Search results for: accessibility

Showing 20 results (41 - 60) of 14935 total

Access: What is Access?

Podcast | Christian Girls P.O.P. | 14:39

Published: Aug. 3, 2021, 3:44 p.m.

Category: religion

b'As we start a brand new topic for the month of August, listen in this week to hear how access to God allows intimacy with God! \\xa0 Be sure to check out our website at\\n\\n--- \\n\\nSupport this podcast:'

Home: Accessing Your Access

Podcast | Vineyard Campbellsville Podcast | 46:20

Published: Nov. 3, 2013, 10 a.m.

Category: Government

b"Home: Finding Your Place in the Father's House series continues. This week Brian Ingles shares about accessing your access."

Accessibility in Parks

Podcast | Park Leaders Show | 24:20

Published: May 7, 2019, 8 a.m.

Category: Education

b'In this edition of the Park Leaders Show, Topher Downham. Outreach Coordinator at City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks, discusses his background and work with parks. After a college swimming pool accident left him paralyzed, Downham notes how navigating trails in a wheelchair inspired him to pursue a career in parks. Forced to learn trails as a quadriplegic, Downham now uses his outdoor expertise to lead hand cycle ride nature hikes for people with disabilities. With decades of experience consulting parks to better their disability accessibility, Downham recently channeled his knowledge into a trail guidebook, The Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks Accessible Trails and Sites. The guide, specifically aimed for the disabled, takes the reader on a tour through 30 trails in Boulder with pointers for handling hard spots and accommodations. The handbook also includes special features ranging from how to find the best shady spots to helping those with memory loss re-engage with nature.'

Wheelchair access

Podcast | Wheelchair Access Awareness | 1:03

Published: July 26, 2020, 4:16 p.m.

Category: Government


Access to the Father

Podcast | WGOD Radio: All Truth, All the Time. | 14:00

Published: May 20, 2010, 2:24 p.m.

Category: religion

b'\\nJohn 10:9 "I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and go out, and will find pasture."\\n\\nLuke 13:24 "Strive to enter through the narrow gate, because many, I say to you, will seek to enter and will not be able." '

Access to Politics

Podcast |, Scotland's social services podcast | 21:00

Published: Sept. 28, 2018, 11 p.m.

Category: Science

Michael McEwan speaks to Ethan Young, Civic Participation Officer at Inclusion Scotland about Access to Politics, a project which aims to support disabled people into politics. Transcript of episode Music Credit: Make your dream a reality by Scott Holmes

The Inevitable- Accessing

Podcast | Clonmel Digital | 6:38

Published: March 6, 2018, 9:36 p.m.

Category: Design

b"I talk about the chapter accessing from Kevin Kelly's Book The Inevitable. By Martin Whelan"

Access to All

Podcast | Awake Church Podcast | 42:43

Published: Dec. 30, 2018, 5 p.m.

Category: religion

Just as you have a key to enter and enjoy your own home, Jesus has given you the keys to accessing and living in the Kingdom that He has provided. As a child of God, we have been granted permission and access to everything pertaining to life. In this message, Matt share how to access and live in the joy, peace and love that we have been given.

Complete Access

Podcast | Daily Devotions | 4:12

Published: June 22, 2019, midnight

June 22, 2019 Daily Devotion from Lutheran Hour Ministries

Access Denied

Podcast | Meet The Brave | 1:07:12

Published: April 22, 2019, 11 a.m.

Category: Arts

b'Mani submits his application for the Beyhive...only to be denied!'

China Access

Podcast | Thinking aloud with BNP Paribas - Securities Services | 10:34

Published: Nov. 25, 2019, 2:59 p.m.

Category: Business

b'The launch of the London-Shanghai Stock Connect marked an important milestone in the opening up of China\\u2019s capital markets. Whilst this initiative hit the headlines, there are of course a multitude of other schemes that allow international investors to access China. In this episode Gary O\\u2019Brien returns to discuss the options and what he expects to see in the future.'

Access empowerment

Podcast | MINDFULL-POS-DNA | 14:49

Published: July 22, 2020, 6:33 p.m.

Category: Health

b'Acesso de consci\\xeancia com perguntas e afirma\\xe7\\xf5es de empoderamento'

Access Granted

Podcast | Speak My Piece | 13:47

Published: Nov. 25, 2019, 3:56 p.m.

Category: Culture

b'Are you always available for everyone for everything thing? Let\\u2019s talk about it rite quick..'

Importance of Access

Podcast | Simply Put | 30:57

Published: July 16, 2020, 2:30 a.m.

Category: Culture

b'What defunding the police and investing in the community looks like.'

Luke | Access

Podcast | Spark Cast

Published: Sept. 13, 2020, 7 a.m.

Category: religion

As Jesus’ ministry begins to draw big crowds, it begins to draw big crowds of critics, too. In one encounter, Jesus “saves” a man who can’t walk. But what exactly did he save the man from? And why were the religious experts in the audience so upset? In this text, Luke invites us to think bigger about who Jesus is, what salvation means, and what access looks like for people of all abilities and disabilities.

New Access

Podcast | GBC Pryor Sunday Mornings | 40:52

Published: Oct. 2, 2022, 3:32 p.m.

Category: religion

b'You have seen signs that say, "No Admittance," or "Special Pass Required." Getting a backstage access pass is a highlight for many. But others would like access to a king, queen, or president. Above all in every category is the God of heaven who has made access available to his people. Prayer has always been around but Jesus introduced new access. Sunday at GBC we will look into our New Access.'

All Access

Podcast | Valorous Church | 1:09:32

Published: July 9, 2017, 4 a.m.

Category: religion

b'Pastor Clay NeSmith'

Remote Access

Podcast | Residential Spread | 24:57

Published: Dec. 6, 2021, 5 p.m.

Category: News

b'This week, Aimi Hamraie joins us to discuss the Critical Design Lab. The lab has developed strategies for accessible teaching during the pandemic, hosted a series of remote-access nightlife parties, and is currently working on the Remote Access Archive, which seeks to track and document "the ways disabled people have used remote access before and during the COVID-19 pandemic."\\n\\nTranscript:\\n\\n--- \\n\\nSend in a voice message:'

The Accessible Savior

Podcast | Good News Baptist Church Podcast | 30:14

Published: Sept. 22, 2015, 3:35 p.m.

Category: religion

When Christ was born in Bethlehem, God was manifest in the flesh. When Christ was born in Bethlehem, He was made accessible to men. In Luke's account of the birth of Christ, he focuses on the humility of that birth, and the humility of Christ reflects His accessibility.

Access Granted

Podcast | Harvest Life Podcast | 42:38

Published: Jan. 26, 2020, 10 a.m.

Category: religion

b'In this message Pastor Rob, starts off the new series "Better Together". A series focused on tapping into the power of we over me.'