leurs cercueils. Nous pouvons certifier cependant que des gens de mérite y ont cru, et que l'autorité elle-même a servi à propager de semblables absurdités. Nous engageons nos lecteurs à se défier de ces récits ainsi que des prétendues histoires de revenans, de sorciers, de diables, etc. Tout ce qu'on peut dire et écrire sur ce sujet, n'a aucune authenticité et ne mérite aucune croyance. Nous avons tiré plusieurs contes de différens auteurs: Langlet-Dufresnois, les Mille et un Jour, dom Calmet, etc., nous en ont fourni.Un grand nombre sont de notre imagination, et si nous n'en citons pas les auteurs en particulier, c'est que cela aurait entraîné à trop de longueurs. Au surplus, si le vampirisme ne date que d'un siècle à-peu-près, la croyance aux revenans, aux sorciers, etc., date, je crois, depuis la création du monde, sans que personne de bon sens, puisse assurer en avoir vu ou connu. (Avertissement au lecteur, par Charles Nodier)

35 episodes

Curious Myths of the Middle Ages

This volume is an example of Sabine Baring-Gould's extensive research into the middle ages. This volume of 12 curiosities was one of Baring-Gould's most successful publications. (Summary by Carolin)

15 episodes

Fifty-One Tales

Very brief, well-crafted stories, many having surprise endings, all steeped in the dye of myth and calling to every reader's neglected imagination. (Summary by Thomas Copeland)

2 episodes

My Book Of Favourite Fairy Tales

This is a collection on well-known, favorite fairy stories, most of which we all grew up with. They were edited and retold in this volume. (Summary by Lynne Thompson)

16 episodes

Skandinaviska äventyr - Skandinaviske eventyr

Dette er en samling skandinaviske eventyr, lest på dansk, svensk eller norsk. This is a collection Scandinavian fairy tales read in Danish, Swedish, and Norwegian. Summary by kathrinee.

10 episodes

Dot and Tot of Merryland

Dot and Tot of Merryland is a 1901 novel by L. Frank Baum. After Baum wrote The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, he wrote this story about the adventures of a little girl named Dot and a little boy named Tot in a land reached by floating on a river that flowed through a tunnel. The land was called Merryland and was split into seven valleys. (Summary by Wikipedia)

25 episodes

Histoire d'un casse-noisette

Un soir de 24 décembre, Marie et Fritz découvrent, au pied de l'arbre de Noël, un charmant petit bonhomme difforme casseur de noisette. Forcé par de jeunes auditeurs à raconter un conte, Monsieur Dumas nous rapporte ici l'histoire de ce héros improbable, empruntée à Hoffmann. On December's Eve, Marie and Fritz find a charming, though deformed, nut-cracker by the Christmas tree. Forced by a young audience to share a tale, Alexandre Dumas tells the one of this unlikely hero, taking his inspiration from Hoffman. Summary by Ezwa

17 episodes

The Gods of Mars - (version 2)

In this second volume of the Barsoom series, John Carter returns to Mars to learn that his heroic effort to salvage the atmosphere plant saved the planet's inhabitants, but he finds himself in the land of the dead. Luck restores his friends and even his son to him, and with them he escapes his imprisonment after unmasking (but not deposing) the cruel "goddess" Issus. He finds the Martians unready, however, to fling off their ancient religion and face the frightful truth of what "eternal peace" awaits those who make the voluntary pilgrimage to the Valley Dor. Worse, his wife's father and grandfather have failed to return from searching for him, and his wife in despair has taken the fatal pilgrimage down the River Iss. In their absence his worst enemy has seized power, and since John Carter has committed the unforgivable crime of returning from the land of the dead, all agree—for different reasons and with different intentions—that he must return to it. (Summary by T. A. Copeland)

23 episodes

Cuentos de Hadas, Vol. 3

Traducción de Kinder- und Hausmärchen ("Cuentos para la infancia y el hogar") de Jacob y Wilhelm Grimm. (Introducción por Karen Savage)

