Drei korte verhaole in 't Mestreechs

Drei korte verhaole in 't Mestreechs dialek.Eder verhaol gief 'ne klein inziech vaan de gebeurtenisse in Mestreech op 't leste vaan de 19de en 't vreuge begin vaan de 20ste iew.De ierste twie verhaole goon euver de werkmaan en de naobersjap vaan dee tied.Ut derde verhaol geit euver de veranderinge in Mestreech in 't begin vaan de 20ste iew. Three short stories in the Maastricht dialect of The Netherlands. Each is a small insight into the going ons in Maastricht in the late 19th and early 20th century. The first two play out in what used to be areas working class quaters and give an insight in the lives of the people at the time. The third talks about the change Maastricht underwent when it stopped being a fortified city and lost most of it’s defenses. Some of which date back to medieval times. Summary by Ans Wink

3 episodes

The Stolen White Elephant

In this Mark Twain short story an Indian elephant, en route from India to Britain as a gift to Queen, disappears in New Jersey. The local police department goes into high gear to solve the mystery but it all comes to a tragic end. (Summary written by Kristen McQuillin)

1 episodes


Masterful short stories about life in Dublin at the turn of the century, by James Joyce. (Summary by Hugh McGuire)

17 episodes

מעמק עכור Out of a Gloomy Valley

Yosef Haim Brenner (1881-1921) was a Ukrainian-born Hebrew-language author, one of the pioneers of modern Hebrew literature. Born to a poor family, Brenner grew up in grinding poverty. Brenner immigrated to Palestine (then part of the Ottoman Empire) in 1909. He worked as a farmer, eager to put his Zionist ideology into practice. Later he devoted himself to literature and teaching at the Gymnasia Herzliya in Tel Aviv. He was murdered in southern Tel Aviv in May 1921 in the course of the anti-Jewish Arab riots known as the "massacres of 1921". Brenner was very much an "experimental" writer, both in his use of language and in literary form. With Modern Hebrew still in its infancy, Brenner improvised with an intriguing mixture of Hebrew, Aramaic, Yiddish, English and Arabic. In his attempt to portray life realistically, his work is full of emotive punctuation and ellipses. Out Of A Gloomy Valley was his first book published in Warsaw 1900. It is a collection of 6 short stories about Jewish life in the diaspora. (Summary by Wikipedia and Omri Lernau)

8 episodes

The Faith of Men

A collection of short stories by author Jack London.

10 episodes

בחורף In Winter

Yosef Haim Brenner (1881-1921) was a Ukrainian-born Hebrew-language author, one of the pioneers of modern Hebrew literature. Born to a poor family, Brenner grew up in grinding poverty. Brenner immigrated to Palestine (then part of the Ottoman Empire) in 1909. He worked as a farmer, eager to put his Zionist ideology into practice. Later he devoted himself to literature and teaching at the Gymnasia Herzliya in Tel Aviv. He was murdered in southern Tel Aviv in May 1921 in the course of the anti-Jewish Arab riots known as the “massacres of 1921″. Brenner published his second book, "In winter", in 1904. It is a collection of 4 stories about hardships of simple poor Jews living in small towns in Eastern Europe, at the time of anti-Jewish massacres in Russia at the turn of the 20s century. (summary by Wikipedia and Omri Lernau)

7 episodes

Camera Obscura

De Camera Obscura is een verzameling verhalen en beschouwingen van Hildebrand, pseudoniem voor Nicolaas Beets. "De Camera", zoals het boek gemeenzaam is gaan heten, verscheen in 1839. Beets schreef de meeste stukken in 1837 als student Godgeleerdheid in Leiden. Het boek geeft een beeld van het Nederland van de trekschuit en de postkoets, waar rond die tijd gewerkt wordt aan de eerste spoorlijn. Het bekendste gedeelte van het boek is dat over de familie Stastok. Hierin gaat Hildebrand logeren bij een oom en tante die de vleesgeworden burgermensen zijn uit het begin 19e eeuw. Schrijnend is "Het diakenhuismannetje vertelt zijn verhaal", dat blijk geeft van inzicht van de schrijver in de wantoestanden in zijn tijd. [Wikipedia]

