Curiosities of Literature, Vol. 2

by Isaac D'ISRAELI (1766 - 1848)

An English Academy of Literature

Curiosities of Literature, Vol. 2

This is the second volume of the collected Curiosities of Literature by Isaac D'Israeli. As in volume one, D'Isreali again takes us on a tour around literature, with a dash of history and politics here and there. The subjects are so varied that all listeners can count on learning something new. - Summary by Carolin

Listen next episodes of Curiosities of Literature, Vol. 2:
Anecdotes of the Fairfax Family , Ben Johnson on Translation , Domestic History of Sir Edward Coke , Medicine and Morals , Of a History of Events which have not Happened , Of Coke's Style, and his Conduct , Of False Political Reports , Of Suppressors and Dilapidators of Manuscripts , On the Hero of Hudibras, Butler Vindicated , On the Ridiculous Titles Assumed by Italian Academies , Parodies , Psalm-Singing , Quotation , Secret History of Authors who have Ruined their Booksellers , Shenstone's School-Mistress , The Loves of 'The Lady Arabella' , The Origin of Dante's Inferno