20 episodes

King Arthur

A retelling of the classic legend of King Arthur, Guinevere & Sir Lancelot. (Summary by Amanda Friday)CastKing Arthur: Algy PugSir Lancelot: Max KorlingeSir Mordred: Ric FSir Kay: DrakaunusSir Gawaine: Alan MapstoneSir Bedevere: Grace GarrettSir Agravaine: Brett W. DowneySir Percival: Eden Rea-HedrickSir Lavaine: David WarnerSir Dagonet: Peter MakusMerlin: ToddMessenger: Elizabeth KlettGaoler: Jason MillsGuinevere: Amanda FridayElaine: Elizabeth KlettMorgan Le Fay: Libby GohnClarissant: Bethany BaldwinSpirit of the Lake: Charlotte DuckettLake Spirits, Maidens, Knights, and Chorus: Bethany Baldwin, Brett W. Downey, Charlotte Duckett, Amanda Friday, Libby Gohn, Elizabeth Klett, Eden Rea-Hedrick, ToddNarrator: amaskillAudio edited by Libby Gohn

5 episodes

From the Tower Window of My Bookhouse

Full of delightful fairy tales, charming poems and engaging stories, this is the fifth volume of the "My Bookhouse" series for little ones. Originally published in the 1920's as a six volume set, these books, edited by Olive Beaupre Miller, contained the best in children's literature, stories, poems and nursery rhymes. They progressed in difficulty through the different volumes. (Summary by Maria Therese) Note: Due to a numbering error, the audio introductions do not say "Section 6" but jump from 5 to 7. There is no text missing.

47 episodes

The Fairy Book

The sleeping beauty in the wood -- Hop-O'-My-Thumb -- Cinderella; or, the little glass slipper -- Adventures of John Dietrich -- Beauty and the Beast -- Little One Eye, Little Two Eyes, and Little Three Eyes -- Jack the giant-killer -- Tom Thumb -- Rumpelstilzchen -- Fortunatus -- The Bremen Town Musicians -- Riquet with the tuft -- House Island -- Snow-White and Rose-Red -- Jack and the bean-stalk -- Graciosa and Percinet -- The iron stove -- The invisible prince -- The woodcutter's daughter -- Brother and sister -- Little Red-Riding-Hood -- Puss in Boots -- The wolf and the seven young goslings -- The fair one with golden looks -- The butterfly -- The frog-prince -- The white cat -- Prince Cherry -- Little Snowdrop -- The blue bird -- The yellow dwarf -- The six swans -- The prince with the nose -- The hind of the forest -- The juniper tree -- Clever Alice. All classic stories for children. (Summary by Project Gutenberg and WoollyBee)

42 episodes

Young Folks' Treasury, Volume 2

This is the second book in a twelve volume series, and highlights myths and legendary heroes from around the world, from Ancient Greece to Scandinavia and the Far East. They are aimed at the junior audience. (Summary by Lynne Thompson)

58 episodes

Peasant Tales of Russia

Collection of Russian peasant tales: "The Deserted Mine" - The key to saving the trapped miners is held by a man who hasn't spoken a word in 10 years. "Mahmoud's Family" - Escaping prisoners of war should be shot, but Mahmoud has a family. "A Misunderstanding" - A young woman seeks escape from her past, in a convent. "The Luck of Ivan the Forgetful" - An incorrigible criminal escapes from a sentence of hard labor to find freedom and perhaps a kind of redemption in the forest. (Summary by Kevin Davidson)

23 episodes

Kabumpo in Oz

Dear children: Do you like Elephants? Do you believe in Giants? And do you love all the jolly people of the Wonderful Land of Oz? Well then you'll want to hear about the latest happenings in that delightful Kingdom. All are set forth in true Oz fashion in "Kabumpo in Oz," the sixteenth Oz book. Kabumpo is an Elegant Elephant. He is very old and wise, and has a kindly heart, as have all the Oz folks. In the new book you'll meet Prince Pompa, and Peg Amy, a charming Wooden Doll. There are new countries, strange adventures and the most surprising Box of Magic you have ever heard of. Ruggedo , the wicked old Gnome King, does a lot of mischief with this before Princess Ozma can stop him. Of course Dorothy, the Scarecrow, Scraps, Glinda the Good, Tik-Tok, and other old friends all are alive and busy in the new book. I am just back from the Emerald City with the best of Oz wishes for everybody, but especially you. Philadelphia Spring of 1922 Ruth Plumly Thompson (Summary by Ruth Plumly Thompson)

23 episodes


As Shirley Temple once famously cried (quoting Frances H Burnett), 'Every girl is a princess!', so here are 15 public domain princess stories of the group's own choosing to prove it. (Summary by BellonaTimes)

15 episodes

Children's Short Works, Vol. 019

Librivox's Children's Short Works Collection 019: a collection of 15 short works for children in the public domain read by a variety of Librivox members.