63 episodes

Tales of Unrest

Tales of Unrest (1898) is the first collection of short stories by Joseph Conrad published in his lifetime.Joseph Conrad (1857–1924), a Polish-born English novelist, was a master in the formats of long short story and novella, a form of story longer than conventional short story but shorter than a novel. Some of Conrad's most acclaimed works have been written in these formats, most notably Heart of Darkness (1899).Tales of Unrest contains five stories; Karain: A Memory (written 1897; read by Jhiu), The Idiots (1896; read by Ann Boulais), An Outpost of Progress (1896; read by Kristine Bekere), The Return (1897; read by Raerity) and The Lagoon (1896; read by David Lazarus). Author's note read by Sibella Denton. (Summary by Illiterati)

21 episodes

Selected Works: Letters, Sketches and Stories

Voltairine de Cleyre was an American anarchist. She was skilled in many subjects and wrote essays, poems, letters, sketches, stories and speeches. These are her selected letters, sketches and stories. (Summary by enko)

14 episodes

Familie en kennissen

De schrijver François Haverschmidt is het best bekend van zijn dichtbundel ‘Snikken en Grimlachjes’, dat werd gepubliceerd onder het pseudoniem Piet Paaltjens. De uitgave ‘Familie en Kennissen’ is een verzameling korte verhalen, gebaseerd op jeugdherinneringen van de schrijver. This book is a collection of short stories, based on the writer's childhood reminiscences.

20 episodes

Zes Novellen

Novellen van Marcelles Emants: Een avontuur, Najaarsstormen en Fanny verschenen samen in een boek uit 1879, nadat de eerste twee al eerder waren afgedrukt in een literair tijdschrift. Het laatste verhaal was ook bedoeld voor een tijdschrift, maar werd daaruit teruggetrokken, omdat de redacteuren bang waren dat het te erotisch was. De inleiding bij dit luisterboek hoort bij deze eerste drie novellen.Dood, Ontwaakt en Op zee verschenen in De Gids in 1890, 1896 en 1897. Deze drie zijn later ook in diverse boekuitgaven uitgekomen.Short English description: Six short stories, all but one published in literary magazines in the Netherlands.

23 episodes

The Spirit of Christmas (version 2)

A collection of short Christmas works by the author of The Story of the Fourth Wise Man (Summary by D. Leeson).

4 episodes

The $30,000 Bequest and Other Stories

A book of short stories and humorous anecdotes by Mark Twain, published together in 1906. (Summary by Tricia G)

33 episodes

The Man with Two Left Feet, and Other Stories

The Man With Two Left Feet, and Other Stories is a collection of short stories by P. G. Wodehouse, first published in the United Kingdom on March 8, 1917 by Methuen & Co., London, and in the United States in 1933 by A.L. Burt and Co., New York. All the stories had previously appeared in periodicals, usually the Strand in the UK and the Red Book magazine or the Saturday Evening Post in the US. It is a fairly miscellaneous collection — most of the stories concern relationships, sports and household pets, and do not feature any of Wodehouse's regular characters; one, however, "Extricating Young Gussie", is notable for the first appearance in print of two of Wodehouse's best-known characters, Jeeves and his master Bertie Wooster (although Bertie's surname isn't given and Jeeves's role is very small), and Bertie's fearsome Aunt Agatha. (Wikipedia)

13 episodes

Drie korte verhalen van Charles Dickens

Vertaling van "Hunted Down" (1859), "Holiday Romance" (1868) en "George Silverman's Explanation" (1868) (Introductie door Marcel Coenders)

14 episodes

Five Tales

This 1918 book consists of five short stories or novelettes by Galsworthy. They are The First and Last (1914), A Stoic, The Apple Tree (1916), The Juryman, Indian Summer of a Forsyte (1918) This last became part of the trilogy The Forsyte Saga. (Introduction by David Wales)

