Curiosities of Literature, Vol. 2

by Isaac D'ISRAELI (1766 - 1848)

Duke of Buckingham

Curiosities of Literature, Vol. 2

This is the second volume of the collected Curiosities of Literature by Isaac D'Israeli. As in volume one, D'Isreali again takes us on a tour around literature, with a dash of history and politics here and there. The subjects are so varied that all listeners can count on learning something new. - Summary by Carolin

Listen next episodes of Curiosities of Literature, Vol. 2:
A Contrivance in Dramatic Dialogue , Acajou and Zirphile , An English Academy of Literature , Ancient and Modern Saturnalia , Ancient Cookery, and Cooks , Anecdotes of Abstraction of Mind , Anecdotes of European Manners , Anecdotes of Prince Henry, the Son of James I, when a Child , Anecdotes of the Fairfax Family , Ben Johnson on Translation , Catholic and Protestant Dramas , Characteristics of Bayle , Charles the First's Love of the Fine Arts , Chidiock Titchbourne , Cicero Viewed as a Collector , Condemned Poets , Diaries - Moral, Historical, and Critical , Domestic History of Sir Edward Coke , Drinking-Customs in England , Elizabeth and her Parliament , Explanation of the Fac-Simile , Extemporal Comedies , Felton, the Political Assassin , Fire, and the Origin of Fireworks , Influence of a Name , Introducers of Exotic Flowers, Fruits, etc. , Introduction of Tea, Coffee, and Chocolate , Johnson's Hints for the Life of Pope , Licensers of the Press , Literary Anecdotes , Literary Composition , Literary Fashions , Literary Friendships , Massinger, Milton, and the Italian Theatre , Medicine and Morals , Modern Literature - Bayle's Critical Dictionary , Modes of Salutation, and Amicable Ceremonies, Observed in Various Nations , Names of Our Streets , Nobility , Of a History of Events which have not Happened , Of Anagrams and Echo Verses , Of Coke's Style, and his Conduct , Of False Political Reports , Of Suppressors and Dilapidators of Manuscripts , On the Custom of Kissing Hands , On the Hero of Hudibras, Butler Vindicated , On the Ridiculous Titles Assumed by Italian Academies , Origin of the Materials of Writing , Orthography of Proper Names , Parodies , Poetical Imitations and Similarities , Popes , Psalm-Singing , Quotation , Reliquiae Gethinianae , Richardson , Robinson Crusoe , Royal Promotions , Secret History of Authors who have Ruined their Booksellers , Secret History of Charles the First, and his Queen Henrietta , Secret History of Edward Vere, Earl of Oxford , Shenstone's School-Mistress , Solitude , Songs of Trades, or Songs for the People , The Bible Prohibited and Improved , The Comedy of a Madman , The Death of Charles IX , The Diary of a Master of the Ceremonies , The Early Drama , The History of the Caracci , The History of the Theatre during its Suppression , The Jews of York , The Loves of 'The Lady Arabella' , The Marriage of the Arts , The Minister - Duke of Buckingham, Lord Admiral, Lord General, etc. etc. etc. , The Minister - the Cardinal Duke of Richelieu , The Origin of Dante's Inferno , The Pantomimical Characters , The Sovereignty of the Seas , Tom o' Bedlams , Usurers of the Seventeenth Century