15 episodes

Alice in Wonderland (Drama)

A dramatization of Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass for the stage. In this version, Alice goes through the looking glass and encounters a variety of strange and wonderful creatures from favorite scenes of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland the Through the Looking Glass. Including a conversation with the Red and White Queens, encounters with Humpty Dumpty, the Mock Turtle, the Cheshire Cat, and the Caterpillar, and of course everyone's favorite Mad Tea Party. (Summary by ElleyKat)Stage Directions: HailiLewis Carroll: Charlotte BrownAlice: Amanda FridayRed Queen: Shauna KennettWhite Queen: Elizabeth KlettWhite Rabbit: ToddHWHumpty Dumpty: nomorejeffsGryphon: Brett G. HirschMock Turtle: GlassMaskMad Hatter: Elliot GageMarch Hare: Charlotte DuckettDormouse: Kimberly KrauseFrog Footman: Larry WilsonDuchess: ElleyKatCheshire Cat: WoollyBeeTweedle Dee: Charlotte BrownTweedle Dum: Anastasiia SolokhaKing of Hearts: GlassMaskQueen of Hearts: Eden Rea-HedrickKnave of Hearts: gloriousjobCaterpillar: Etel BussTwo of Spades: Dave HarrellFive of Spades: Dave HarrellSeven of Spades: Dave HarrellAudio edited by ElleyKat and Kimberly Krause.

4 episodes

Aesop's Fables: A New Revised Edition

Remember the story of the Ant and the Grasshopper? the Fox and the Sour Grapes? The Boy who Cried Wolf? These wonderful tales and hundreds more have been passed down to us over the centuries. The man credited with writing them, Aesop, was an Ancient Greek slave born about 620 B.C. Aesop is known as a fabulist or story teller credited with a number of fables shining glaringly true light on our human foibles now collectively known as Aesop's Fables. Although no writings by him survive, numerous tales credited to him were gathered across the centuries and in many languages in a storytelling tradition that continues to this day. Many of the tales are characterized by animals and inanimate objects that speak, solve problems, and generally have human characteristics. Scattered details of Aesop's life can be found in ancient sources, including Aristotle, Herodotus, and Plutarch. An ancient literary work called The Aesop Romance tells an episodic, probably highly fictional version of his life, including the traditional description of him as a strikingly ugly slave who by his cleverness acquires freedom and becomes an adviser to kings and city-states. A later tradition depicts Aesop as a black Ethiopian. But whatever his history, the fables depict truths about human behavior, our strengths and weakness that have remained true for 2500 years. (Summary from Wikipedia and Phil Chenevert)

13 episodes

Blackfeet Tales of Glacier National Park

James Willard Schultz, or Apikuni, (1859 – 1947) was a noted author, explorer, Glacier National Park guide, fur trader and historian of the Blackfoot Indians. Schultz is most noted for his prolific stories about Blackfoot life and his contributions to the naming of prominent features in Glacier National Park. (Summary by Wikipedia)

20 episodes


This is the wonderful story of Pinocchio, the puppet who must learn many lessons before he can become a real boy. Carved by a woodcarver named Geppetto in a small Italian village, he dreamed of becoming a real boy but strays from the path of goodness many times and is very willing to listen to temptation. He has also been used as a character who is prone to telling lies and fabricating stories for various reasons. The story has appeared in many adaptations in other mediums. Pinocchio has been called an icon of modern culture, and one of most reimagined characters in the pantheon of children's literature. Listen to his many adventures, scrapes, misdeeds and pranks followed by bouts of sincere repentance and remorse. But these last only until the next enticing adventure or misdeed presents itself. Of course he does finally learn his lesson and does become a real boy when finally understanding that love and duty come first before pleasure and play. (summary from wikipedia and the reader)