18 episodes

In a North Country Village

M. E. Francis was born Mary E. Sweetman in Dublin and moved to Lancashire on her marriage to Francis Nicholas Blundell, of the Blundell family, who remain squires of Little Crosby, the last Catholic recusant village in England, which lies a few miles north of Liverpool. Blundell died young and Mary went on to write more than 50 books, using her husband's Christian name as pen name, including this collection of 12 stories set in Little Crosby (‘Thornleigh’). A romantic portrait of mid-19th century village life written from an aristocratic point of view, In a North Country Village (1896) is built around striking portraits of strong Lancashire women surviving in the face of Hardyesque tragedy and the weaknesses of their men folk. M. E. Francis set many of her books in Ireland and Dorset, but several were set in Lancashire, including A Daughter of the Soil (1895), Yeoman Fleetwood (1900) and Marjory o'th' Mill (1907). (Summary by Phil Benson)

12 episodes

Siedem wybranych opowiadań

"Ukochałem lud biedny ponad miarę,Bom się jego pieśnią wykołysał.Ukochałem zwyczaje i gwarę,którem jako dziecko z piersi matki wyssał."- fragment wiersza "Przygrywka" Władysława Orkana (1875-1930).Julian Krzyżanowski nazwał go "pieśniarzem krainy kęp i wiecznej nędzy". Rzeczywiście, całe życie Orkana, tak jego pisarstwo jak działalność społeczna, poświęcona jest biednym, prostym ludziom z rodzinnej ziemi gorczańskiej.Ale nawet w tej "wiecznej nędzy" potrafił Orkan znaleźć uśmiech. Ta kolekcja wybranych opowiadań przedstawia Orkana humorystę. Od obrazka Włoch, widzianych oczami prostego górala, Jędrka (Jak Jędrek śklarz po Włochach jeździł), do rozmowy dwóch przyjaciółek od serca - Błażkowej i jej krowy łysiny (Błażkowa łysina) każdy znajdzie w tej kolekcji coś dla siebie. (Summary by Nina Brown)

8 episodes

Arizona Nights

Arizona Nights is a collection of tales from the American West as told by those who took part in them. (Summary by Adam E. Maroney)

34 episodes

Cuentos de Amor de Locura y de Muerte

Colección de cuentos de Horacio Quiroga.

18 episodes

Baron Olson och andra historier

Sigge Strömberg, född som Sigfrid Strömberg 22 december 1885 i Göteborg, död 3 mars 1920, svensk författare och journalist.Strömberg praktiserade på en tidning i Minneapolis 1904-1905. Han återkom till Sverige och var verksam inom landsortspressen. Han arbetade 1910-1913 på den nystartade Vecko-Journalen, och 1914-1920 var han chefredaktör för Allt för Alla. Kort före sin död åtog sig han chefskapet för skämttidningen Kasper. Som författare skrev Strömberg huvudsakligen äventyrsberättelser samt pojkböcker. ”Baron Olsson och andra historier” är en samling korta, blandade kåserier om klurigheter, dårskaper, fåfänga, girighet mm. (Summary: Lars Rolander)

18 episodes

Cuentos, Adivinanzas y Refranes Populares

Cecilia Böhl de Faber (1796 Morges, Suiza - 1877 Sevilla), que firmaba con el pseudónimo de Fernán Caballero, comenzó a publicar sus obras, a causa de su precaria situación económica, por entregas en los diarios. El papel de Cecilia Böhl de Faber en la narrativa hispánica es clave. Ha sido considerada como la impulsora de la renovación de la novela española, que había perdido el brillo que tuvo en la Edad de Oro. La resonancia de sus novelas y su influencia fue considerable, especialmente entre escritores como Antonio Trueba o Luis Coloma. Galdós reconoció las aportaciones de Caballero al renacimiento del arte de novelar. (Resumen por Tux)

