The Trivium and NonViolent Communication with Darrell Becker

Published: Aug. 30, 2013, 6:54 p.m.




Darrell Becker from Tragedy and Hope joined Steve Patterson and me to discuss merging the Trivium with Non-Violent Communication. \\xa0This was a fun and fascinating journey into melding two seemingly very different things, a strategy for learning and a strategy for connecting with yourself and others, and finding that the sum of the parts creates something greater.




Darrell is the first person I\\u2019ve interviewed where he was the one to initiate contact. \\xa0He\\u2019s been a long time listener, and it was a new and pleasurable experience to have a fan of the show on as a guest.\\xa0




Find more from Darrell below:




Darrell\\u2019s blog: \\xa0




Darrell on Tragedy and Hope, Merging the Trivium with NVC:\\xa0








Darrell on Unplugged Mom:\\xa0












Below you\\u2019ll find more information on the topics we discussed:




Previous podcasts on the Trivium:













Non-Violent Communication: \\xa0








Parent Effectiveness Training: \\xa0




Previous podcasts on Parent Effectiveness Training:\\xa0








Pete Gerlach\\u2019s site on Inner Family Systems Therapy: \\xa0




Previous podcasts with Pete Gerlach:














42 Fallacies:\\xa0




Rhetorical Triangle:\\xa0




The Continuum Concept: In Search Of Happiness Lost by Jean Liedloff: \\xa0












Choice Conversations is now on Facebook. \\xa0Stop in, say hi, discuss the shows, and more! \\xa0If you like Choice Conversations then "like" me on facebook and share the page with your friends: \\xa0








Bumper music: \\xa0