36 episodes


Oscar Wildes Kunstmärchen bieten dem Leser (und Hörer) Zugang zu zauberhaften, filigran gestalteten Welten. Liebe, Leidenschaft, Aufopferung und Läuterung sind einige der vom Erzähler prachtvoll in Szene gesetzten Motive. Wildes Erzählungen spannen eine Bogen von augenzwinkernd-satirischer Gesellschaftkritik über philosophische Einsichten zu einem alles unterliegenden tiefgehenden Appell an die Menschlichkeit. (Zusammenfassung von GardenerOfStars)

13 episodes

Der Sandmann

Der Student Nathanael glaubt in einem Wetterglashändler namens Coppola einen Mann wieder zu erkennen, der in seiner Kindheit als Advokat Coppelius regelmäßig abends seinen Vater besuchte und mit diesem offenbar alchimistische Experimente machte, bei denen der Vater schließlich bei einer Explosion starb. Dieser Coppelius war für den kleinen Nathanael nur "Der Sandmann" - die Personifizierung einer schaurig-schrecklichen Figur aus einem Ammenmärchen, der den Kindern die Augen ausreißt. Er hat mit diesem Manne Furchtbares erlebt und leidet nun erneut unter dem Kindheitstrauma. Seine Verlobte Clara und deren Bruder Lothar versuchen, ihm aus seinen düsteren Stimmungen herauszuhelfen, doch verfällt Nathanael immer wieder in wirre Fantasien, und er fühlt sich von Clara missverstanden. So kommt es, dass er sich in Olimpia verliebt, die ziemlich merkwürdige Tochter seines Professors Spalanzani. Als sich schließlich auf dramatische Weise herausstellt, welche ganz besondere Bewandtnis es mit dieser Olimpia hat, verfällt er abermals in den Wahnsinn - doch noch einmal scheint es so, als könne die Liebe Claras ihn heilen... Der Schauerroman "Der Sandmann" ist eines der bedeutendsten und "dank" der Arbeit von Generationen von Deutschlehrern eines der bekanntesten Werke E.T.A. Hoffmanns. Es bietet so viele Deutungsansätze und somit auch verschiedene Interpretationen, dass Hoffmann selbst sich gewundert haben soll, was er da alles in der Erzählung verarbeitet habe. (Zusammenfassung von Karlsson)

4 episodes

The Blue Bird: A Fairy Play in Six Acts

The Blue Bird is a 1908 play by Belgian author Maurice Maeterlinck. On the night of Christmas a boy and a girl, Tyltil and Mytil, are visited by Fairy Berilyuna. Fairy's granddaughter is sick and can only be saved by the Blue Bird. Thanks to the Fairy's magic gift children have the opportunity to see the soul of things. Inanimate objects Clocks, Fire, Water, Bread, Sugar, Milk transformed into beings with their own character. Together, they set off on a dangerous journey for the fabulous Blue Bird. The play is inspired with the deep idea of the author "be brave enough to see the hidden." - Summary by ShiNeko, Wikipedia Cast List:Tyltyl: KHandMytyl/ The Child One: Beth ThomasThe Fairy/ The Neighbour: Kathy WrightThe Dog/ Granny Tyl/ Gaffer Tyl: Ron AltmanThe Cat: ToddHWLight / the little Girl: Amanda FridayBread/ The Loaf: tovarischFire: Chuck WilliamsonWater: Sarah Alaine SwartSugar: Mary KayMilk: Etel BussDaddy Tyl/ The Oak/ The Luxury: Arnaldo MachadoMummy Tyl/ Maternal Love: Rebecca Braunert-PlunkettThe Brothers and Sisters Tyl: Megan Clavie-Parker, April Walters, Lydia, MaryAnnS, TriciaG, Tomas PeterNight/ The Child Thirteen: AvailleThe Poplar/ The Sheep: Frances BrownThe Lime-Tree/ The Child Ten: Elizabeth KlettThe Willow/ The Joy of Understanding: Etel BussThe Fir-Tree: Ashur GharaviThe Chestnut-Tree/ The Ass: Mark ChulskyThe Beech/ The Elm/ The Child Seven/ The Child Twelve: Phil ChenevertThe Cypress: Amy GramourThe Ivy/ The Child Eleven: April WaltersThe Rabbit / The First Child of Lovers: Sarah Alaine SwartThe Cock: David PurdyThe Horse/ The Child Three: MaryAnnSThe Bull: Algy PugThe Ox: OxenhandlerThe Cow/ The Child Fifteen: LydiaThe Pig: Miriam Esther GoldmanThe Wolf: Dillon McFarlaneThe Happiness: SavannahThe Joy of Being Just: Valerie BeckerThe Joy of seeing what is Beautiful: Little TeeThe Child Two /The Second Child of Lovers: Rosslyn CarlyleThe Child Four: Sarah JenningsThe Child Five/ The Child with the Melons: TriciaGThe Child Six: AbbyThe Child Eight: RachelThe Child Fourteen: Tomas PeterThe Child Sixteen: SaffieTime: Jason MillsStage Directions: MaryAnnS, Anastasiia Solokha Editors: TriciaG , MaryAnnS and Anastasiia Solokha