39 episodes

The Blue Flower

"Sometimes short stories are brought together like parcels in a basket. Sometimes they grow together like blossoms on a bush. Then, of course, they really belong to one another, because they have the same life in them. ...There is such a thought in this book. It is the idea of the search for inward happiness, which all men who are really alive are following, along what various paths, and with what different fortunes! Glimpses of this idea, traces of this search, I thought that I could see in certain tales that were in my mind,—tales of times old and new, of lands near and far away. So I tried to tell them, as best as I could, hoping that other men, being also seekers, might find some meaning in them" (Summary by from the preface)

13 episodes

Peasant Tales of Russia

Collection of Russian peasant tales: "The Deserted Mine" - The key to saving the trapped miners is held by a man who hasn't spoken a word in 10 years. "Mahmoud's Family" - Escaping prisoners of war should be shot, but Mahmoud has a family. "A Misunderstanding" - A young woman seeks escape from her past, in a convent. "The Luck of Ivan the Forgetful" - An incorrigible criminal escapes from a sentence of hard labor to find freedom and perhaps a kind of redemption in the forest. (Summary by Kevin Davidson)

23 episodes

Novelle per un Anno, vol. 10: Il Vecchio Dio

Novelle per un anno è una raccolta di 241 novelle scritte da Luigi Pirandello. Originariamente sono state pubblicate sul Corriere della Sera, successivamente ripubblicate in 15 raccolte. Inizialmente erano previste 24 raccolte contenenti 365 novelle, tuttavia la prematura morte dell'autore ha impedito il raggiungimento del traguardo. Postume sono state pubblicate altre novelle scritte dall'autore. Le raccolte sono state pubblicate tra il 1896 e il 1924. La decima raccolta, edita nel 1926, contiene novelle pubblicate tra il 1894 ed il 1915. (Riassunto di Filippo Gioachin) Questo libro è stato promosso dal gruppo Volontari del Libro di aNobii.

15 episodes

Short Stories

This is a collection of short stories by Fyodor Dostoevsky, the Russian novelist and short story writer. (Summary by sidhu177)

15 episodes

Just Sixteen

A collection of short stories from the author of the What Katy Did series, for an audience ranging from younger to older children - and enjoyable for adults too! They vary in style - fairy tales, humorous sketches, stories of everyday life, romances, children's scrapes and practical advice - and include the Christmas story "The Pink Sweetmeat". (Summary by Loveday)

18 episodes

Abaft The Funnel

"Men in pajamas sitting abaft the funnel and swapping lies of the purple seas." Thirty one early short stories by the master story teller Kipling. (Summary by David Wales and title page)

31 episodes

Wounds In The Rain; War Stories

Eleven stories of war by the author of The Red Badge of Courage. Stephen Crane was an American author. He is recognized by modern critics as one of the most innovative writers of his generation. Crane's writing is characterized by vivid intensity, distinctive dialects, and irony. Common themes involve fear, spiritual crises and social isolation. His writing made a deep impression on 20th-century writers, most prominent among them Ernest Hemingway, and is thought to have inspired the Modernists and the Imagists. - Summary by Wikipedia and david wales

19 episodes

Ausgewählte Erzählungen

Dies ist eine Sammlung der bekanntesten kurzen Erzählungen von Alexander Puschkin, wie zum Beispiel Das Fräulein als Bäuerin, Die Pique-Dame, und Der Stationsaufseher. Außerdem ist das Dramafragment Die Russalka enthalten, gelesen mit verteilten Rollen. (Zusammenfassung von Availle) Erzähler: RenateIngrid Müller, Alter: Algy Pug Tochter des Müllers, Stimme, Königin der Russalken: Availle Fürst: Karlsson Freiwerber: Friedrich Freiwerberin und Chor der Mädchen: Shanty Stallknecht: Tlaloc Gast: inflected Schaffner und Jäger: LordOider Fürstin: Carolin Amme: J_N Mehrere Russalken: ShiNeko Tochter der Russalka: aravis Audioschnitt: Karlsson

