I need you to Uber Eats that ass over here

Published: Oct. 19, 2020, midnight

b'**This podcast is a satirical podcast. This podcast does not represent the views of the hosts on the show. This podcast is strictly for entertainment value and not contingent with any beliefs or values held by the hosts of the show. With this in mind, please laugh and enjoy. ** \\n\\nJoin the best friends this week on a special SEASON 3 FINALE episode! \\nThis week the pair answer their first submission from a listener who got heckled at a comedy club in front of their girlfriend and 3 days later got broken up with. Is it a coincidence? \\n\\nTheir second submission is from a listener who lives with their grandmother who loves going through the Amazon packages. Guess what granny found in the mail. Our listener is daring getting them home delivered. \\n\\n\\nWant to be part of the show? Write in anonymously at YNBFpodcast@yahoo.com \\nOr leave us an anonymous voice message and be heard on the show 7074610706'