13 episodes

Tik-Tok of Oz (version 2)

In this really exciting and well written story of Oz, the Shaggy Man is on a quest to find his long lost brother. But all does not go smoothly. Oh no. Because his brother is being held prisoner deep underground by the evil, grumpy and not very nice King of the Gnomes, Along the way to find him, he is joined by Polychrome, a Daughter of the Rainbow (a fairy), Betsy Bobbin (a human girl), Hank (a small mule and Betsy's faithful protector), Tik-Tok (the famous wind up mechanical man), the Rose Princess (an ex fairy who is now a mortal), Ann (the Queen of the Oogaboos on her way to conquer the world), her army (17 officers and one private, File), a tunnel through the earth, the famous and all powerful Jin-Jin and last but definitely not least, Quox (a young dragon who talks funny and was great fun to read). The scrapes and adventures this motley crew get into are enough to fill a book. And this is the book. Listen and enjoy !!

26 episodes

Sylvie and Bruno (Dramatic Reading)

Sylvie and Bruno, first published in 1889, and its 1893 second volume Sylvie and Bruno Concluded form the last novel by Lewis Carroll published during his lifetime. Both volumes were illustrated by Harry Furniss. The novel has two main plots; one set in the real world at the time the book was published (the Victorian era), the other in the fantasy world of Fairyland. While the latter plot is a fairy tale with many nonsense elements and poems, similar to Carroll's Alice books, the story set in Victorian Britain is a social novel, with its characters discussing various concepts and aspects of religion, society, philosophy and morality. (Summary from Wikipedia) Cast list: Narrator: VanOs12 & lezer Man 1: Algy Pug Chancellor: Elizabby Crowd (1): gloriana Crowd (2): eggs4ears Crowd (3): Kristingj Crowd (4): etel13 Bruno/Urchin (1): francesb Bruno/Urchin (2): ChyAnne Voice 1: LibbyG Voice 2: Algy Pug Man 2: unreadpages Sub-Warden/Vice-Warden: English Andrew Man in Livery: AlanW Warden/Beggar:BrianL Sylvie/Lame Child: JoFriday21 The Professor (1): Ernst Pattynama The Professor (2): bart Guard: Algy Pug Arthur: Ben Lindsey-Clark My Lady 1 - Lady Muriel: treble768 & TriciaG My Lady 2 - Sub-Warden's Wife: CaprishaPage Uggug: Lucy_k_p Station-Master: Algy Pug Gardener: LenXZ1 Footman: unreadpages Music-Master: eggs4ears Baron: AlanW Earl: Peter Why Tailor: Algy Pug The Other Professor: Rowland Sentinel: unreadpages Dachshund: Lucy_k_p Dog-King: AlanW Head Growler: eggs4ears Young Lady: LibbyG Chorus (1): gloriana Chorus (2): eggs4ears Chorus (3): Kristingj Peasant: Algy Pug Eric Lindon: jessieyun0404 & Peter Why Servant: etel13 Housekeeper: etel13 Mother: etel13 Woman 1: CaprishaPage Woman 2: gloriana Woman 3: Kristingj Dolly: Lucy_k_p Girl 1: Lucy_k_p Girl 2: LibbyG Girl 3: etel13 Father: unreadpages Frogs eggs4ears Book coordinator: Algy Pug Text preparation: Ernst Pattynama Proof Listener: Algy Pug & Linny Audio editors: (1) Ernst Pattynama (2) carteki (3) BrianL (4) Rapunzelina