10 episodes

Christmas Eve At Swamp's End

Four selected chapters from The Measure Of A Man; A Tale of the Big Woods, by Norman Duncan. What could be more Christmasy than: Babies, especially a homeless one; a woman who loves; a man who protects; a cold night; glittering stars; poor working-men witnesses; gifts. ( Title page and david wales)

4 episodes

A Collection Of Stories, Reviews And Essays

Stories and essays by Willa Cather - Summary by david wales

29 episodes

Danger! and Other Stories

This is a volume of short stories by the famous Arthur Conan Doyle. - Summary by Carolin

20 episodes

And Thus He Came

These short stories, perhaps we might call them modern parables, are not the usual fare of warm and fuzzy Christmas stories (pleasing as those are) but rather life events and crises triggered by Christmas, present or imminent. Brady was a journalist, historian, adventure writer, and Episcopal priest. - Summary by Wikipedia and David Wales

11 episodes


José Maria Eça de Queirós nasceu na Póvoa de Varzim (Portugal) a 25 de Novembro de 1845 e faleceu em Paris (França) a 16 de Agosto de 1900. É um dos mais importantes escritores lusos e foi autor de vários romances de reconhecida importâcia. 'Contos de Eça de Queirós' foi publicado em 1902, dois anos após a morte do autor. Neste livro encontran-se doze curtas histórias que são, na sua maioria, uma crítica à civilização materialista, histórias essas com enredos simples e moralistas. ( Wikipedia)

30 episodes


Sevastopol Sketches (Russian: Севастопольские рассказы, Sevastopolskiye rasskazy) are three short stories written by Leo Tolstoy and published in 1855 to record his experiences during the Siege of Sevastopol (1854–1855) in the Crimean War (1853-1856). The name originates from Sevastopol, a city in Crimea. The book has also been released under the anglicized title The Sebastopol Sketches and is sometimes titled Sevastopol Stories. These brief "sketches" formed the basis of many of the episodes in Tolstoy's magnum opus, War and Peace. Sevastopol in December: In Sevastopol in December, Tolstoy uses second person narrative (with the pronoun 'you') in an introductory tour of life in Sevastopol. The detailed tour is arguably similar to one Tolstoy may have been given upon arrival in Sevastopol in November, 1854…. Tolstoy also uses Sevastopol in December to introduce the reader to the settings, mannerisms, and background he uses in Sevastopol in May and Sevastopol in August. For example, when referring to the enemy, either the British or the French, but only the French are featured in the Sketches; they are referred to as " 'him', as both soldiers and sailors say". Sevastopol in May In Sevastopol in May, Tolstoy examines the senselessness and vanity of war. The story examines many aspects of the psychology of war, heroism, and the misleading presence of humanism in truces (misleading because countries continuously go to war with one another, despite past truces). Tolstoy concludes by declaring that the only hero of his story is truth. - Summary by wikipedia and david wales

22 episodes

The Burial of the Guns

This is a book of short stories centered around the Civil War and its aftermath. The author was a prominent Virginian in his day, and his writing shows a talent for poignant reminiscences. The title comes from the second story, in which an artillery unit detached from Lee's army determines to follow their last orders - not to let their cannons fall into Union hands - despite Lee's surrender and the end of the War in Virginia. The other stories focus on individuals in the post-War years.

11 episodes

The Third Person

The Third Person is an amusing spoof on spooking. The 'ghostly man about the house' in whom two increasingly competitive maiden ladies come to take a proprietary interest is as unlikely to inspire terror as the wraith in one of James's earliest tales. The anticlimactic crisis may need a footnote for younger readers: a Tauchnitz was an unauthorized continental paperback edition of a british or american book which, purely for copyright reasons, was not supposed to be brought back to England. To think of this as smuggling certainly placed, for James's contemporaries, the crimes of the ghostly third person in a hilarious perspective. (Summary by Anthony Orr)

5 episodes

Chronicles of Avonlea (version 2 Dramatic Reading)