26 episodes

The Little Mermaid

The Little Mermaid" (Danish: Den lille havfrue, literally: "the little sea lady") is a very well known fairy tale by the Danish author Hans Christian Andersen about a young mermaid willing to give up her life in the sea and her identity as a mermaid to gain a human soul and the love of a human prince. The tale was first published in 1837 and has been adapted to various media including musical theatre and animated film. But this tale is not the Disney version, all cleaned up and made pretty. This is the way Andersen wrote it. The Little Mermaid is indeed at the happy wedding of her beloved prince, but she is not the bride. And then she becomes a big bubble. Curious? Listen and find out what happens. - Summary by Wikipedia and Phil Chenevert

3 episodes

The Little Match Girl

This is a recording of seven immortal and delightful fairy tales written by Hans Christian Andersen. The Little Match Girl is of course the first, followed by The Swineherd, The Real Princess, The Leap Frog, The Elderbush, The Bell and finally, The Old House. They cover a wide range of topics but all demonstrate the storytelling genius of the prolific Danish author who gave us so many memorable and cherished tales.

7 episodes

The Emperor's New Clothes

This is a collection of a few of my personal favorite stories by Hans Christian Andersen that I most loved as a child and still enjoy as an adult. The Emperor's New Clothes was funny from my earliest years because even then I could see that it poked fun at adults and their silly pretensions; The Ugly Duckling I think, was enjoyable because the bullied little one turned out so well and it had a happy ending although I thought even as a child that the protagonist should have gone back and brought those mean barnyard fowl down a peg or two. Little Tiny or Thumbellina is just a sweet story with adventure thrown in and The Brave Little Tin Soldier was and is a tribute to bravery and steadfastness. The last story, There Is No Doubt About It ! was so obviously silly and fun even to a young child and frankly, I just love the way the animals talk in this story. (summary by the reader )

5 episodes

Fables for the Frivolous (Version 2)

Fables for the Frivolous is one of the earliest works by the American parodist Guy Wetmore Carryl. These fables are adapted from Jean de La Fontaine's original writings. The Aesop-style fables are written in verse, and are light-hearted re-tellings of fables from two centuries before, each ending with a moral and a pun. Among the more celebrated of the fables are The Persevering Tortoise and the Pretentious Hare, The Arrogant Frog and the Superior Bull, and The Sycophantic Fox and the Gullible Raven. ( from Wikipedia)

20 episodes


Odysseus, König von Ithaka, ist sicher einer der bekanntesten Helden der griechischen Mythologie. Nach der Eroberung Trojas begibt er sich mit seinen Gefährten auf die Heimreise über das Meer. Die Reise entwickelt sich jedoch zu einer zehn Jahre dauernden Irrfahrt, auf der er zahlreiche Abenteuer erlebt, die er nur dank seines außergewöhnlichen Verstandes und seiner listigen Ideen überlebt. Dennoch kann er es nicht verhindern, dass er alle seine Gefährten verliert und schließlich allein nach Hause zurückkehrt. Dort allerdings haben während seiner langen Abwesenheit etliche Freier seiner Frau Penelope den Hof gemacht und wollen ihm seine Ansprüche streitig machen, so dass er einen letzten Kampf zu bestehen hat. Der für dieses Hörbuch verwendete Text ist Karl Friedrich Beckers dreibändigem Werk "Erzählungen aus der Alten Welt für die Jugend" entnommen; es ist keine Übersetzung des Epos von Homer, sondern so gestaltet, dass ein Lehrer seinen Schülern von den Irrfahrten und Abenteuern des Odysseus erzählt. Dabei ist es eine schöne sprachliche Leistung: leicht verständlich und gleichzeitig dem klassischen Stoff absolut angemessen.(Zusammenfassung von Karlsson)

19 episodes

Das letzte Märchen

„Das letzte Märchen“, eine Geschichte, in der ein Journalist in ein unterirdisches Märchenreich eingeladen wird, um dort eine Zeitung aufzubauen, und dabei in Intrigen innerhalb des Königshauses hineingerät. - Zusammenfassung von Wikipedia

13 episodes

A Picture Book Of Merry Tales

Forty European folk tales. Caveats: 1. Some of these stories are not suitable for young children. 2. In two stories (10 and 25) appear the nineteenth century’s almost-reflexive Jew-stereotype and anti-Semitism. - Summary by david wales

9 episodes