In this first collection of stories following the characters from the "Anne of Green Gables" series, we see 12 vignettes into the lives of the other inhabitants of Avonlea. The case of Ludovic Speed as mentioned in "Anne of the Island" is finally detailed, along with another appearance by Anne Shirley herself in "The Courting of Prissy Strong". We meet some old friends and many new ones from "The Island", in stories both sweet and poignant. An old lady finds happiness in being a "fairy godmother" to a young music teacher; two lovers will not speak for fifteen years, but still love each other dearly; a woman-hater is quarantined with a man-hater; and other anecdotes of country town life are drawn by the delicate and sure hand of L.M. Montgomery. (Summary by Beth Thomas) The Hurrying of Ludovic Narrator: Beth Thomas Theodora Dix: Maria Ana Montalvo Anne Shirley: Adele de Pignerolles Ludovic Speed: KHand Arnold Sherman: Leonard Wilson Old Lady Lloyd Narrator: Paul Simonin Minister's Wife: Adele de Pignerolles Mary Moore: KHand Old Lady Lloyd: Beth Thomas Crooked Jack Spencer: Leonard Wilson Mattie Spencer: Rachel Egg Pedlar: Rob Board Sylvia Gray: Jessie Yun Janet Moore: MissRose Minister: MaryAnn Spiegel Mrs. Spencer: Esther ben Simonides Station Master: DomBombadil Andrew Cameron: Norman Elfer Little Joscelyn Narrator: Adele de Pignerolles Mrs. William Morrison: Beth Thomas Aunty Nan: Vanessa Cooley Jordan Sloane: KHand Billy Morrison: Ryan Cooley Maid: Rachel Joscelyn Burnett: Esther ben Simonides The Winning of Lucinda Narrator: Leonard Wilson Mrs. George Penhallow: BC48 Romney Penhallow: Norman Elfer Mrs. Frederick Penhallow: Beth Thomas Lucinda Penhallow: Betsy Cooley Carey Penhallow: Rachel Mrs. Nathaniel Penhallow: KHand Old Man Shaw's Girl Narrator: Leonard Wilson Old Man Shaw: Mark Chulsky Sara Shaw: Rachel Mrs. Adair: Esther ben Simonides Mrs. Blewett: Beth Thomas Aunt Olivia's Beau Narrator / Mary: Rachel Aunt Olivia: TriciaG Peggy: Vanessa Cooley Mary's & Peggy's Father: Leonard Wilson Mr. Malcolm MacPherson: John N. Daily The Quarantine at Alexander Abraham's Narrator / Peter MacPherson: Beth Thomas Mrs. Allan: Rachel Mr. Allan: Leonard Wilson Alexander Abraham Bennett: John N. Daily Dr. Blair: MaryAnn Spiegel Pa Sloane's Purchase Narrator: Esther ben Simonides Pa Sloane: Leonard Wilson Ma Sloane / John Clarke: Beth Thomas A 10 year old boy: Willy Robert Lawson: DomBombadil Josiah Spencer: TriciaG Auctioneer: Rachel The Courting of Prissy Strong Narrator / Rosanna: Vanessa Cooley Thomas: DomBombadil Stephen Clarke: Rob Board Prissy Strong: Lydia Emmeline Strong: Beth Thomas Anne Shirley: Adele de Pignerolles Mr. Leonard: Leonard Wilson The Miracle at Carmody Narrator: bean420 Salome Marsh: Esther ben Simonides Judith Marsh: Beth Thomas Lionel Hezekiah Smith: Vanessa Cooley Dr. Blair: MaryAnn Spiegel Sam Lawson: Leonard Wilson The End of a Quarrel Narrator: Beth Thomas Nancy Rogerson: Rachel Louisa Shaw: Vanessa Cooley Peter Wright: Leonard Wilson Audio edited by Rachel Proof Listeners: Esther ben Simonides, Jessie Yun, and Beth Thomas

13 episodes

The Maker of Moons, and Other Short Stories

An eclectic collection of 8 stories by one of the early masters of the weird tale, Robert W. Chambers. The stories include a range of topics including war, romance, humor and even fishing. The title short story, “The Maker of Moons,” is considered to be one of Chamber’s greatest weird horror tales and was one of H.P. Lovecraft’s favorite stories by the author. (Summary by Kadath)

40 episodes

Von Teufeln, Geistern und Dämonen (Auswahl)

Die Erzählungen Bécquers sind mehr als bloße Schauergeschichte. Der Autor erforscht die geheimen und schrecklichen Abgründe der menschlichen Seele. Unter dem oberflächlichen Spuk lauert die entsetzliche Zerstörungskraft ungezügelter Leidenschaften. Während seines kurzen Lebens hat Bécquer kaum publiziert, erst nach seinem Tod wurden seine Werke von Freunden veröffentlicht. Heute gilt er als einer der wichtigsten Dichter Spaniens. (Zusammenfassung von Hokuspokus)

18 episodes

4 Stories by Louisa May Alcott

Here are four delightful short stories written by the famous author specifically for girls. As she says in the tiny preface "These stories were written for my own amusement during a period of enforced seclusion. The flowers which were my solace and pleasure suggested titles for the tales and gave an interest to the work. If my girls find a little beauty or sunshine in these common blossoms, their old friend will not have made her Garland in vain. L.M. ALCOTT." The stories are An Ivy Spray & Ladies Slippers; Pansies; Water-Lilies and Mountain-Laurel & Maiden-Hair. They are all between 40 minutes and 55 minutes finished audio so they are not short but all four are typical stories from the talented pen of Miss Alcott. - Summary by Phil Chenevert and the author

5 episodes

Roads of Destiny

This is another collection of O. Henry short stories. - Summary by Sid

23 episodes

Noughts and Crosses: Stories, Studies and Sketches

This is a collection of well-written engaging short stories written by "Q", the pen name of the prolific and eccentric Sir Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch. - Summary by Amy Gramour

24 episodes

Ensimmäiset novellit

Tunnetun suomalaisen kirjailijan Juhani Ahon uransa alkupäässä kirjoittamia novelleja ja runoja, jotka on julkaistu yksissä kansissa vuonna 1915. - Summary by Harri Tapani Ylilammi.

7 episodes

The Stoneground Ghost Tales

The Stoneground Ghost Tales is a collection of nine short stories set in and around a church and parish on the edge of England's fen country. The protagonist, the Rector of Stoneground, the Reverend Roland Batchel, is a kindly, humane bachelor and amateur antiquarian, very much like Swain himself. (adapted from wikipedia by Ann Boulais)

9 episodes

Lustige Geschichten

Humor, Ironie und leise Melancholie mischen sich in den Werken des großen Erzählers und Meisters der Kurzgeschichte Anton Pawlowitsch Tschechow. Auch heute können uns die kleinen Geschichten über alltägliche Situationen noch einen Spiegel vorhalten und zum Schmunzeln bringen. (Zusammenfassung von Eva K.)

25 episodes

Round The Fire Stories

In the present [1908] collection those [stories] have been brought together which are concerned with the grotesque and with the terrible—such tales as might well be read “round the fire” upon a winter’s night. This would be my ideal atmosphere for such stories, if an author might choose his time and place as an artist does the light and hanging of his picture. However, if they have the good fortune to give pleasure to any one, at any time or place, their author will be very satisfied. Summary by Book Preface

18 episodes


This is a collection showing W. Somerset Maugham's early attempt in the short story genre, which he comes to master as one of 20th century's best teller of tales. - Summary by Lilith Branda

9 episodes

The House of Cobwebs and Other Stories

George Gissing was a prolific English writer of novels and short stories. Among his best known novels is The Odd Women, which was influenced by George Eliot, whose work he greatly admired. Another of his famous works, New Grub Street, entails a blunt critique of the working class life he knew by experience, especially during a number of the years he spent in the United States.This collection of stories ranges from the humorous to the tragic. Throughout, Gissing pokes mild fun at his characters' human frailties: egotism, self-satisfaction, and pomposity, among others. - Summary by Kirsten Wever

15 episodes